Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007



Yeah!! Got my hair cut and colored!! I feel like a new woman!!:thumb

Just checked Hanna. Looks like she may hit land in NC; actually, that would be great for us. We might make it to the wedding if she stays north.

Guess I have to start packing since I work 12 hrs. tomorrow. Hate it! Never know what to bring and end up bringing too much.



You LOOK MAHVELOUS............sounds like you'll make out alright this weekend.............

Went and got a mani/pedi today..............never know when a hurricane will hit..........cant be having my nails all scraggily......hahahah


Scraggily nails in a hurricane.....never!!! :lol

Trying to let my hair grow into a bob; don't know if I have the patience. Also, wearing it darker. Lee likes it.

May not be back tonight (still trying to pack) ....soooo

Night John Boy! =sleep



heard the residents of Myrtle Beach are boarding up...........are your plans still a go???


Hi- We're not sure what we are doing. Supposed to hit around 2 am so when we get up tomorrow am, we will decide. Have to hear if we can get thru.........

Hope you have a good w/e and watch out for Ike.


WELCOME HOME everyone..........

Hope you had a good trip,Kate..........cant wait to hear

How was the weddding Martha?? Did the weather cooperate???

Looks like Ike will cooperate for us here.....................good thing!!


Wedding was beautiful and weather was great! Sun came out and it was hot but awesome. Good seeing everyone. Bride and groom looked very happy.

Welcome home ? Kate! Not sure when you are due back.

Where is Ike??

Anything new??


Kate's home.......maybe when she catches up on her rest,she'll be on to tell us all about it........

Ike is by Cuba right now......southside..........Unfortunatley,he is headed to the Gulf(like the last few storms)...........the way they have it now,he is headed to TX............but we all know that can change...

Glad you had a good time and the weather didnt deter any plans...


Good morning all.....................not too much going on..........just stopping by to say hi!! :wave


Hi, back!!
Aren't you cruising this w/e? Hope you and Dennis have a wonderful trip. No hurricanes either, hopefully!!

Had an early am meeting today so got up at 5. Ugh!!

May go see the girls this afternoon....

Guess Kate is still recuperating.


Yup,headed back to the Bahamas..............going with the FL group I post with on will be 20 of us.........hopefully,our table arrangements will work out better than it did for us on the JW...............wait,it kids..........hahahah


Hello girls,

I am back. It was a pretty exhausting trip in all. I was up Sunday morning in Barcelona at 3:00am ...(8:00pm Saturday night in Houston) and I was flying from Barcelona to Paris and Paris to Houston. Got into Houston and home by 400pm Sunday so almost 24 hours traveling. We had a wonderful time. The week in BCN was great. What a great city to visit. I would recommend it any time. Very clean civilized fast efficient transport system, which is inexpensive although prices generally are higher than there because of the Euro. Went to Montserrat the monastery on the mountain to view the Black Virgin, People have been going to her in Pilgrimage for centuries. It's about an hour and a half train journey from BCN and then you take a rack and pinion train up the mountain. Great views.
Saw the Gaudi Cathedral which is awesome and generally took the hoho bus all around.

The cruise was wonderful, but the itinerary is very tiring. First port was Villefranche and it was hot we tendered and went into town took a little tour and had some drinks and did some shopping. I might have done more on this cruise but my sister and BIL are a lot older and did not have the stamina for it so I just went at their pace. It was about seeing them as well so I didn't mind.

Can you believe I never got off the ship in Rome. The day before we were supposed to dock in Livorno for Florence and it was announced as we sailed that there was port congestion and we were going to Le Spezia which is much further away from Florence. It added another 2-3 hours to the trip meaning we did not get much time in Florence, and all the museums were closed Monday. We would not have had time to do them anyway. We did some shopping and I got some nice red leather wedge sandals, then we had some lunch took pictures of the famous view of all the bridges and then it was time to head for the ship. I would have recommendations for those on this cruise for the future. The Almalfi Coast was beautiful but very crowded. I think the whole world was in Positano which is a lovely spot. The winding roads are amazing. Sorrento is a very nice town and again I would say in future to just go there and have more time. Its amazing you think you have time for all these places but with the way. Last Day was Palermo. We went into town for a few hours and saw the Cathedral and did some shopping, but the driving there is crazy with a capital C. They appear to be driving on the wrong side of the road till you realize that there are two lanes in one direction on some streets and one in the other. Then the scooters don't take any notice of any rules including letting you cross when the little green man lights up. You take your life in your hands crossing the street. The Queen Elizabeth 2 was docked beside us there, and although I am sure the service on board is great she looks like half the back of the ship is missing compared to the VY.

The ship in itself was wonderful and great service. Martin the concierge is wonderful and the cutest guy out. We all wanted to bring him home, but he was going on leave and taking a cruise on the Splendour. Didn't do a lot of the shows but we did the Ice show which was very good. The GS was very nice and they brought us lots of goodies. The stateroom attendant was a real smoothie from Peru, who kept paying me lots of attention one night he escorted me right to the elevator and said he would like to come to the party with me. It was a laugh and made me feel better. The main make up of people onboard was Spanish so the cruise was geared to that market. There were a lot of very young children onboard as well. More than I have ever seen before. The food was very good. Last day we had a tour of the Galley which was interesting. We also had an exclusive cocktail party for Platinum/Diamond and D. plus. Lots of officers to chat to mainly Brits so that was nice. There were only a handful of Diamonds onboard so they did not to a last day lunch for us hence the cocktail party. But it was all lovely. All in all I had a very good time but I don't think I would do another like this with only one sea day. You really need more to get over the long day trips.

Kathy, glad you didn't get hit badly with Hanna. I did know about in and was watching. Martha, glad you got to go to the wedding in MB and had a good break. You deserve it. I went to work yesterday and it was probably a mistake as I was exhausted last night. Good news ids I did not put on any weight on the cruise......yea.,... even with all the champagne we drank in the CL.

Hope this is not too long and I will catch up with you guys over the next few days.


Ah, Kate- it's good to have you home!! It sounds as if you had a wonderful time, even if you are exhausted. I hope you were able to regroup from all the problems and really enjoy yourself. I'm glad you got to spend quality time with your sister and BIL.

Will check in with you in the next day or 2.....


Wow....sounds very exhausting,but fun..........I imagine it will take days to rest your S and BIl loved having you they live in Scotland???

Looks like Ike is headed your careful............


Yikes, so I see. Better get some supplies in. Two days to go for your cruise.....again...... Lucky you. I think I prefer the Caribbean to the MED. More relaxing But I would like to do a TA if only the fares were not so expensive.

Have a good day. I am off to work.


You can get some good deals,esp last minute on TAs............its just the airfare plus cost of hotels pre or post cruise add up.......