I Just Spoke With Shipmaven....


Forever Remembered
As I replied in Charles' thread...

:thankyou: Pucci, and therefore, I slept well last night. He's drinking water and eating reasonably well. He's been trying to scratch the surgical incision on his side, so the Veterinary Hospital said to put a t-shirt on him. Well...let's say he has outgrown his t-shirts so I've got his Aloha shirt on him.


The photo was taken a couple of years ago.


Staff Captain
Cool shirt! I have some like that.

Glad to hear everything went OK Mary Ann. Keeping you two in my thoughts and prayers. :eek:k:


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Glad to hear that Pucci is recovering well. His aloha shirt must make him feel so much better.


Forever Remembered
Thank you, both. I bought Pucci's shirt at a pet store in the Aloha Tower Marketplacein Honolulu two years ago. Don't know if that store is still there...

I'm not so sure Pucci is happy wearing the shirt now, but it IS doing the job of not allowing him to scratch the incision.


Staff Captain
Tell Pucci Zsa Zsa thinks he looks very stylish. Now she is wanting me to get her one. Jealous dog!

Glad he is resting well and recovering. Hope things continue to go smoothly.


Environmental Compliance Officer

Mary Ann

That picture of Pucci is precious!! I just love it. I can picture him laying out at the pool relaxing. :beach:



Forever Remembered
Pucci and I thank you for your kind comments.

Things didn't go well yesterday evening and last night. He seemed disoriented when I took him out for "business" shortly before bedtime, then when we went to bed, he started crying, which tore my heart apart. I quickly gave him his medicine by syringe, and he konked out to the point that I was checking his breathing. Pucci slept through the night, Mommy kept the light on all night to watch him. :(

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
I love Pucci's coverup -- adorable!!

Sorry you both had a bad night.

Hopefully things will be better tonight.


Forever Remembered
Thank you, Yonnie. I found his Aloha shirt in Honolulu on my last Zaandam Circle Hawai'i cruise. Little did I know it would be serving a useful purpose, other than getting Pucci to pose for the camera.

I'm having the Vet change his pain medication.


1st Officer - Navigation
Sounds like you have everything under control. Hope you can get some rest tonight. I loved the photo, so cute. Prayers continued. Susan


Forever Remembered
Thank you, Sue. I'm hoping Pucci won't need pain medication tonight so we won't have another episode like last night.


Staff Captain
Mary Ann, first time I have had a chance to check in today. Sorry Pucci had a rough night, hopefully tonight is better. Poor Pucci, give him some gentle scritches from me and soft woofs from Zsa Zsa.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Poor Pucci...sounds like he is having a rough time and you too Mary Ann....I hope last night went much better. Hugs for you and stitches for Pucci.


1st Officer - Navigation
So sorry to read that things didn't go well the first night. I sure hope Pucci is in less pain by now. Hugs to you......it's hard when our babies, human or fur can't tell us what's wrong. It still affects Mom the same.


Safety Officer
Mary Ann, Pucci looks absolutely ADORABLE in that picture! I hope he's getting better and that both of you had a good night last night!


Forever Remembered
Pucci has slept well the past couple of nights - thank you for your good wishes. He stays even closer to me than usual. While the shirt does look cute on him (thank you all for your comments), it's really doing a wonderful job at protecting his incisions and allowing them to heal.

Still waiting on the pathology report.:(


Forever Remembered
Just got Pucci's pathology report - thank God, all four lumps were benign lipomas (fatty tissue).

I know your prayers helped. Thank you again.


Staff Captain
Thank goodness the pathology report came back fine!


Staff Captain
Great news Mary Ann. We are relieved that he is doing well, and the good pathology report. Rylee and Timber both send gentle scritches and tail wags. By the way . . . .Timber set aside some 'private stock' tuna for his curly furred buddy.