Would you cruise if only ports were private islands?


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
Would you cruise if only ports were private islands or just a cruise to nowhere? I have noticed itinerates often have two or more private islands or company owned destinations (i.e. Amber Cove). Being a frequent cruiser, this is fine with me. How do you feel about this?


3rd Officer
Would you cruise if only ports were private islands or just a cruise to nowhere? I have noticed itinerates often have two or more private islands or company owned destinations (i.e. Amber Cove). Being a frequent cruiser, this is fine with me. How do you feel about this?
The only time I've been to a private island was in Rangiroa (through Kia Ora). I like going to new places and experiencing new situations. I think I would be bored going back to the same private island again and again.


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
We cruise for the cruise not necessarily the destination so probably would not be an issue with us

George C

Staff Captain
I really like private islands , would have no problem if they were the only stops , Ladabee is great , love suite beach area and MSc has even a nicer suite area on there private beach.