Dress Code


New Member
(Last cruise, an elderly gentleman and his family, children and all, continued to stare at me during formal night because of the jeans I mentioned above. It's as if they were offended, like their steak could not be digested in the presence of such an atrocity. I simply smiled and continued eating.)

They are staring at you because you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion. I bet if there was a event like your wedding and your best man showed up in jeans, flip flops and coat you might be upset. Its better, in my opinion, not to go to the event if you can't or don't want to dress correctly.


Quartermaster (Helmsman) - QM
"Anyway, I do agree with dressing at least semi-formal (meaning a sport coat and no shorts/flip flops/tennis shoes) during formal nights, "

That says alot.:doubledown:


Youth Counselor
I was on a cruise with RCCL a few years back. I went into the main dining room for breakfast and was told to take off my baseball cap. Meanwhile, a lady at the next table had a large straw hat on. Hmmm.

I have cruised with in-laws who wore shorts to nightly dining and just dockers and a sport coat to formal nights. To each his own, I guess. If I am in "shore casual" attire, I just go to Windjammers.


Staff Captain
I was on a cruise with RCCL a few years back. I went into the main dining room for breakfast and was told to take off my baseball cap. Meanwhile, a lady at the next table had a large straw hat on. Hmmm.

The next time you are at the straw market, buy a straw baseball cap.

Did it ever occur to you at the person that asked you to remove your hat may have been a fan of the other team?


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
>>>The next time you are at the straw market, buy a straw baseball cap.

Cruizer you need a life.............