A Blast from the Past...



A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

I've been thinking the last couple days, about how I came to know the Cruise-Addicts Board...

It was 1999, and the internet was fairly new. I was searching around and found the old cruise2 board. After reading for a while, I was asked to come over to Cruise-Addicts.

I was new to all of this, but the folks seemed real friendly. Finally, I got the courage to post.

We had just returned from a cruise, and I wrote something like this...

My husband and I just got back from a cruise. We had a little excitement while were were in Miami. We were going from the airport to the cruise port in a cab. I was in such a hurry to get on that ship, that when I grabbed my purse....my wallet fell out!!! We go to get signed in and I have no license, no credit cards, nothing!!! It was truly panic time for us...

And then, I didn't want to bore everyone, so I left the story at that...

The next day, I went back to the board, and several posters (Einstein, Herb, and Divetex) said they wanted to hear the "rest of the story"

They made me feel welcome here, and I've been here ever since!

Anyone else remember their first post?? Who was around the boards when you made that first post? What attracted you to Cruise-Addicts?


Yikes!!! You see, I'm still learning...I posted this on the Aft Forum, and it got moved. Got to love those moderators :)

Sorry about that...


I found @ddicts the same as you Reggae through the old cruise2 board but LOL for the life of me I can't remember the post. I think my first post was late Feb or early March of 2000 before our family Celebration Cruise. That was what started mine and Donna dsw's close ties as she was going on the Celebration 4 weeks before us with her parents and sister, must like me. I also remember lots of the old posters who were the "regulars" on the board. Back then Lori had more time to post but I think we keep her too busy at work now, which I guess is a good thing for her and Barry ;)


I can't remember who brought me here. Maybe Denise? Someone from Cruise2. I don't remember my first post. I do remember Al helped me plan out my Hawaii 2000 cruise. I booked it 14 months out. I met Dawn and Lee on this board and even though they don't post anymore, we still e-mail and send xmas cards. I remember when smiles were introduced. I signed my name like this.

Maureen :ufo


Back in Sept '01 shortly after my first and only cruise I kept getting blasted by the posters and moderators of 'the other board' for writing off topic posts on their fashion board. I kept starting a good morning thread like you guys did here and it kept being removed cuz no one wanted to hear about the frisky squirrels in my back yard. LOL Eventually several of us jumped ship enmasse and we ended up here where we were all welcomed onboard. Hi BostonsJ. Some of my other cyberbuddies here on this board are ones that I met there on the Holland America board. Hi JIM, Hi Sail7Seas!!

Hugs, Mariposa

Gayle V

Oh I remember my first post here quite well. I had been posting on the Cruise2 board also, and the place was kind of crazy with lots of arguing and flaming going on. Well John had been a regular there too and mentioned he was starting a new cruise page of his own, and invited everyone to come take a look. So I did.

It must have been the very first day, or the second for CruiseAddicts, as there was a grand total of only seven or eight posts on the whole page. It was set up in a simple outline format that resembled Cruise2 a lot. I remember commenting that it looked a lot like home, and that I'd be sure to visit occasionally. Actually ended up never going back to Cruise 2. This became home. A much more peaceful home, for sure.


I found CA after I booked our first cruise for Sept. 2001. Can't remember what fist post abt . Can remember my first contact with E in chat room I had found a picture and he reminded me so much of my Uncle Earnest-well more like cousin Danny really after I met him. Everyone in chat made me feel so welcome and . I learned a lot reading all the various post-like how badly the first travel agent had taken me for a ride on price-need I tell you never went back there. Still learning so much from posts. After that first cruise could not wait to get back on a ship and did not miss many days on the board.

Donna - dsw

I am another one that come over from cruise2. It was August 1999 and I was looking for information on Carnival Celebration for my family cruise.

Val (Red) told me about this board and invited me over. Been here ever since.

As Denise said - she and I started emailing and calling right away as we found out we have so much in common. With kids, grandkids, etc. Been a great friendship ever sine.

Then we had our first mini meet in Toledo and meet Maureen - we still email and call each other. Just got off the phone with her!

Found many friends here - the kind that last!


I was looking for info on cruises, as we had just booked our first cruise, a 4-dayer on the Monarch. I had a million questions, and didn't know how I could find out the info I needed to know. I was googling cruise-related topics, and this site came up. I came here and never left! I must have joined the C@ family early 2004.


I remember that in the "old days" there was no such thing as registering for a website so that caused ALOT of trouble on the cruise2 boards. It got out of hand due to the trolling going on; seems that all the posts were getting hijacked so to speak; and since there was no registering at that time it was really hard to handle. I got sick and tired of reading hijacked posts so I did a search of cruise related sites and I ended up at the CRUISE@DDICTS site.

There were no threads or posts on cruise@ddicts except a note from a gentleman named John who stated that he just started a site for those interested in cruising and were looking to find & share cruise information.

I figured, what the hey, someone's gotta be first and I might as well wish him well in his endeavor so I posted the first post --> John, I wish you the best of luck with your new site. I hope many people who are interested in cruising will find your site and I hope your site grows in the future.

John replied with a thank you; and I went back to cruise2 and alerted a few regulars I had gotten to know about the new site

........ and the rest is history. ;)


I was a lurker on the Cruise2 board. I was too shy to post. I really cannot remember if I ever did post there or not. I followed a posting on there to C@s, eventually felt comfortable enough in late fall of 1999 to post. I don't remember exactly what my first post was in detail, but it was something about that we had booked the Millennium for July, 2000(which turned out to be the innaugural when it was delayed 1 week) and would be glad to answer any questions after returning. Everyone was buzzing about the first C@ group cuise, The RSMC in the Millie and clamoring for details.

Though I didn't sail with them, I did attend the RSMC Pre-Sail party at the Amerisuites in FLL....making many lasting friendship.


I started lurking in autumn of 2001. I badly needed a cruise and finally had my own laptop. I was planning cruise no.3 and learned so much about cruising from C@. I don't think I posted until five months later! It's alway fun sharing cruise experiences with you all! =friends


I remember the old cruise2 board and I was a frequent visitor there which lead me to here. I lurked for a long time and remember the get together (flamingo) and the "who's red stripe?" posts which I followed. I finally got my courage up to post and I liked that there was no flaming here ever, even when I asked stupid questions which I do alot!

Since then I have met many @ddicts and they are the nicest people. I come here first in the morning to check in on everyone and last thing at night or when I can't sleep.



I made my first post in March of 2004. Just before I went on the EOS. When I got back, I came here to talk about the cruise. Liked the board and the people, good place to talk and learn about cruising in case I ever get to go again. In the meantime, I enjoy other's experiences, and the fun on the board.


Re: A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

Right after our first (honeymoon) cruise in August 2000... I was surfing the net and came across CA... Was hooked for quite some time.. Then some family issues came about .. and for a couple years i have been absent... But this is the Friendliest Cruise Board ever!!!!!!!!!


Re: A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

I honestly don't remember when I joined - it wasn't right at the beginning, but it was fairly early on.

I had been searching for a replacement to the Prodicy Classic Afloat Board after its demise (thanks to Prodigy, not the Board itself). I posted in several different places for awhile, none of which were satisfactory to me.

Then Judi and bOB suggested I come here...and here I've stayed. :thumb


Re: A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

I dont remember my first post. But, I found C@ around this time in 2001. I was leary on posting, as we all know how scary the internet can be. I went on my cruise that Novemeber and have been active ever since. Finding the Bimbo gif was the 100,000 post.

On a few occasions(when the board hiccuped) the Capt tried to get rid of me, by deleting my account. Being that I am not really blonde I did find a back door. :grin Sorry Capt., you are stuck with me.


Re: A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

Followed herb's lead with ALL the trouble at Cruise2 and I believe the rest IS history. :grin



Re: A Blast from the Past... How you came to Cruise Addicts

Count me as one of the old Cruise2 board people. I posted there for awhile as "ClassicsMom", then I came over here to lurk around February, 2000. I started posting under "ClassicsMom" and eventually changed my log-in name to "Lady Jag". Now, since so many people know me by my first name, I'm going by just plain old "Bobbie". :grin