How private you want it is up to you, if you make it public it is wide open to anybody that wants to post to it just like a forum, if you make it moderated people can ASK to join but need to be approved by the leader (there can only be one, there is no provision for sharing) or you can invite someone, but they have to be a member at cruise addicts as the invite is done by pm, or you can make it private, then nobody can even ask to join, they can only be invited. That said the leader should be someone that does frequent the board on a regular basis as you all are responsible, there will be no intervention and it will be up to the leader to be the moderator. Cussing and swearing should be held to a minimum bit chauvinistic responses will probably be necessary to maintain equality. We will not be using the social group feature on a wide open basis, only as it serves a the needs so I will have to set up the group then transfer ownership to whoever is deemed the leader