Change in Liquor Policy?



There is a thread on the CC board that suggests that Carnival's liquor policy has recently been changed, at least on the Conquest and the Glory. It seems that one can now purchase booze in the on board duty free store and take it directly to one's cabin at any time during the cruise. Has anyone noticed this change, and is it fleetwide?


I haven't seen anything on the Carnival website that mentions this. I have been told that recently the security staff are being rewarded if they find and confiscate liquor in the checked baggage that gets x-rayed. Every bottle found may mean hundreds of dollars in revenue. At least the way I drink!


Lots of posts on this thread on the CC board, but no one with the final word from Carnival.
We were on the Pride less than a month ago and our booze purchase was delivered to the room on the last nite as usual.
Anybody know why the last nite delivery policy came into being in the first place?

If Carnival would let you take away your hootch purchases, even with some up charge, the still lower prices should cut way back on the smuggling. Why go thru the hassle of packing the alcohol in your checked bags, with all the breakage worries, when you could buy it on board for the same or less than home? Plus they would recover much of what they now loose to the smugglers. And I doubt that it would impact their bar sales very much.
I don't smuggle on booze but I do carry on Pepsi and my S&S still sees lots of bar charges. I won't go back to the room just for a soda so I buy plenty of Cokes on board, plus there are all those fru fru drinks.

Jen Moreno

We brought a 12 pack of Coors Light in our luggage. Then we bought a bucket of beer and just replaced the beer in the bucket as hubby drank it. The room steward kept it iced for us. On day 4 of a 7 day cruise we bought 3 bottles of flavored Rum and were allowed to bring it directly to our room. No problem! We didn't actually drink them because they were gifts but I guess we could have!

This was on the June 22nd Elation Cruise last month. (Mexican Riviera)


that sounds great hope you can bring a bottle to your room i like to drink harveys bristol creme and have it in my stateroom . i hope you are all right and that the new rule allows you to buy a bottle and bring it to your room


i would love it if this is true. we are booked on the victory on oct 26 03. we love to buy a bottle of harveys bristol creme and bring it to the room. we did this on the millenium on celebrity in 2001. They did not confiscate the bottle and we took it up to our room and celebrity style they put it on ice and wrapped it in a towel in a bucket how nice . by the way that was a beautiful ship. what is the victory like do you know ? I have never cruised on carnival cruise yet.

The Cruiser

Am I allowed to bring my own beverages onboard?
Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board. Fine wine or champagne may be brought on board during embarkation at the beginning of the cruise only. A $10 corkage fee per bottle will be charged should you wish to consume this wine in the dining room.

Guests may bring a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages. Excessive quantities, to be determined at the discretion of security and/or embarkation personnel, will be confiscated and retained by Carnival until the cruise is completed.

Guests may purchase a variety of beverages onboard the ship. Alcoholic beverages will not be sold or served to anyone under the age of 21. We reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcoholic beverages to anyone. Alcoholic beverages purchased in the ship's gift shop or in ports of call will be retained by Carnival until the end of the voyage.

Taken from Carnival FAQ section of there web site.


I called carnival and asked about the liquor policy. They told me that you may bring soda on board but anything else is a no-no . Wine has a cork fee. Hard liquor is off limits.



The subject is not about bringing liquor on board, it relates to on board purchases in the duty free liquor store. In the past, Carnival's policy was not to allow such purchases to be taken from the store until the last night of the cruise. Some posters are suggesting that one can now make a purchase and take it immediately to one's cabin. At least, they say, that that is the case on Conquest and Glory.


Just got back from the Carnival Celebration out of Galveston (7/19/03). Six of us took a bottle of liquor in our bags and all made it thru x-rays. Also had some soda in bags. Carried it around the ship in water bottles and added it to lemonade or soda and never had a problem.

Getting back on the ship in Cozumel, 3 guys got busted for carrying on "water" bottles, but they weren't very smart about it.

Bought 3 bottles of liquor on board, they were delivered to our room the last night.


You're buying the liquor on-board and in port duty-free. It is meant to be consumed when you get home.


Just a quick question. How were they not smart about bringing it back on board in the water bottles.


The guys with water bottles were acting like fools instead of putting them in their backpack to get scanned. I saw others make it through using that trick.


Oh ok I was wondering. That would do it. We were on the NCL Majesty last year and we saw people who did this and had no problem at all getting through. Thank You


dear cruzman, did we ever get the answer . Are we allowed to bring the bottle of harveys to our stateroom after purchasing it in the duty free on board shop . i do not need to pay a cork fee, because there is no cork. but is it ok, will they conficiate the bottle after my purchase or will they let us bring the bottle to the room i consider this a wine.


Sorry to say Sunnyday, we never got the answer! We got Carnival's "official" policy relative to bringing liquor on board, about which most are familiar, but my question was never addressed. Can you purchase liquor in the on board duty free store and take it immediately to your cabin or not?


Email Carnival and ask them. That is what I have been doing on several topicsw I can't find the answers for. They have been replying in about a day or so. GL!


I saw you had posted a review on another site and I was wondering about the liquor. We are going on the Celebration in October and wanted to take liquor also. We were just thinking about putting it in some shampoo bottles or something. Any suggestions?