Miscellaneous Plus [3445]



Good morning! I hope this 7-7-7 is off to a good start for everyone. Sun is shining brightly here, but the humidity is awful. Feels like a sauna outside! Bet the rains will show up again this afternoon.

Speaking of rain, we ended up driving in lots of it to go to Mimi's Cafe with Kris & Gary last night. By the time we got there, the sun was shining and the rain was over. That figures. I had their meatloaf which I didn't like at all. It had way too much pepper!::eek: Won't order that again.

I didn't get any emails today either.:( Guess SS doesn't love me!

And for anyone with their mouth watering for some tasty iguana, here's a recipe for iguana stew - http://hotelmopan.com/recipes/rbigstew.htm Sounds absolutely yummy!!! BLAH!!!!

PQ - When I was still working, we had a principal who was completely internet-a-phobic. She wouldn't allow any access to the internet for anything. It was hard for us to even get email from within the school system. Forget parents ever being able to email us. You would have to give them your home email address, which was just wrong.

Ruttie - Glad you got a chance to stop by. I hope you're enjoying your vacation.

San - I really feel sorry for Phil and his not being able to get any sympathy on the F thread. Way too much self pity over there between illnesses and someone having to work all those hours. He might need to step it up a notch to get himself noticed. Then we can see who will top him.

PH - I think how you feel about having a pool is directly related to how long you've had one. We loved ours and used it all the time at first, but as the years passed, it go used less and less until nothing. You still have a long way to go, so enjoy it now.

Interesting reading over on the mail CC board about using RCCL points and getting balcony & C&A discounts on cruises. BofA is turning their card into a useless piece of junk!:X We're already cutting back on using it.

KC - Glad your roofers were back today. They sound like they have a very high work ethic ... Something you don't find much of in Florida!


Where does one buy iguana(besides Petsmart)?? Please dont tell me they buy it in a pet shop to make a meal outta it?? Thats too cruel......


They'd never be so cruel as to buy them and then cook them. They catch them down in south Florida. It's like hunting season for iguana! In the Ft Lauderdale area there is one place with hundreds of them lounging in trees and on the banks of a canal. You have to see it to believe it. They are not natural to the area (people let them go when they get too big). Jimmy was threatening to bring about a dozen of them up here to populate this area. We talked him out of it.
We have a family pact not to tell Brian's wife, Sara, about Jimmy cooking iguana. She is a nut case for iguanas and used to have one that was about 6 feet long. She raised it from a baby and was heartbroken when it died.

Got a question about something at the other place - So how many hours is S working? 18 or 28? Do I hear 38???? Is the number of hours going up to see where the sympathy kicks in?:cool:


Poor Phil! I feel his pain. Hopefully, certain people will get the hint from what I posted. Time will tell ...


Thanks a lot bOB.....I am trying to get these ladies to quit talking about food and cooking on a cruise thread...help me out here, will ya?


Ha Ha!!! Very funny, bOB! And it even tastes like chicken, so I've been told. I'll know better this evening. My son-in-law is making it for a party tonight!::eek:


See what happens when you stay away too long, San? It's just natural for us women to talk about food. So you want this to come back to cruising? How bout this ... Last time we were on a CRUISE to Progresso, Mexico, there were many IGUANAS all over the ruins. Our guide told us that IGUANAS are delicious. Might have to try it. So now are you happy?:)P)

Well at least 1 person got the point of my message over yonder. Let's hope the others do too.

PH - That's a cute little stray you've got over there.:D Of course we know that has been another problem on that board.


I think from the last few posts by you folks that things will STRAIGTEN UP over on the F thread. One of them got the message already.

Wonder where BSweet has been the last day or so?? Do you think she fell off the :toilet again??? ::eek: She needs to install a SAFTEY BELT!! (Sorry I couldn't resist)

Okay......sailing off back to the deck again. Damn it's HOT out there.
PH.....I could really use your pool, or Kaseys or SANs or PQ's (do you have pool PQ?) or Krispys. I just need a pool to float in.


Glad you liked our comments, San. I figured it was about time something was said and surprisingly, K2 didn't step up this time. Phil gave me the perfect opening.:D

Now I really am going to get out of here and get some lunch.


ok i am going ot have to find time ot check out the florida thread you guys have me intrigued!!! It will have to be tonight got ot go but wnated to say hi..
we are here still at richards parents house.. gonna go hike a cavern tomorrow or monday depending on rain i am sur eteh boiys will love that mommie will be wishing she was still in as good of shape as she us to be i bet!!! HA! It won;t keep me down thougth just a bit slower!
Hope everyome is enjoying the weekend I think we are coming home wednesday so If i can't get soneone on e mail i will call PH if i can make the lunch.. it is still just gm, kc, bb, ph and PQ right??? Or did i read that somneone formthe florida thread was coming? I will get the info on if it is still at bb's place or if we have changed don't post it here....Me thinks we hae a few voyuers.. have a great weekend,.


Oh yes.lets open up the inivte on the FL thread.........hahaha..

Thats all thats going Ruttie.....(I think).....

Pouring out now............yes!! Now I dont have to water.....


Someone....not mentioning any names.....but her initials are PH....is going to undo the headway that has been made on the FL thread....she's just too nice and doesn't have the stomach for sticking to it. If you tick him off, that Phil guy just might announce the upcoming luncheon with GM....I did a search and I know how to eMail him. Now, we wouldn't want that to happen would we?


Actually San I never really considered Iguana as part of the basic food pyramid.........

But anybody got any recipes for Iguana on a stick or maybe Country Fried Iguana or Iguana Relleno.


Need some help on that thread, I've been know to destroy a thread in three posts or less...... <img src=http://addictscay.com/bob.php?image=laughblue.gif>


OK, now bOB, you're starting to get carried away here. Actually, if I ask my SIL, I bet he's got a slew of iguana recipes. You know what they say - You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy!
I can hear a new addition to Jeff Foxworthy's routine ...
If you make BBQ iguana for your company, you might be a redneck!!:)D


No rain over here & figures since I came inside it isn't even thundering.......

Why does it seem like every roll call thread has to have at least 1 know it all jerk???? There is a guy on my Mariner thread that is really starting to tick me off!! We've been discussing what to do in Ocho Rios and had decided to email Peat Taylor about doing a group tour.......this guy come in spouting off, shooting down everyones advice & ideas.....what a idiot.....

ok, I feel betterr now.....:D


Bob.......we're really NOT ignoring you!! San does a pretty good job of destroying Threads when he's up to it too!!

Out of here for the night.

Gotta go get PRETTY!! [size=small]Oops...meant to say PRETTIER!! Silly me! :girly[/size]