M.I.L. Update


Forever Remembered
I'm very sorry to read that your M.I.L. is back in the hospital and must go on Coumadin again. Prayers certainly continue for all of you.

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well she is moving forward a little. She still coughs, but that will continue anyway because of the COPD. The coughing is much less violent and less frequent. She is on IV antibiotics and will be for another few days. Dr is looking at UTI again. Lots of cultures going on. She just doesn't seem to care if she gets better or not. She is lucid, no signs of dementia, just no desire to try to get better. As soon as Dr is satisfied with antibiotics having done the job, he will be trying to find some antidepressents. It is hard with an older person, many will have an adverse reaction, so she will have to be monitored closely.

Thanks again you guys, it means a lot to Oscar and myself.


Forever Remembered
Gramma Ann - I hope she'll change her attitude. Half the battle in conquering adversity is positive attitude.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Prayers continue from here Ann..thanks for taking the time to update..hugs..Joanne