Mercury is still sick



Isn't that sad, though. The itinerary was to die for (and we almost did --being sarcastic).

The ports-of-call were our first choice, the comments that people posted on the food was our second and the fact that we could have the Concierge Class without mortgaging the house was a big plus. We had booked that cruise 53 weeks before going. I was so disapointed when I walked in that cabin.

When will Celebrity get the message? I wish more people would write to them to give them their impression.

I just hope they read their mail. As far as the response we will get, I can just imagine the "form" letter we will receive.

We want to take a last cruise in 2008, to celebrate our retirement. After that we will not be able to afford that type of travelling. I can only tell you that Celebrity will not be at the top of my list, and I don't even know if it will make it on my list. And as far as booking over year in advance -- never again -- maybe a month in advance at the very most.

It was a very expensive lesson to learn, that I cannot afford to repeat.