New Beverage Cards

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
$50.00 Beverage Card cost $45.00

$50.00 Non-Alcoholic Beverage Card cost $45.00
(for coffees and teas at the Explorations Cafe)

$100.00 Beverage Card cost $90.00

$50.00 Soda Card cost $25.00
(sodas only)

The new Beverage Cards are great -- even the staff love them. We ended up buying 5 of the $100 cards for 14 days. You can use them for any drink -- non-alcoholic or alcoholic. Price doesn't make any difference. Also can use them for glasses of wine. We were also able to buy a couple of bottles of wine with them on the Ryndam.

Grey Goose costs $6.95 each. The price of the drink as well as the 15% were subtracted off the card.

If you do not use an entire card by the end of the cruise -- WARNING -- they can not be carried over to another cruise. Any unused portion will be credited back to your account by a certain time on the last evening of the cruise -- I think it is 11 PM or Midnight. BUT -- you do not get back all the unused portion. For example -- if you buy the $100 card for $90 and use only $77 -- you will not get back $23 -- just $13!! So HAL makes out when you don't completely use a card and you lose out.

Any wine cards or soda cards or coffee cards that you have left over from a previous cruise will not be honored.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
One other thing I forgot.

On the Ryndam -- Happy Hour was from 4 - 5 PM in the Crow's Nest and the Ocean Bar.

And you can not use the Beverage cards at that time.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Depending on the price of your drink -- those cards can be used up very quickly.

red stripe

Staff Captain
We were sad to see this happen.:doubledown:

On the last HAL cruise they had introduced a wine (only) card. you could purchase it for 10 or 20 wine drinks. Honey and I purchased one each. They offered you a choice of 4 white and 4 red wines. The actual cost to us for a glass of wine came to under $4. Now that was a good bargain.

It was on their site still only a few weeks ago, and now I am kicking myself for not ordering it then

You are right Yonnie, depending on the drink you order.. these can add up in a hurry.

I really do not find these to be that good a bargain.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We were sad to see this happen.:doubledown:

On the last HAL cruise they had introduced a wine (only) card. you could purchase it for 10 or 20 wine drinks. Honey and I purchased one each. They offered you a choice of 4 white and 4 red wines. The actual cost to us for a glass of wine came to under $4. Now that was a good bargain.

It was on their site still only a few weeks ago, and now I am kicking myself for not ordering it then

You are right Yonnie, depending on the drink you order.. these can add up in a hurry.

I really do not find these to be that good a bargain.

We used to buy the wine cards until HAL changed the house bands. On the ships that we sailed on the wine cards could only be used for the house wines -- not much choice.

Since we bought 5 cards -- we saved $50.

Some people bought the wine cards before HAL removed them from the site and some ships have honored them while other ships are now giving you shipboard credit for them.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Our most recent cruises on the Westerdam in 2008 and 2009 -- repositioning cruises with Alaska tacked onto the 2008 cruise.

She is a lovely ship.

Hope you enjoy her.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
we will be on the Noordam in 7 days.. it will be interesting to see what new changes there are.

We loved the Noordam and hope to sail on her again. She is a lovely ship.

For one thing -- the Explorations Cafe is not in the Crow's Nest. The Crow's Nest is not shared with anything!!

red stripe

Staff Captain
Whoa! It appears that you're begining to become a HAL fan(atic) there Red! Welkom aan Boord. :doubleup:

Calgon... ROTFLMAO
the first real amount of cruises on a single cruise-line was with HAL.. in the very early days there was P&O .. Cunard..and a lot of off brands that have bit the dust.
I sailed Hal almost exclusively from some time in the late 60's until 1998.. the day of infamy..... when my mum said she would never step foot on HAL again.. and she did not.

So think of these last few cruises as a " try try try again" type of thing.

I have the "gongs" although with the luggage constraints these days I do not pack them:biggrin:
One interesting thing about them.. Einstein got his first "gong" some time ago, and they are thinner and lighter than the old ones.
But still BIG!:doubledown:

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