


What is the custom when it comes to wine ordered at dinner? My DH doesn't drink so I usually order a bottle and have it 2 evenings. I used to ask around the table if anyone would care for some but it seemed like I always got stuck paying the tab.

Is the atmosphere on Celebrity different? I guess I could offer to share and if it wasn't reciprocated I could make sure to order my own bottle. Last time I shared my waiter just assumed we would be sharing the entire week and he poured my wine to them even after our tablemates didn't reciprocate. I had a talk with him after they all left and the matter was corrected and the next evening the bottle was on them.

Any other suggestions?


We like wine and get some and share first night, asking first if people would like it. Wine guy does the rest. If not reciprocated we do not offer again. Just make sure the wine guy is working for you. Last cruise we were able to take some local wine with us and it was shared. One night we shared two bottles of different Chardonnay with another couple to see which we liked the best. Enjoy yourself and the wine. Do what is in your comfort zone.


We don't typically share wine with others at the table that are not in our party. If someone offered us, we would decline. I don't buy cocktails for the table, and I don't see why I would buy wine for the table. It is not expected, and you should not feel badly about not sharing.

However, if you do just like to share, or you do buy drinks for the table... go for it! Like most things, some will appreciate it, and some won't. Some will reciprocate, and some won't.



There are no hard and fast rules for wine sharing on a cruise,just like on land. However, the main difference is that the waiter will keep your unfinished bottle for as many nights as necessary. Occasionally, we have offered to share our bottle if we notice that some tablemates are enjoying wine, but this is a personal choice.

Please let me know if you have any other wine/food questions, as I will be serving as a guest lecturer next January on Celebrity Milennium.