Miscellaneous Plus [3445]



K2 got that thread pulled, PQ?.....wow.....that's something.

I cannot get onto CC now....it's been very slow or impossible all day. Too bad, because there were some good things going on over there.

I think that CC should save the pulled threads and posts and put them in one place so we can read them. It should be required that you have had a post of your own pulled before you have access.....would make some interesting reading.....PH is a member of that club....she's had her share pulled.....she's even pulled a couple of mine:D


Someone else is not happy with you,Mister......

"We agree.....since when does your car define your values? I thought it was a joke...do people actually think that way"


I'm getting a REAL GOOD FEELING that Howard Stern, (Anna's Boyfriend) was just sitting back and waiting for her to do herself in and collect his money for being the Appointed Trustee of dispersing of the WILL. What the LLEH is that called. Just can't figure it out right now.
His law partner is the co-appointee. Smells fishy to me!!

That Judge is so crazy he's actually funny at times. He really loves to hear himself talk and knows he'll go down in history with this case. He does pick out some good stuff that the lawyers don't think of asking at times. STill very UN-ORGANIZED for a court room.

Bummer if they actually did pull that WACKO MOTHERS thread. I thought for sure RCCL might just take the ROOM away from her if we kept it up a little longer. She's a certified NUT CASE!!

SAN: Art started ripping out the basement drywall in the cedar closet where the leak is. Shows 2 possible areas it could be coming from. We'll have to wait for the RAINY SEASON now that it's open before calling the "WALL FIXER MAN" to come in and fix it. At least it's open and we can see it now.

Hope the lawn and shrubs etc, etc is coming along to your liking.



Dont ya think Howard had something to do with Anna's death?? He is the common denominator with Daniels death and now Annas......

Didnt watch too much of it just parts that they are showing on ET.


Piece of PARC, PH

I saw the comments....I really wanted to answer, but I think I should lay low for a while....besides, I couldn't get CC to take any of my other posts again. maybe it's just my imagination, but here in California, people who drive Volvos, BMWs and MBs drive with a whole bunch of arrogance and disregard for others on the road.

Good luck with the wall, K2


It was just wishful thinking that K2 could get that post pulled. I figured if she posted enought stuff that they would pull the whole thread. Oh well, I guess it's only the "good" posts that get pulled.

San-Have to agree with you...California is full of arrogant people driving BMWs/MBZs. You'd be driving on 101, one of the "prestige" vehicles" comes up behind you and expects you to gracefully let them pass. NOT! Crazy people.


Im sitting here saying PARC,PARC??????????? THEN it hit me.............I got it!

Lay low?? What fun is that???Someone posted I didnt know what i was talking about(as far as aft cabins on the MA) cuz I had never been on a Voyager class ship...........

people shouldnt assume.....I politey corrected her..


They must be really working SLOW on getting CC board fixed. I tried to get on Floataway and it's near to impossible.

Wish I was a "LOST" fan, but I'm not. It's on tonight and Art can't wait.

Take care all........

Kasey: Good luck with the computer. Have a good day at work too!


I'm polite when I drive, but I go out of my way to annoy BMW, Volvo and MBZ drivers, anyone else I'd give a break, but not them. Childish, huh? Funny thing is, they never mess with me when in the Corvette.


Well I finally found all(or at least most) of the troublemakers! You guys have been rude, impolite, uninformed, crazy and an ssa to boot! Good work, you have to keep it up, at least it's interesting! Sure beats some of the polls that are usually posted.

Work has been crazy this week...everyone wants to go away someplace warm, but they want to go next week and pay next to nothing. I have news for them.....so do I and a million others.

Hey, PH, now that RCCLCarib is your friend, tell us, is he 16 years old?

Glad to hear your BUCA nightmare has a happy ending (at least for you guys, hopefully a not so happy ending for the manager).

Hi to everyone else, time to read the paper and relax, besides maybe I'll get a new job title....and I don't want to be the pot washer, or the toilet cleaner...maybe the Loyalty Ambassador! (Are you listening Captain?)


Couldn't keep up with the Loyalty Ambassador thread because I have an eye infection and it was really bothering me yesterday. Had to wear my darkest sunglasses all day yesterday and still had problems with light. Got to the eye guy today and got some drops. It's much beter now.
Besides, some of my "friends" got so far OT it would have been hard to get back on track. Really appreciate the help.

I was good and didn't respond to the idiot that asked about missing muster. I might have got kicked off the board.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the news channels went back to reporting what was going on in the rest of the world instead of 24 hours of ANS and Brittney? Just more evidence of the dumbing down of America when that's what's perceived as important to the "news" departments of both network and cable.
That's my rant for the day.


Hes really not my friend Rita......I was just being sarcastic....glad you found us.........

Im gonna go lay down........had mushroom pizza and I think the 'shrooms are not agreeing with me......

San....I see Pauls around....maybe you can explain to him why you took over his thread.......

Nite all...........=sleep


PH, Just heard on the news that BJ's is having a voluntary recall of mushrooms...may have been contaminated with e-coli. Be careful, and I hope you feel better fast.


We dont have a BJs;)(WAREHOUSE) here,.......but who knows,maybe these are part of those..............I'll let Dennis eat some when he gets home and see......haha.......actually,I think i ate too much cuz it tasted too good..............

Hope your eye is better this morning Paul..............

Its boring behaving oneself......


[quote PH8]
Its boring behaving oneself......[/quote]
That's exactly why I rarely do........;)
Hope you're feeling better this morning!

rita, sounds like you aren't working Bill hard enough in the office, need to crack that whip!

paul, hope the eye is better. I missed the LA thread, maybe I need to try & find it.

Is the GS/D1 thread still around?? I read it but didn't comment you guys looked like you were doing fine without any help from me!

I just LOVE my auto repair shop!! had a call from the Mechanic about 8 am this morning. He wanted to double check all the things I wanted done to the car & verify any problems I was having. Then about an hour later the office gal called back to give me a price & let me know the car would be ready this afternoon. Why can't all the repair places be like that???


well looks like I found you guys.... I cannot get on the CC boards it ties up my computer and frankley I have been easing my way off the threads for a while now.. just too much... well... too much...you know what I mean..... Hope everyone is well.. WHo still posts on here? I will go back and check before I shake things up too much:girly
BAck to work for me... Ohh by the way I taped TAR but it was preempted and ran over so I missed the ending who was eliminated first????? I am not gonna ask how any one is till i go back and read to see who is on here... somethings are best not asked:phone


Hi Ruttie...............was about to email ya to see how you're feeling........glad you found us(us being San,K2,KC,BB,Bill and Rita,GM,Paul and me).I THINK thats all..............but FD lurks.....never posts though......so dont talk about him.hahah!

You gotta set your vcr/ tivo to record Cold Case too since TAR sometimes runs late.last week cuz of the golf tourny..........anyway, john Vito and Jill were the first to go........