Caribbean Princes BA or BE



Thanks to all of you for your concern and help. I'm on the phone with the TA now. We'll see.......

We sail June 5.


Well..... not good news. The TA went through three Princess supervisors and they ain't budging. The cruise is full; no cabins whatsoever. I can't fault my TA; she tried. I can understand a full boat, but the one thing I can't understand is why don't they "upgrade" the people in my "old" cabin, give them my "new" cabin and let me move back? (Assuming they don't need adjoining cabins). Princess' answer: "We don't do that."

OK. You moved me!!!

Here is a lesson I would like to pass on: Don't rely 100 percent on telling your TA, "no upgrade" or "link the rooms". Watch that Cruise Personalizer. I had been checking it every few days, but skipped a couple of weeks and, whammo, I had been moved.

We will survive, but I'm not real happy with Princess right now.

Thanks for everybody's help.


Sorry lej56! I know you are not too happy right now and I wouldn't be either. Guess the next best thing to do is let go of the disappointment and prepare to enjoy all that the cruise has to offer in spite of this glitch. Worst case senario you or another adult will have to spend some evening hours in your son and daughter's (or your own) cabin with your daughter until your son is ready to come back to their cabin for the evening. Still lots of wonderfful hours in the day to enjoy your cruise. Please pop back in here when you come home and let us know how it all turned out. Until then <font color = blue>BON VOYAGE</font>

Cruise cutie

also a Bon Voyage from me too..=hugs..we =love Princess and in 10 years have never had one problem..sigh.but when there is one got a doozy!!.Good luck and please let us know how it went..Take care..:daisy..Joanne