Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 10/13/07 (or Give Me Both!)



So that would mean that the new thread would be "Give me the Liberty of the Seas, or Give me the Big Cats, or Give me both, but not THE Liberty?"

George - I've sent you a couple of e-mails. The most recent is kind of interesting. Let's revisit when Jim and Regina get home. Things are looking interesting though, if we do consider jumping ship. Arr Arr.... :)


And I'll be posting conversations with my cats soon if we don't see more posts here, people!

The evil boss is off today so it'll be a great day at work. I am actually looking forward to going into work and getting something done for a change!

Hmmm....wonder what the cruising Big Cats are doing right now?



Hi Cats...still one finger typing...the finger is on the mend but has a bit to go :lol So a quick hello to everyone.

Have we heard if Randy and Marg are interested in the Liberty of the Seas? If they can give is a low deposit like we put down already the O Girls would consider it to. The ports are okay....the ship really would be the destination. I do like the ports on our current sailing and lets not forget movies under the stars. This is going to be a hard choice :S I do no that the western route is getting a bit old for us. We have not been to the eastern since our glory cruise and we love St. Martin or Marteen =huh Which is it really?

Well off to work :wave


Welcome home Jim, Bubba, Bobbie, Tommy and Regina...can't wait to hear all about your cruise.


We are back! Got home about 10:45 am. We did self assist luggage and we were pulling out of the parking lot at 7 am this morning to head home. Ship was great and I have pics of both Tom and Bubba on the flow rider. Now I just have to figure out how to post them.
We had a very good time with Jim, Bobbie and James. We were able to have dinner with them at night and also at Chops one night. Ship was great but I was not that "Crazy" about the dinner selections in the dinning room. Other than some funky soups that she liked I think Bobbie agreed with me on the dinner menu.

I am sure Tom will post later.


baby love Jim

We are home but I am way to tired to post..we did not do self assist :( we didn`t get out of the port till noon and 5 hr drive home. I took lots of pics and will post them tomorrow between loads of laundry I have the day off:) by the way all the pools on the freedom were fresh water :)
Will post tomorrow :)
p.s. We had a blast with Regina and Tommmy


Tommy, Regina, Jim, Bobbie and Bubba,

Sounds like you all had a great time, but we need more details! The fresh water pools sound awesome. In the past I only went in the pools to play with Arrielle, but really didn't care for the salt water. With that, we need to make a decision on whether to stick with our current booking on the Liberty, or jump ship over to the Liberty of the Seas? I have to admit, after seeing all the photos of the Freedom, reading reviews and the conversations I had with Jim, our preference would be to switch over to the Liberty of the Seas. It looks like Sheree got a real good quote/perks, we just need to decide before prices go up.

Can't wait to see the pics...


Oh my gosh - I think I am in love with that ship! Jim, the pictures are great. I can't wait for Greg to get home tomorrow so I can show him your pictures.

How many weeks until we cruise again?????


Thanks Jim for the pics... Regina can't wait for yours...glad all is home safe.



Totally jealous, wish we could have done two also...must be nice to be wealthy ;)


where did everyone go?

Jim pride was nice in your pics but FOS looks better.



I think the freedom is a great ship. Yes that was what I said. And you know me I am not the crusier that all you are. The BEDS were wonderful and I slept in every morning until at least 9:30 or even 10 am. That is why you always saw TOM out running around the ship with out me.

One thing that I did find out on the last day was that maybe some of that sleeping was due to the fact that I was taking Tom's blood pressure medicine instead of my allegra. I wondered why I was having such a problem with my sinus when all the plants on the ship were plastic and nothing was blooming in the middle of the ocean. I then decided it most be the cigarette smoke. Low and behold it was because I was not taking allegra at all. I need to wear my glasses more often I guess. Good thing that I only took it a few days and decided since it was not working it was not worth taking any more. (by the way, my blood pressure is usually normally on the low side, not high at all)

Tom did the flow rider a few days and I was quite proud of him because in most cases he was able to KEEP HIS PANTS ON!!!!!!! Man did I see a few bare buns while I was sitting in those bleachers. I was either sleeping or at the flow rider area looking for bare bottoms the whole cruise. (joking)

We did self assist luggage and was home in Winter Garden by 10:45 on Sunday morning. We got up at 6 am left the promanade area about 6:30 and was paying our parking at 7 am. The traffic on Sunday morning was non existant and we made a stop in Fort Pierce for McDonalds breakfast and one gas stop and walked inthe door at home at 10:45. That was the BEST EVER FOR US! We packed knowing we were going to self assist and we did good. Some times it takes almost that long to get off the ship and home from PC.

I do not know about you guys but I was not that impressed with the menus in the main dinning room. We had GREAT head waiter and waiter and they offered to make me special meals because I told them I was dieting and did not want anything on the menu a few nights. I was just ordering a salad a some shrimp cocktails so they made me a huge Shrimp Cesear Salad out of the Cesear salad stuff and filed it full of shrimp. I had that on the duck night and on the last night. They were very accomodiating. So I was happy.

I agree about the complaining from all the Diamond members about everything. Geeze what a bunch of grouchy people. What did they expect with all the Diamond and Diamond plus people on the ship. They had about 10 extra people working the future booking area just to take care of all of them.

All in all I had fun, I think the ship is great but I do not want to ever go on a Crown and Anchor members cruise again with that many grouchy diamond and diamond plus cruisers. I apologize now if I just offended any of you, but I know that you guys were not the ones I am talking about. It was the other 800 that Paul mentioned.

Ok that is my take on the FOS and it was nice seeing some of you on the ship for the brief time I was AWAKE!


This was my post on the ship for the OK Floridians page so someo f it may not make sense to you guys but TOM wanted me to copy and paste on here.

baby love Jim

Ok all
Bobbie and I are sick we both have colds.. we did manage to go to work today and I just about got cought up with everything at work.
I finished all my laundry yesterday. The FOS was the best ship I have been on


Internet was way slow The company was great Tom & Regina
The dining menue was not what it pools were fresh water
should have been (But our Waiter Troy said a new menue was starting this week and
Drinks were always good :)
Service allover the ship was good
famous cheif that would be on to boaed cabin stewards.just everyone
to supervise) I didn`t like the casino
because I didn`t win :( but is was nice was so friendly . shows were
top of the line, the ice show
and the comedian were the best
I thought Chops was very nice.
Pool area was very cool.
Flow Rider was awsom
Balcony was twice as big as the

all in all we had a real nice time I just wish all the Big Cats were there with us.
I did meet a girl in Jamaica that wanted to marry me LOL she said she would marry me if I came back thursday...Tom and Regina can tell you that story.

baby love Jim

Ok so that post was way messed up I did it in note pad and cut and pasted it.
you will get the gist of it


I can't wait for the Jamaican wife story - was she in one of the pictures? You've got to share that one!
