Thanks, Paul! Walter, we're looking forward to a great time with you and your entourage! This cruise is very special to me, as Joyce was so violently ill last year at this time. We almost lost her, and I still shudder occasionally over the close call. To hopefully end this thread definitively, my account has finally been credited for the Captain's Club coupon ... all that's left is the packing! The girls arrive next Saturday from CA, the limo picks us up at the door next Sunday around 9:00 for a short jaunt to the Port of Tampa ... I love it when a plan comes together! To those who villified me, I hope you never encounter what I have, although your time may be at hand (law of averages, I guess). To you who supported my position (both here and via e-mails), you truly understand my quandry (best at sea, worst on land). In any event, we're at the countdown stage. I'll certainly let you know about our cruise. I anticipate a magnificent week!