4 Simple Packing Methods To Free Up Suitcase Space

 It’s no secret we cruisers struggle with finding enough space for our all of our clothes, electronics, and other cruising essentials. While many have given in and bought additional, larger suitcases, there are a few simple ways to easily free up valuable space within your suitcase.

Storing Within “Storing Within” is most likely the easiest way to free up space. Simply pack any light clothing items, such as socks, underwear, gloves, or small hats into other items already in your suitcase, such as shoes or even water bottles. Moving these smaller items into other items will free up plenty of space for larger, bulkier items.

Roll Em’ UpAfter a number of studies focused on finding the optimal packing method, travel experts agree rolling your clothes, rather than folding, saves much more space in your suitcase. Rolled clothes take up much less space in your suitcase than a large pile of folded clothing. Roll up and carry on.

Satellite Luggage Many travelers tend to pack their most valuable and more important clothing items in their primary suitcase. An easy way to free up space in your primary suitcase is to move smaller, less important clothing into your satellite luggage, such as a computer bag, briefcase, or camera bag. Moving items such as socks into other luggage will help free up space for your other larger or more important items, such as your big floppy sunhat.

Traveling Companion The “Traveling Companion” method is very simple and helpful in freeing up more room in your suitcase. If you’re traveling with a friend, a family member, or any other traveling companion, ask them if they have any extra room in their suitcase they won’t be using and move a few items into their suitcase. While this method seems extremely obvious, many people may not think that their traveling companion might just have a little bit of extra space for some of your items.

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