I adore the fresh brewed coffee served in the Dining Rooms..we get it every night .. and it is Divine!!.. the Horizon Court stuff is "the syrup kind" .. not my favorite but what a whole flock of us were doing..:grin fill the cup 1/3rd with boiling water from the "tea tap' then adding the coffee, and then my cream and sugar.. and that was good.. we also purchased the "coffee card"..and that coffee was YUMMO!!
Hmm I think I =adore you Serene..:grin.. go figure.. all my Princess cruises.. and I did not know about the fresh brewed for a buck at the Atrium Bar...I never even drank coffee in my life till I was 33 years old.. and to be honest; at 47 years old.. NOW .. I am a snob because of it.NOT Starbucks snob.. that's rediculous.. just really good flavour.. and not the syrup... I only need ONE cup in the AM .. and I'm so happy.. and so guess Mark, and I will trip down to the Atrium and get a cuppa.. and be on our way..:grin..thanks Serene!!..Happy Princess cruising all.!!.