Curiosity about "costs" to deal with snow removal in your area..??..



We rarely need to have ours done. The four wheel drive helps alot! There was one time last winter that it was really deep & heavy We had both shoveled awhile & then gave up(he is a heart patient). He ended up flagging down the guy doing our neighborhood & paid $30 for it(4car driveway) Not sure if he offered that amount or if it is what the guy said. I think it was well worth it!;-)(probably the only time I've paid to have it done in 9 years)


The snowy season is short here. Yesterday was the 2nd time it snowed this season so far and it will be gone in the next few days. I used to have a house with a driveway that sloped down towards the house. This time, I bought one with a small incline upwards. I take a running start and just drive over the snow and into the garage. If it gets deep I use a shovel but only to get my car out. Yep, I'm lazy.