Miscellaneous Plus [3445]



Need to go but wanted to tell KC........last night, on the radio(the show with call ins to dedicate songs).a guy named Larry called in to dedicate a song to his wife Karen...........been married 31 years.....thought of you right away.......(do they have long distance in Heaven? I think so!!) :loveya


Thats sweet PH
Will I must have had a 24hr something i woke ip in teh middle of teh night and was sooooooo sick.....it just kept going and going for like 2 hrs... Then when i thought it was over WHAM hit me again I was gooona get on teh computer and get a guest teacher but i could not stop geteting sick long ebough to crawk into teh computer room,,, BUt I am feeling FINE now.. It must have been sonething I ate or a 24 hr thing.....
While i was up I taped soonething on the travekl channel about a ruise line?? it is a 30 minute show have you guys seen it..kinda like airline but cruiseline??? Have not seen it yet but i am taping it now...
Got to go class is walking in.....


I'm baaaack!!! Boy, I sure had a lot of reading to catch up on. Haven't even gone over to the other board yet ... Came to our "special place" first!:D

It sure has been a busy and interesting couple of days. Hardly know where to begin, but here goes - Drove up to Ocala Friday and surprise, surprise the temperature dropped 25 degrees by the time we got there. I was freezing!! Still don't know what we have to pay Uncle Sam from the plaza deal. Accountant is still working on finding things we can deduct to lessen the pain ... ugh!
The party that night in Gainesville was a blast. It actually was a casino party with all the tables and slot machines. Everyone was given $5000 worth of phony chips to play with and at the end of the evening you turned your remaining chips in for tickets to a drawing. I actually won their top prize - A stay at a hotel in St. Augustine and dinner at a fancy schmancy restaurant there! Now we just have to decide when to go. We ended up staying the night at the hotel where the party was held, so got back home early Saturday afternoon.

Bert's cousin and his lady love arrived Sunday from their cruise on the Mariner. They had asked us if we wanted to go on the cruise with them. I am sooo glad we didn't go! They did nothing the whole cruise ... no ice show, no parades, no specialty restaurant, and so on. When I asked them what they did do, they said they walked around the ship a lot! How boring is that? They were just as bad while they were here. We took them over to our Grill for lunch and a drink. All they wanted was a glass of water! She doesn't like anything with any kind of spices and thinks all adult drinks are too strong. Again all they wanted to do was take walks. They drove us crazy constantly moving chairs around outside so they could sit in the sun!! They really are a couple of old farts!! Needless to say, I was very glad to see them leave this morning. So now things get back to normal around here.

Ruttie - I hope your BUG is over and done with. I hate when that happens. So what are you showing the kids this week? Testing is still going on, isn't it?

PH - That was so sweet! Glad Matt got back home without any problems. He sure did make good time.

KC - Bert's cousin's lady love has been a widow for 9 years. She never expected to meet anyone again when suddenly there he was. You just never know when that right person may appear.

San - Sounds like you and the rest of the males in the family have a fun trip planned. Enjoy!

K2 - You still down there shredding? I'll have to tell Kris about Costco's new electronics policy. They've returned a big screen TV and a high end digital camera something like 6 months after the purchase and had no questions asked. They always went to Costco just for the return policy, if you needed it.

I should get a move on. Time to strip the bed and make sure the room is back in order. Think I'm going to copy part of this message to the other board and save myself some typing.


well that did not last long..... I am home My older son started throwing up (at least he did it in the bathroom not all over the floor like some) yes I raised my kids to have a bit of self control something many are lacking today.. Anywhooooo I went ahead and got my younger one also so now we are home.. in the sick house.. gramma woudl have gotten them but I did nto wantto take teh chance on her getting it.. Apparently it is all over our school... hopefully it will not last long.. like mine....
BB glad you had a nice stay with family.. it is a bit chilly today huh?? My luck i wil get on teh disney boat and it will get cold....yep we are still testing (sure hope Alex is better tomorrow he has teh NRT's) SO I am going Populat mechanics Slimy, slithery, and gross it is too cool it shows how a frog can be frozen die and be brought back to life, [lus it shows how HIgh rise apartments in the city (think newyork) it shows how the sewer sytem works... which is cool for our kids who haveno idea what a sewer sytem or underground basement really is... It actually shows flsuhing on like the 20th floor and where it comes out at.. ttooo too cool I am enjoying myself... My guest teacher is probobly grossed out by now on one of the videosit is about ANIMAL COMMUNICATION and it actuallyshows a cat using te potty on the potty nto a litter box:)P) well got to go I may as well do a bit of laudry while i am home....


Gee Ruttie....hope everyone stays feeling better your way..........you dont need to be getting sick now...........sounds like you had some pretty interesting videos today............



Been busy today. But wanted to say "Good Evening"!!

BB: Yup, Costco just made the new 90 day only return on Electronics last month or something like that. Just too many returns after too long at home! Pass it onto Kris!!

KC: Glad you got your Computer. Can't wait for you to get it all put together and let us know how it works.

PH & SAN & FD and others........have a good evening!!

Off to see what's happening on CC and then I'm going to go sit down and see what's NOT on TV!! :lol

Got my "Birthday Facial" today at 3 pm and it was even BETTER than the first one. She wrapped my feet and hands after putting cream and massaging them in plastic bags and then into heated mitts and footie's. Talk about smooth hands! My face will look better tomorrow after the red spots go away from the "PORE Cleaning"!! Don't like that part, but it's nice to have a smooth CLEAN face.

Now I'm sure the guys enjoyed that story!!


[quote Kathie-K2]

Got my "Birthday Facial" today ..... She wrapped my feet and hands after putting cream and massaging them in plastic bags and then into heated mitts and footie's.

Now that is one odd facial.......


Just a quick post to say hi:wave. Didn't want to be just a lurker. Work's been busy, so have only been able to read past posts. Gary has an interview next week; an electrician position with the county. He doesn't know what he wants...he would like work closer to home, but doesn't know if he wants to start over with the time off and a new company. We'll see. It's not like when we moved from California and he had 28 years at HP, so vacation time up the bazookas. He's only been at Disney for 6 years, so not that much time invested. Oh, bother...
Hope everyone is doing fine and enjoying their Tuesday.



Bet Gary did have a lot that he gave up PQ when you moved......but onto bigger and better things........

He's back!!(FL thread)....couldnt hold in any more "M" news......:cool:

So KC-how late did you stay up last night playing on your new toy??

Hi to all..............


Not only is he back...but it's "poor me" against all the "pack". Geez louise, give me a break. I knew he wouldn't stay away. Oh well, I'm just going to skip right over that.

PH/KC - Are either of you going to the gardening show at the Livestock Pavillion this weekend? Didn't go last year, but went 2 years ago and it was pretty neat.

PH - We both gave up a lot (I had worked from my company for over 20 years). He just a butthead (hope that's allowed) sometimes about changes or making a change. He'll get over it.:D

Back to work....


Least I wont be the only one to ignore him.......yea,poor him....

No,cant make the gardening show.........I think I have something to do.........Oh yea....GO ON THE MAJESTY!!:D

I do think the terminology Butthead is allowed.....haha!



Ph, I only stayed on the computer till about 9:30, I need to do some tweaking on it. Seems to run slow & there was one time I was trying to turn it off & it wouldn't shut down. I'm sure it's just getting used to it. I'll say one thing, it sure is SMALL!!

To funny you guy's should mention that other place, I just came from reading there. It was funny watching people just kind of skip over that post. Maybe the 3 of them will start their own group.

Pq, good luck to Gary on his interview. I can sympathize with starting a new job though, it's hard leaving our "comfort" zone, even when we get something better.
I saw the ad for the Garden show, I thought about going but not sure I want to pay to get in. I thinks its $2?? I'm taking Miss Molly to get her stiches out Sat. guess I'll see how it looks when I go by.


Good Morning..
Yipee KC glad you are pfficially up and running..
We are having a problem with our wireless it seems I cannot run our laptop in our room occaasionally becasue someone in our neoighborhood is runnnig on an unsecured signal so i keep picking up on hers (her name is michelle) but i do not know if a michelle so may have to go knowcoking on doors I would be happy t help them reconfigure so they ned to use a password...I can piggy back on her signal but it is slow.....
Funny only happeens in my room... I am busy gettign reasy for next week it is a bit overwhekming thinking about surgery again,, I had a mini breakdown this morning..... Decided i was gonna cancel, forget about it etc.. I have come to my sensese and slapped myself for feeling sorry for myself.. and all is fine again....
I have taped this show on cruising think i asked it yesterday any one se it it is about a cruiseline comes on at 3 & 3:30 on travel channel i think.....have not wathce dthem yet but have all teh episodes taped..
finally watched amazing race... Glad my team is still in it I know I am the manority but I amn a Rob and Amber fan.....Well goty to rubn today is last day of testing and we are doing CSI stuff (fingerprint patterns solving a crime etc... )fun fun..


Oh no Ruttie.you are not alone........Im rooting for Romber too...........Have to check out that show....and Im glad you came to your senses..........

Ya think we could suggest a V fan club thread??hehe!


[size=small]Ruttie: Remember you can always come on here or the other boards and we'll be your sounding board. NEVER EVEN THINK OF GIVING UP. Too many of us on here to cheer you on. You just need to give your BODY a chance to REPAIR itself once this surgery is done. Really ......you have to SLOW it down and just get better first and then turn up the speed!! Take care. Prayers always going your way from here. (tu)

Hey there KC: Don't forget you can always call the DELL Help Desk if you need to find out just why the computer is so slow. Just not sure you'll be able to "Understand them"!! Hee Hee

We got our 2 inches of Fluffy Snow last night. Not bad out there at all. The sun is out and it should melt if the temps move upward.

Later all........going to lunch with my SIL in a few hours.



Started reading here and then went over to our other thread. I think V is holding a pity party for himself!! He said that if no one addresses him, he'll leave again. He better be careful what he wishes for!!!:lol

Ruttie - We're all entitled to feel down once in a while, so don't beat yourself up. You are about the strongest person I know. Just take things one day at a time and know that you have tons of friends offering you prayers and support. We're all here for you.:thumb


Good morning.

Ruttie, I can understand you getting a little discouraged every once in a while. I'm not sure that I would do as well as you do. Hang in there.

Got back from Watsonville at ten last evening after stopping in Gilroy so Nancy could check out some new closthes that Angeline bought. We had dinner with Matthew, Patti and Joseph at Applebees.

I can go along with Romber possibly winning the Race. It seems that he has matured some since the last time......and they are playing an excellent race.

Have a great cruise, PH.


Ruttie - Hang in there, we're all here for you anytime.

I posted this response to V after running it by PH. We'll see what he says, if anything.

Vic – Just some comments on your last post. I am not one of the original posters to this thread, but joined a couple years ago. I have no real loyalty to anyone here except I do count all of them as my friends. If they are wrong in something they say, I tell them.

Referring to the posters as a “pack†was ill advised at best. Trying to demonstrate your “understanding†of “group psychology†was also not in your best interests.

A real apology would have been much better than the “If it would help†one.

It’s not so much that folks here don’t want you to post, it’s just that the things you post and the way you say them sometimes don’t fit the intent of the thread.

The above are just my thoughts. You can take them for what they’re worth or ignore them as you see fit.


ruttie, ditto what the other's have said, if anyone deserves a pity party once in a while it's you!!You have handled your illness & it's set backs with humor & grace. But ya know every once in a while it doesn't hurt to let off a little steam! Let'er rip girl, you've earned it!

paul, have you perhaps considered a 2nd career in the diplomatic core?? I thought your post was appropriate & well thought out!

san, welcome home, when are you leaving for the wilderness, this weekend??

K2, I know I'm gonna play with the Dell a bit more before I call them. With my luck I'd misunderstand them & REALLY mess something up!


Thanks guys.. I try to keep it real here but this morning was almost comical I never complain and someone said something to me and I guess it just hit me aout missing work, gettin sub plans togther and havbing to go to my preop appointment today.. well anyway I promptly burts into tears... (I have NEVER burst into tears in my LIFE!!!) needless to say they all fell over them selves trying to make it better whcih only made it worse.. And then I was laughing and crying becasue Ireally had NO IDEA why i was crying it honetsly must have been the lack of hormones and all...Luckily I work with a greta bunch who realized that I really was ok and now all is better..... I will have to go check out teh thread I posted this morning but did not pay too much attention to it.... off i go...
San we are planning on taking a trip out your way this summer to visit LA My hubbies Brother lives in downtown LA somewhere......we are looking for a nice place to stay and see teh sights,,, But also want o go see teh giant seqioas.. any idea how long a drive it is from LA to Kings Canyon????