Miracles do happen!!!!!!!!!!


Trivia Specialist
Wow...I've been away so haven't been able to keep up with all the news...It is so wonderful to come home and read that a miracle has occurred! I am so happy for both of you and will continue to keep you in my prayers!


Ellen so good to hear your good news. Those legs can be real hard to take care of as we kinow with Paw. Glad you husbands are reponding as they should. Hang in there.


Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks everyone. He still has some more procedures to do on both legs. He will have to be followed closely from now on to head off any problems while they are still little problems and not big problems.

Oh by the way, this has really put the fear into him and he is really going to quit smoking this time!!!!!!!!!

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
glad to read all the good news, and may it just continue to be all a success, prayers the smoking ceases, and it makes his health all the much better...:) hugs Joanne


Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, dh is having the 2nd of 3 procedures a week from Thursday. They have to fix an aneurysm in his right groin artery and a stent inserted in the left groin artery. That will leave the insertion of another stent in his left thigh artery.

He has quit smoking by using patches and I really hope that he can continue resisting the temptation. I quit 10 years ago and know that it can be done. I had the same problem with leg artery build up but since I quit smoking it has all but gone away!

Thanks again for everyone's prayers, thoughts and concern, it really helps!

SunFlower Star

Ordinary Seaman
Thanks everyone. He still has some more procedures to do on both legs. He will have to be followed closely from now on to head off any problems while they are still little problems and not big problems.

Oh by the way, this has really put the fear into him and he is really going to quit smoking this time!!!!!!!!!

Ellen we are so happy the cardiologist was able to help your DH! Quitting smoking is really difficult - Calgon and I have both done it and your DH will too. We will both be saying lots of prayers and keeping positive thoughts for both of you.

Hugs & best wishes!