Finally - But Not Without Another Screw-up!!!!



After a two-month struggle to erase a $250 overcharge, Celebrity finally credited my account -- TWICE!! I'm not one to take anything that isn't mine, so I advised them that they duplicated the amount, and the error was rescinded - IN A DAY!! Funny how it took so long to post the credit, but just a few hours for them to recover the extra $250. After this cruise I'm done with 'em!!


Al, as much as I like Celebrity, I'm afraid I would feel the same way. What leads you to believe that other cruise lines won't have the same poor customer service? Glad you finally got the matter resolved!


EMS8 - Thanks for the kind words. I'm a veteran of 18 cruises, and have had absolutely no problems with any other line. Two major screw-ups, both by Celebrity - the odds just aren't in my favor. The most efficient and courteous service I've received has been from Carnival, which has made a conscious effort to upgrade every aspect of its operation - and it shows! Even RCI, Celebrity's "partner," somehow manages to get it right, despite both lines using the same infrastructure. I guess we just don't mix. Oh, well; there are choices (and bargains) galore out there. Celebrity won't miss me, nor will I miss Celebrity!


I am also glad that it all finally worked out Al. Look forward to meeting everyone on the Horizon.



Happy it worked out for you, Al, finally. It is so frustrating sometimes....


As a Celebrity die-hard, I hate to read these kinds of threads, yet I cannot fault you for your feelings based on what you've been through. My Sister had an incredibly difficult time dealing with Celebrity with regards to an overcharge of her shipboard account. Unfortunately, she was using a debit card, and you know the story....checks started bouncing because of the overcharge. In her particular situation, the person she dealt with the majority of the time always answered the phone "Royal Caribbean..." I mention this to point out RCCL is the parent company who seems to be at the helm in many administrative capacities.

On the flip side, I made a very last minute booking on Celebrity aboard a sailing that qualified for a Captain's Club coupon to be applied. My TA negotiated an unconventional payment system w/Celebrity in order to apply the coupon. In this particular case, he was also dealing with the RCCL end of things although the cruise was on Celebrity. Everything worked out flawlessly, which to me proves it doesn't necessarily matter whether your dealing with the Celebrity or RCCL , but rather the specific individual you may be lucky or unlucky to wind up with.

I trust your cruise experience will be in direct contrast to all the *&^%$ you've gone through on the administrative end!


Several lessons learned, not the least of which is to NEVER use any form of payment other than a credit card. Combined with Celebrity's ineptitude, it's the kiss of death! You have no immediate recourse, and you're at their mercy - frightening, to say the least!! The experiment involving RCI and Celebrity sharing the same infrastructure (i.e. reservations, customer service, etc.) has backfired - and it's time that someone in authority admitted it. Rather than a single source of information, it is a den of mass confusion, as representatives now must master two sets of policies, when they were having trouble with only one! If someone did something right, it's luck. I don't know how many people my TA and I spoke to (it had to be at least a dozen), but it took two solid months of tag-teaming to remove an overcharge, when one phone call should have sufficed - and don't get me started on the series of excuses they ran by us. As concerns the "creative coupon," Captain's Club discounts are applied at any time, including after full payment has been sent - unless conditions specify new bookings only. I'm in the exact situation, but Celebrity lost the coupon! Hopefully, I'll receive another (as promised by Captain's Club), so that I may resubmit it. This time, I'm making a copy! I even offered to accept shipboard credit, but I guess my solution was too logical. Upper management is well-aware of the shortcomings, but chooses to offer topless sunbathing, poolside massages and outdoor fashion shows, rather than devoting time to hiring and training competent and courteous customer service personnel. Sorry, but they've lost a customer - as if they'd notice!


I'm a die hard Celebrity person, but I do admit that their land based service really sucks. Then again, I had a similar problem with HAL. They all take forever to process refunds or credits. Any where from four to eight weeks and yes they all will take your money same day.

Just as a point of reference, I have done 10 cruises on 5 different lines and all their land based customer service stinks.

Good luck on whom ever you cruise next. Hopefully it won't be as stressful.


I can only react to what I've experienced - and in my 18 cruises (Carnival, Celebrity, RCI, NCL, HAL), no line has presented any problems except Celebrity. A Carnival credit was posted to my VISA account in three days. RCI (yes, the parent of Celebrity) canceled a shore excursion, and my account was adjusted by the time I arrived home. Celebrity, on the other hand, categorically denied posting the overcharge, despite having a copy of my credit card statement. So, no; it doesn't have to take weeks and months to correct an error - and the cavalier attitudes of the people I dealt with only compounded the problem. Contrast that with the Carnival rep, whose initial response was, "I apologize for the error. Let's see what we can do to correct it." She did - and in three days. It's not asking much; and I acknowledge that errors occur. A little attention to detail here and there works wonders. As I perceive matters, continuing to sail Celebrity is tacit approval of its policies; so I'll be moving on. I'm not cutting off my nose ..., as there are cruises galore at bargain prices. I'm certain we won't miss each other!


Well Al, what can I say? I won't miss you on my next Celebrity Cruise either! You remind me of a passenger that complained over and over about how Celebrity didn't offer enough vegetarian choices in the dinning room. For that fellow I would suggest 'book a vegetarian cruise!' The cruise that I experienced was wonderful. I could get picky about any number of things that I felt were not up to snuff. Yet, overall the experience could not be beat! You see, I work in retail. Most of the customers are good people that are looking for the best possible price and are good natured about it. But there are many that are looking to rip off the companies in any way they can get away with. If they had there way, it would all be free, although I'm sure they still would complain about the service. Have fun on Carnival


Oh yeah, Al! I have watched the posts here for almost a year! You have never gotten over the trouble that you have had with Celebrity! You seem to be the only one that has such a fit over anything that has to do with that particular cruise line. Get over it! Your posts about Celebrity don't provide anything instructive about cruising in general but only seem to provide you with a forum to trash a company that you have a bone to pick with.


Tim - wrong! The conflict lies with the diamterically opposite levels of competence. The onboard experience is outstanding (my cruise on the Galaxy in 1996 remains my favorite), while the land-based operation is the generally acknowledged as the worst in the industry. Irrespective of the situation last April (which, by the way, turned out to be a blessing in disguise), there is no excuse - none - for any organization (be it a cruise line, a department store, an on-line merchant or whatever) to render such inept service to those of us who put money in their pockets. I booked another Celebrity cruise hoping for a hassle-free vacation. Thus far, it has been anything but that. Other factors notwithstanding, I'm looking forward to the vacation (we're also taking Joyce's daughter and friend), and anticipate a thoroughly delightful week.

I've managed retail establishments (three units, 40 employees), and agree that most folks are just fine. Under no circumstances, however, would I allow my staff to endure the wrath of those parasites you accurately describe (all such matters were referred directly to me). Yet I emphasized that customers should be treated with courtesy and respect. As I noted, I brought the matter of Celebrity's double-crediting my account to their attention. I don't want anything which is not rightfully mine; but I will settle for nothing less than what I am entitled to - in this case, my $250 credit for their overcharge and the Captain's Club discount. Had they not screwed up, you wouldn't have heard from me. No, I'm not looking for anything free. Celebrity offered both the excellent price and the CC coupon. That's all I'm asking for. I remind you again that I contacted Celebrity about my account being credited twice.

Celebrity reps read these forums; and only by bringing such matters to the attention of others (the direct contact with the line fell on deaf ears) will there be a possibility of reversing the policies which result in such incompetence. I genuinely wish that such posts were not necessary; but if we sit here and take it, it won't get any better. My request to Celebrity is simple: invest some time and money in training customer service personnel. Rather than denying an error (despite hard-copy documentation ), look into it - and treat the customers as the lifeline they are.

For the record, had this been a Carnival (or RCI, or HAL, or NCL) issue, I'd have been over there - and I do not look for minutae to complain about. Things have gone awry on just about every cruise I've taken; but they didn't detract a bit from my overall enjoyment of the vacation, so nobody heard about them. All Celebrity has to do is get it right at the customer dervice desk. I don't think that it's asking too much.


Well, I am very upset over these comments. I think maybe I can help with some of the time frame in which it took.

first... when you get back if you called lets say the next day after your cruise. the mass confusion infrastructure which you are refering too, has not got your account yet.
this takes 7-10 buss days for them to get your on board information to the shore side.

second... when you do call in and we advise of this we ask that you call back in 10 buss to make sure your next call is more productive. then we at that time take your information and your phone number and when we will e mail the request from that dept. to send us a copy to verify of the overcharge. this takes aprox 1 buss day.

third.... after we verify your overcharge we will then call you or the ta and advise we will send in the request to accounting and ask them to refund your cc.

fourth.... now this is the tricky part
1- if you think to call your cc company to verify a credit it takes 7-10 buss for them to see it via phone call
2- if your like alot of people and waite for the paper statement then yes it will take 2 to 3 billing cycles to show the credit.

so instead of being so critical and hateful towards celebrity look at the process you have to go throug. and also let me advise you all the other cruise lines do the same thing.

and their are not 2 dif. policys between rccl and celeb

The conflict lies with the diamterically opposite levels of competence ....... this statement proves to me you are no more than a single minded person and i only hope that in what ever buss you work in that you get the pleasure of dealing with someone like yourself ( ignorent)


Debowah - BINGO!!

iworkforcruise - I'm not going to reiterate what occurred; but I maintain that it should not take two months of continual contact to even admit that you made an error! I've had mistakes corrected by merchants (including other cruise lines) in a matter of days. I understand that glitches occur, and am generally patient and understanding (I've screwed up too); but to categorically deny your blunder when you have a copy of the statement in front of you is inexcusable. No, it didn't take two or three billing cycles. As soon as you conceded that you blew it, my credit card company took care of it in three days. And if what you describe is truly your "process," it needs to be changed! Not referring to you specifically, but those persons I encountered were incompetent, inept and cavalier. I believe the answer lies in proper training, and perhaps an upgrade in technology - but certainly the former!

David and David

WOW...what a thread.

I am a big fan of Celebrity and my two experiences with the line have been pleasant and trouble free. On my last cruise in October there was a price drop after my final payment and Celebrity issued a credit before my next billing cycle. I also submitted a Captain Club coupon after final payment and it was accepted by Celebrity and a credit issued before my next credit card statement. Oh, and the cruise was I knew it would be!

Sorry to see Al is so frustrated but, it seems to be a big overreaction to me. Personally, I am glad Al will be sailing Carnival so I won't have to risk an encounter with him on my next Celebrity cruise!


D&D - Overreaction? Hardly! In fact, we're still not done with this fiasco. Celebrity has received the replacement coupon (after losing the first one), and has applied it toward my upcoming sailing. We will achieve closure when the credit finally appears on my statement, where it should have been last September. Understand that this has taken months, rather than days. Frustrated? Perhaps; but when a cruise line agent refuses to acknowledge what is before her in black and white (literally, as I FAXed the VISA statement to her), then kicks it upstairs (eventually to a supervisor's supervisor), it's hardly the service I expect. Someone with proficiency in math finally acknowledged the $250 overcharge. To answer a question you might pose, I was exceptionally courteous, stating several times that I am not shooting the messenger, but simply wish to have an obvious error corrected. Contrary to your remark, we are indeed sailing the Horizon in two weeks, and look forward to an outstanding cruise. I genuinely enjoy the ambience aboard Celebrity ships. The incident last April (i.e. sudden itinerary changes and cancellations) should never have occurred, as the line was well-aware of the problems with Millie-class ships. Once again, my beef is that there is such a chasm between the onboard experience and the land-based operations. I'm glad you had no difficulty. Too may others have, as has been posted here and elsewhere. I'm not so certain about sailing Carnival, as you intimate. We were on the AOS last April, and are looking at the Brilliance, Golden/Grand Princess, as well as Carnival's newer ships. Believe me, you wouldn't know me on board, as all this bureaucratic baggage will be left at home. Perhaps, after Celebrity invests a bit of time and money in training its personnel (reference: iworkforcruise!), we can meet aboard. The first round's on me!


Hey Al haven't you noticed that the named "employee" no longer exists on the board? Funny isn't it? The original thread is missing on both this board and the RCI one. Makes you wonder doesn't it if they really were who they say they were. Wishing you and Joyce the best this holiday season. Take care.


Thanks so much, Ali. Considering that Joyce was near death this time last year, we are indeed enjoying this season. Our best to you and yours! That "employee" may well have been who I dealt with - about the same attitude! Oh, well; we're starting to pack (or at least pile), and are looking forward to a wonderful week. Thanks again for the kind words.