Well..... not good news. The TA went through three Princess supervisors and they ain't budging. The cruise is full; no cabins whatsoever. I can't fault my TA; she tried. I can understand a full boat, but the one thing I can't understand is why don't they "upgrade" the people in my "old" cabin, give them my "new" cabin and let me move back? (Assuming they don't need adjoining cabins). Princess' answer: "We don't do that."
OK. You moved me!!!
Here is a lesson I would like to pass on: Don't rely 100 percent on telling your TA, "no upgrade" or "link the rooms". Watch that Cruise Personalizer. I had been checking it every few days, but skipped a couple of weeks and, whammo, I had been moved.
We will survive, but I'm not real happy with Princess right now.
Thanks for everybody's help.