Cruise Planners – CDC: Why not let the cruise industry sail

Cruise Planners recently saw their strongest booking weeks since the pandemic began and in support of their travel industry partners – ASTA, CLIA and others, they are now publicly questioning why the CDC continues to block them and others from cruising from domestic ports.

“Consumer demand is high to travel and with cruising, because of the limited supply, it is going to create a huge demand,” said Vicky Garcia, COO and co-owner of Cruise Planners, an American Express Travel representative.

Getting Around the Conditional Sail Order

Cruise Planners feels many vaccinated Americans are ready to cruise, but the CDC continues to hamstring the American cruise industry forcing the cruise lines to circumvent the Conditional Sail Order. As much as we must remain cautious, the world has learned so much during the past year, and many mature Americans are already vaccinated and have a strong desire to cruise again from U.S. ports.

“The cruise industry has been singled out unfairly – hotels, restaurants, casinos and other hospitality venues have been allowed to operate, but the cruise lines have not been allowed to. Why not?” asks Garcia.

“We are thrilled they have found a creative solution which will help both cruise lines and thousands of travel advisors be able to stay in business but avoiding domestic ports of call has a profound economic impact on U.S.-based companies that depend on the cruise industry for their livelihoods, and it creates confusion for U.S. travelers.”

Your voice is IMPORTANT and NEEDED!

If you are ready to see cruising treated like other sectors of travel and tourism and on track to resume in the U.S. by July 2021, please take a moment to call, email, and/or Tweet your Senators and U.S. Representatives to let them know!

Visit the CLIA Action Center and voice your opinion to your elected officials in the USA and have your voice heard in this matter.

Get started today by visiting CLIA Action Center by Clicking Here.

John Shallo
John Shallo
John Shallo is the founder and editor of Cruise Addicts. Since 1999 it has been a leading destination for cruise travelers and self professed Cruise Addicts looking for the latest news, ship reviews and travel tips.

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