
Well said OBFam....
Welcome to all!!

Norman..Glad to see skippy is we can get the party started.

storm'n norman


I am currently looking at organizing a group cruise on board the GLORY! Will be known as the "MORNING GLORY FUNHOUSE CREWZ" (or something like that)! Each participant will receive a "FUNHOUSE SURVIVOR KIT"!!!

More about that later.............

In the meantime, Skippy and I are enjoying our welcome to the CA Board (I know you will notice that many of my posts are repeats from the "other" board)!!! That is another reason I am sharing myself around as there are different reasons and ideas to post on different boards (like Jo said)...........but I have had a few problems that I am encountering with the managers of CC relating to promoting my cruises..........!!!

Enough of that.............

Again great to see "old" and "new" faces around here...........

storm'n norman


Still planning.............Will let you know more as soon as same is to "HAND"!!!!! Looking at dates etc.


Hey Norm,

Maybe you can get Cruise-addicts to sponsor it! Our host John might be loaded!


Well Norman, September 20th looks like a great date to me :) It's to the eastern Caribbean which in my opinion is the better of the two itineraries. Good rates also. Of course we could always be blown off course by a hurricane during that time of the year but who cares because we will be cruising. Keep us up to date with what your plans are.


Welcome Storm'n good to see you here. Why don't you wait til the MIRACLE is launched I think it's supposed to be in Spring 2004. Someone I know is trying to get info for me (snicker!!)


PEANUTS..... WELCOME.... I am so GLAD you were able to find us ~~!!~~ :lol

As I told you before, this is a GREEEAT bunch of posters.. A lot from the other board are now posting here. You will recognize a LOT of the names( a few have a little differences).

John and his crew have a wonderful bunch of cruisers who love to have a good time{ might want to keep one eye on bOB :lol he says there are RULES---UGH}.... But we have all promised to be good little boys and girls. Although my first post was pulled-----WHAT A WAY TO START???????? All in fun :lol

I think you can go the Community Board and start your thread with OT and everything is OK{well almost}..... I've been practicing.. OT, OT, O T, OT, OT... It has worked so far{except for my FIRST post.... LOL}


Stormin'..... I thought that was one of the purposes of cruise boards... To promote Friendship and group cruises... I know I have met many, many good friends thru the internet cruise boards before the cruise.

EVERYONE has said you are the GREATEST to cruise with, what with Skippy and your always present "Fun House Gang"

I can just see Skippy with his Cruise@ddicts flag waving proudly on the Lido Deck..... What a sight to behold.....

Paula has used all her vacation, but if I can get those darn CC paid down and a cruise roomie, I sure would be interested in one of your "Fun House Cruises"

<img src=><img src=>

Post Edited (04-26-03 16:47)


Well Norman Norman.......Fancy meeting you here.

Hope you enjoy this board also. I'm a bi-boardual, so I hop back and forth. I love both of them and there are some mighty fine people on CC & CA.

Now, why don't we all join hands and sing a round of kum by yah ?!?


Joebat1 LOL, I too have had post removed, I don't think it was because of me but responses to it. As I am sure yours was as well! :grin

Sara Lee

Hi Storming Norman

I am just wondering if you were one of the people who said you would never cruise with me .. I dont believe Im that bad of a person and just wanted to know
Are you friend or FOE?

I do appreiciate your vast knowledge of cruising and welcome you to this board that seems to be kind to all in its responses

Sara Lee

storm'n norman

Sara Lee...........

Unless you're a "she male"...........both Skippy and I will cruise with anyone, anytime (permitting) and anywhere.............

Life is too short.........So many little time!

So when are you cruising next? I am looking into all suggestions (including 20th September) and will let you all know soon! Need to chat with JOHN about a link to my new FUNHOUSE Web-site!

Great to see you Amy!

Spot ya later...........



You can count me in on the MORNING GLORY FUNHOUSE CREWZ. We could probably convince Joe to come too...

Sara Lee


Im not sure yet .. I am trying to convince my husband of a cruise pretty soon and IM trying to get up the courage to just book one and then let him know we are going but I dont know how he reacts to surprizes .. We are newly weds really 4 years . our second marriage ..

I would love to go try nassau again and after carnival gave us a discount on our next cruise and 100 shipboard credit its hard to refuse with the prices so low right now .. I dont know ,

I hear Australia is great and wanted to say thanks to your great country for being with us as friends over here in America and sticking with us .. Great job ..

Sara Lee


Hi all! I'm fairly new to this board to. I've been reading for several days, but I usually lurk more than I post (I know, I know, please forgive me!)

Normin, I'm familiar with you from the other board as well and my husband and I would love to join a group with you on a cruise. Any chance you'll take mercy on the teachers out there (which of course includes myself) who can only take vacations during the summer? Just something to think about! We would love to go if it worked out with our schedules.

In the mean time, I am enjoying reading everyone's posts!


Hey Norman.
Welcome aboard the CA board. I do most of my postings, not that there are that many, on the CC board. Here I'm more of a Sir Lurksalot, with an occasional post.
Never had a problem with any board and don't need to know anyone's problems.
I'm Tri-boardual, if its a cruise board, I'll try it.
Glad I found you and Joebat1 and others. Guess I'll increase my lurking.


Dan... I'm soooo glad you found us ~~!!~~
I always enjoyed reading your informative post. It was one of the things I was going to miss....

Come on, don't let us down by just lurking !! POST AWAY, these are the NICEST OF THE NICEST cruise folks..... Everyone has been sooo gracious!!

They call themselves a "family" and this is their "sandbox". John and his very able crew and ALL the members have made us :newbies feel very wanted with their warm welcome and good wishes.

Heck man, I even managed to have my first post "jerked" :lol Must be a record, or at least tied it ... LOL :lol :lol :lol I wasn't told till later to put OT, in my post.... LOL

I'm practicing EVERY chance I get. OT, OT, OT, OT, OT, OT, OT ~!!~~

Post Edited (04-27-03 16:54)