Charles (Captain Weather)...


Forever Remembered
was hit by a car crossing the street this morning. :( He was unresponsive at the scene but is now in surgery for a broken leg. I'll post more (in Safe Harbor) as I learn more.


Staff Captain
How horrible! Did the driver stop? Hoping for a speedy recovery.



Staff Captain
Oh, what terrible news. Praying that everything is okay. Please keep us updated. :(


Forever Remembered
My thanks to the C@ Administration for specifically allowing this post on the Aft Deck.

My thanks also to all those who have replied both here and in Safe Harbor.
I've had no further news, but I'll post as soon as I have an update.

Thank you again.

Mary Ann


Forever Remembered
Not really an update - as of about an hour ago, "Mrs. Charles" said he was still in surgery or, possibly, in ICU. She was waiting for the police to call her back so she could learn more about what happened and where his personal belongings are. Charles' son and brother are with "Mrs. Charles".

Mary Ann


Forever Remembered
Charles is out of surgery and in ICU. He hasn't awakened yet. Once he does, it's critical that he be able to breathe on his own without tubes.

The accident happened around 6:30am local time near his home. Two bones below his knee are broken in his left leg. He aspirated into his lungs at the scene of the accident. It would appear they know who hit him (a retired person), but I don't know if the driver stopped or if it was a hit and run with witnesses identifying the driver.

While Charles is in ICU, he can't receive flowers or phone calls. I don't know the name of the hospital yet.

Mary Ann
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Staff Captain
Oh no! ! ! Sending prayers and good thoughts his way. Hope he gets all better REAL soon!


Forever Remembered
Charles' family and I thank you.

Here's the latest...

The doctor said they are going to keep Charles sedated for the next 24-48 hours. His leg was swollen so they didn’t go in to operate, they just put these metal bars on the outside for now. In 5-7 days when the swelling goes down they will have to go into the leg and put metal in (probably pins). So for now he is doing OK on the ventilator. His family won’t know much until tomorrow or Wednesday (depending on how long he stays sedated). No phone in his ICU room and can’t receive flowers there. Only "Mrs. Charles" and his son can call the nurse for updates (even his daughter can’t call).

It looks like it was an accident. It was foggy this morning in Bloomfield and an older man turned and hit Charles while he was crossing. He said he didn’t see him.

Mary Ann
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Staff Captain
Shipmaven - just now logging in and I find this terrible news. My thoughts and prayers go to Charles, and of course to his family, as well. I hope he has a restful night and look forward to hearing better news tomorrow, or the next day.


Forever Remembered
Tuesday morning's report:

From Charles' son - dad made it through the night with no complications. They took the breathing tube out and he is breathing on his own.

He is heavily medicated but stirred when he heard mom's voice - they asked if he knew where he was and he said No, they said you're in the hospital then he was out (the pain meds).

If he stays the same or improves over the next day or two they will move him to a regular room.

Mary Ann