Worn Furniture on Century?



Hi. I am going on the century in a few monthes and i wanted to know what you guys meant that her furniture in many areas was worn. DO you have any pictures of it so that i know what to expect? Thanks!


I don't have any pictures. But I will tell you that the Century is in need of dry dock bad.We were on it in April and we had been on it the previous May, and it had really slipped in that 11 month period. The furniture in the common area's was really worn and kind of dirty looking. The furniture in the theatre was really rough. It had to be repaired several times while we were in there. The back's would come loose, the lighting strip's along the floor was broken or loose.The furniture in the main dinnig room was rough, the cushion's on the chair's stained, the table we had wobbeled, we had to put sugar pack's under 2 leg's to level it out.It just is in really bad need of a make over.We were disapointed in the condition of the ship, being a premium line I would expect it to be in better condition than say a Carnival, but that was not the case. We have been on Celebrity many times and this was a disapointment. Viet


We were so disappointed in the condition of the Century late last year, downright shabby. Our cabin carpet had huge stains, upholstery stained and worn, bathroom fixtures needed replaced. Some common areas like the buffet and lounges had worn stained upholstery. Carpets not in good condition. It was a very depressing week and I will never sail this line again.


I agree that the ship is getting very rough. We were on the Horizon about 4 years ago and it was downright FILTHY. The common ares on that were to the point of being disgusting.The toilets in our cabin and several other's overflowed in the middle of the night about the 3rd or 4th night out. They came in and cleaned up the cabin's but we had that smell the rest of the cruise. The cabin steward told us that this happened on a regular basis.When we got back we complained to our t/a and he got us a 100.00 dollar credit to use on another Celebrity ship.We then tried the Century and were very happy with that ship until this last cruise. I can't say the ship was all that dirty, but very ,very worn in most areas.I will say though that the service has alway's been excellent.If they are to remain a PREMIUM CRUISE LINE THEY NEED TO LOOK LIKE ONE.The prices are going up again August 1st. and they are so high now that we are not going back unless they make some changes in price as well as sprucing thing's up.JMHO.Viet


I must admit that by reading some of these replies I find it amazing that Celebrity remains at the TOP OF THE BUNCH when it comes to premium cruise lines. Could it be perhaps that some people focus more on if the furniture is a bit dirty than the absolutely first rate service? Personally I would rather deal with a dirty or worn spot here and there versus a bunch of drunks yelling & screaming all night long. Every ship is exactly what you make of it. If worn &/or dirty furniture is something you need to "get ready for" then perhaps you are going into this whole thing with the wrong attitude. We have been on all of Celebrity's ships & love each & every one of them. The Century may be a bit old, but put me on it any day of the week & I will be happy. We had a Sky Suite on her & it (& everything else) was fantastic. Some people would find something wrong with everything. I say instead of looking for something bad in everything, look for something good. It just makes things much better!


I don't know how long it has been since you were on the Century but if this meet's your standard's more power to you.I have alway's been told to look around because what you can't see is probably 10 time's worse than what you can see.But I also realize that people live differently at home also, we like thing's to be neat and clean and I know that some other people just don't care.It is evident in some part's of our community, some people live like pig's while other's do not. Like they say different stroke's for different folk's.If this is what make's you happy, good for you.Viet


You know Viet, you seem to always have some comment on just about EVERYTHING someone says. Just so you will know, my "living conditions" at home I would dare say FAR outweigh yours. Lets not get into that. I know what makes a good cruise & I also know someone who CONSTANTLY complains as yourself. I watch your posts & one thing is consistent, never happy. I see your type everywhere I go & honestly, I feel sorry for you. Nothing is ever good enough for you. Its people like you who THINK they are something that really aren't. Perhaps the fact that I choose to cruise in Sky Suites (vs. the cheap seats) is the reason I do not notice all the horrible things you seem to on every cruise you go on. Why don't you just quit your griping & complaining & enjoy life? Perhaps you are just too old & bitter for that. Good riddens.


Viet's comments about the conditon of the Century are totally accurate, I saw it for myself. I see no reason to have to book the concierge class to get a decent stateroom. Our regular standard cabin ( window view ) had carpet stains covering most of the exposed carpet. Furniture and bedspreads stained, the bathroom was disgusting. I agree with Viet, if you like this ship more power to you but there are much nicer vessels on which to sail and I hope people reading these boards take heed. The general threads I've read on Celebrity have a common thread, many people are not happy with the maintenance and the Century is a prime example


You also make some very good point's.As I said earlier if someone is happy with the condition of the ship more power to them.I am not ,and as you said there are many post's out there on this board and others that seem to agree with us.What would be your next choice in a Premium cruise line? Have you tried NCL, and if so do you like the freestyle? Viet


Though i have not sailed celebrity i am thinking about it, i must say something here, In order for a cruiseline to be premiuim, shouldnt they be that in every aspect ?? I mean someone said would you rather have worn furniture or premium service.... Well honestly for a preimuim cruiseline Id expect both , how can you deliver outstaning service and not keep the ship itself in shape ?? Just my two cents, i dont know what ship im going to sail on but im looking for a bermuda cruise for next summer, and after reading some reviews, i may just stay on her sister line RCCL


We've never sailed premium lines, my brother sails Silver seas and raves about it. He pays a fortune for it., much more than we would ever pay . My aunt sails Radisson which is premium . We like HAL and Princess, no complaints about either line. Princess has anytime dining which is great. RCCL was Ok and lots of fun. Celebrity is way way overrated. We were very disappointed, we like variety. and that is why we tried it. They had nice service but not much better than HAL. We were flabbergasted at the condition of the furniture and carpets and how cheap the back deck furniture was. I don't think Norwegian is upscale but have no personal experience. I hear Disney is good but lots of their trips are 4 and 5 days, too short for us to bother with. We travel quite a bit, land and cruise trips, generally we are not difficult customers. .


PS, to Viet I'm laughing out loud reading your comments about the broken table and chairs in the buffet area. Deja vu, we had to keep trying out seats, moving around trying to find clean upholstery and tables that were not broken. Then we tried sitting outside the buffet on the back deck, I forget the name of the area. It was laughablly junky, very old wobbly dirty round glass and metal tables. .


Thanks for the input. Celebrity and HAL are both supposed to be premium lines also.Like someone said in an earlier post a premium line should be premium in all aspects ,not just a few area's. it seem's you are happy with HAL, I will give them a try in theb near future. I am very interested in the Norwegian Jewel which will be sailing in August sometime.WE have never tried a ship that has freestyle dinning, don't know if we will like it or not, but it's worth a try.Thank's again. Viet