Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 10/13/07 (or Give Me Both!)


baby love Jim

Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

yup I did it and no one on to chalange me :)

baby love Jim

Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

oh a page turner too :)

baby love Jim

Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

OH they have me down as " Pastry Chef Supervisor" I guess I get to sample it all first right?


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Congrats Jim - I was playing Bejeweled and when I came back on you had gotten it! Good job. And the luggage things look pretty strong. I am looking at a wheeled duffel for the trip. We're thinking of having a garage sale right before Labor Day and if we do, we're getting rid of old luggage and buying some new stuff. Man, we have tons of luggage!

Greg got called in for overtime, so it's an exciting night here.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Anyone hear from George???


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey Gang...Good one Jim!!! =docdance

Dan Congrats to you and Courtney!!! :thumb

Oh Stuff.....muffin......where are you.........come out come out.....where ever you are........

Hope you all are doing good...Sheree, I must agree for a 7 day cruise..I am NOT self assiting....Just MADDNESS!!!::eek: I did not even like it when we got back from the Sovereign. Getting on was not so bad because it was nice to have out luggage and unpack right away. But leaving the ship was a much different story. NEVER AGAIN! You stand your ground girl :D

Hey Regina...we love you cause you a crazy girl!

Well all nite nite.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

As you can see in my post this time...Doris was having a little too much fun =huh I saw this avatar of a cruise ship and palm tree. Next thing you know there are two skinny BIT**es power walking on the beach! :)D Just in case you saw my post and said "WHAT THE ....?" She is a funny girl!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good evening all,

Dan, before I forget, congrats to you and Courtney. Did I ever tell you I didn't have a grey hair on my head until Arrielle was born ;)

Sorry for the lapse in posting. I've been working a lot of over-time and I've been moon-lighting as an unwilling guide in nearby malls. I'm always amazed how we can be "just running in to return something", and five hours later be dragging out with half of Dillards. I must check there stock, I'd feel much better about my money going to them if I was a shareholder.

Quick question, what is the requirements for passports now, anyone know? We went to a post office across town that was supposed to be open for passports on Saturdays, only to find out they changed their hours of operation, they just forgot to update the web-site. Kids passports are only good for 5 years.

Sheree, before my head had any chance to swell, or even remotely consider your post a compliment...Anne burst my bubble with "George and witty don't even belong in the same sentence"! Thats got to be grounds for divorce ;) One can never rest on their laurels around here. Kind of reminds me of a few years ago Arrielle was asking how we met (that would be Anne and I) and what was the attraction. Myself, wanting to score a few brownie points, I said all the right things..."well your mom was beautiful, long brown hair, hazel eyes (or maybe blue...don't sweat the little details), great smile; it was definitely my best material. After I was done, Arrielle posed the same question to Anne. Anne's reply..."he was tall"! Arrielle asked if there was anything else, Anne replied..."no, not that I can think of"!

Doris, good to see you posting. Wouldn't it be nice if the human body was like a car that you could take in to Mr. Goodwrench for a tuneup and be good for another 100k miles ;)

Jim, you are correct, we need to book the dive very soon. Who is going on this one? On the self assist subject, we wouldn't be able to do it. Besides, I'm in no hurry to get to the airport.

Sounds like Sheree got the blender handled; now if we could just figure out a way to get the keg and tap on board we would be set.

All these folks in their's so nice to be the baby of the group :)


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Dee, we were posting at the same time...I really should have paid attention in typing class.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

George!!!! I already have grey hair and there is no kid yet!!! I have grey in my goatee!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good morning kitties!

George - so happy you can understand my sense of humor - and now post with that wit that I've come to expect from you. Anne's right on the money. And I love the story about what attracted you to each other. I can just imagine that conversation in my head!

Regarding the dive, Greg said to enjoy it without him this time. He'll be too tired from shopping to safely dive anyway.

I am going to try the new Slushie Express later today. Last night I made small ice cubes to simulate the ones we'll get on the cruise ship and I am going to check it out. Who knew that I had to create a testing facility to check this all out before we cruise! I did go on line to find out that I can order additional cups for $3.99 each so if it works I'll be placing that order so Greg can have a frozen drink too. Don't want to leave him out, you know. I also was on-line last night looking for a powdered margarita mix. If I can't find it, I might have to experiment with something else or ask one of my lovely Florida friends to pick up something down there since I can't fly wih it in my carry on!

The avatar is cool, Dee. Leave it to Doris to be the first person to figure out how to do that! I tried to add a flamingo one day and it didn't work. Maybe I'll try that again later. Has anyone paid attention to our job titles? I think poor Doris has the worst one. I know it's something different than what it reads, but I guess I am immature because I laugh every time I read it! George is a storekeeper, hehehehe!

Jim - I hope the pre-cruise meeting goes well today. And Tommy and Regina, enjoy the water park. Hi again Dan.



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hello Cats!

We have missed you! Greg, Mother, and I are considering joining our friends on this cruise. Could someone post the pricing list? Have a wonderful Sunday!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Barb!!!!! We'd absolutely love to cruise with you and Greg again. I can't tell you how happy I am that you are thinking of joining us! My Greg will be thriled too. And we can behave in front of your mom.....I think!

I think I can post this here since she's a sponsor of Cruise Addicts, but we booked through Lori at Sky Scraper tours. I am not sure if you have my e-mail address, but if you do, please send me a message and I can send you our original information. I would guess that the pricing has probably changed though. I'll try to send you a private message through here with my address if you want to try to reach me that way.

Any just think, I was only logging on to tell you all that the Slushie Express works's a keeper!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!) regards to passport requirements up until Dec. 31 you can cruise with your birth certificate and photo ID. If you do apply for your passport make sure you get a certified copy of your birth certificate because you will have to turn yours in to the pass port office. You cannot sail with just the paper that says you have applied!!! You can obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate at the Dept. of Vital Statistics in the state you were born. Do not make the mistake that alot of people have made thinking just because they applied and have a print out, they think that is all they need. IT IS NOT! Although that is what Dept. of Homeland Security says Cruise lines operate under current law and are requiring the Birth Certificate!! Don't let anyone tell you other wise.

Jim...great talking to you today...looking foward to seeing you all next week!

Well everyone have a great day!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys - just got in from the aft. It started out as a cloudy day and turned into a gorgeous one - about 76 degrees or so. I read about 5 chapters of my book and spent the rest of the time day dreaming about it was like a day at work. =lolgang

Barb - Check your e-mail. I am hoping you can work this out to join us. As expected, Greg was thrilled when I told him. One of my favorite cruise memories was sitting at that straw hut in Belize having some some tasty beverages with the two of you!

Hope everyone else is enjoying the rest of the weekend!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi Dee - sorry for not saying hi - just saw your post!

Only 62 more days....



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good evening to all you right coasters,

Anne and I just got back from a few hours by the Casa De'Anne pool working on our tans. I've come to a startling realization that after many days of floating on a lounge, my front side looks like George Hamilton and my backside looks like Casper.

Jim, good to talk with you. Nice to have the dive booked and out of the way. I can't believe Hope is making six dresses prior to the cruise.

Barb, so nice to hear from you; it would be great if you and Greg can make the cruise. Anne and I were talking today about the last time we seen you both and the great time we had at the beach break party. Hopefully pricing is such you can make it.

Sheree, we picked up a small blender as well today, it's a single serve hamilton beach. <>


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

George that is one of the blenders that I have.
Sheree your slushie maker looks great. I want one now.
Barb Hope it works out.
I missed a lot on here becasue I was starting trouble on the other board. :)

I can not keep up with both.

it was the neighbors grandkids we do not have any kids so we do not have grandkids..... just dogs in our family.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey Barb! Do you remember me? It is Dan of Dan & Courtney! I/we are not going on this cruise! I am just here to see how everyone is doing!!! Barb, I am not sure if you are going to catch-up and read all the posts, but just to let you know that Courtney & I are expecting our 1st kid! The kid is 6+ weeks in the making!!!!

To everyone else: Have a good upcoming week!!!