montego bay barrett adventures



I'm trying to investigate this whole episode. Exactly who was driving? Was it Carolyn or her husband Errol? Any other minute details would help as well. I will get to the bottom of this, contact Carolyn and get her response and see what happens. I know Carolyn to be very sincere so I want to give evryone a chance to tell their story.


The guy driving went by the name of "Percy" ??? No clue how he's related to the whole operation. I just emailed Carolyn and will see what response she has. But right now, there is no way I could ever give her a good review to anyone.


I have already asked Carolyn about this since we are scheduled to go with her on May 5. I had posted this on another board yesterday. Also- I had used the word "unhappy campers in my e-mail to her. It was not condescending when it was used in context with my e-mail. Anyway, this was her response:

Thank you for your note. I don't know what is being said, but one tour last week went out with a driver I thought could handle it, but it went terribly wrong. It was a fluke, I always go along on a big bus as the tour guide if we have more than 14 people and use a bigger bus. we did it yesterday with 17 people and I am sure they will rate the day as very satisfactory.
As for the tour last week, I have handled any unhappy campers who have contacted me since then and I will make sure there are no more days like that. It is not how I run my business. I hope one unhappy person will not destroy the unblemished reputation I have had for the last several years.
As of yesterday, the water level was still too low for tubing, but we had a fun time at Black River in the afternoon instead. We are having a most unusual weather situation in Jamaica this winter and the water level is too low for fun tubing.
Even in our 'dry season' it generally rains in the mountains right behind YS Falls every day (to the tune of 80 inches per year). There is a permanent sign in the gift shop at YS telling people that there is a 96% chance of rain today. Generally that is very true and keeps the water level of the falls at a comfortable level for tubing year round. The only other time we have had to cancel was last summer when we had too much rain and the river was a bit too fast. Last week was the first time it has been cancelled for being too low and we all expected we would have rain to fill it up again any minute. April is the beginning of the summer rains.
Another problem is that YS Falls does not have a land phone and there is no cell phone reception at the falls, so I can't call the owner and ask if the water level is up, I can only watch the passing clouds on the mountains and hope they are dropping rain on the south side. It has started raining as of yesterday a bit. Today is cloudy and will certainly rain. By the 5th of May there should be plenty of water. If there still isn't, I will write you the week before.
We have 18 scheduled for the 5th. I will be along on the trip to make things go smoothly.


Well I do believe in this case she had more than "one" unhappy camper! I emailed her, and am anxious to hear her response. But as I said, I cannot honestly give a good review of Barrett's at this point.

Best of luck to you if you are touring with them!


Let me know what you hear back from Carolyn. It sounds like she changed vehicles due to size of group and used a driver she thought would work, but did not. Carolyn has nothing if not her reputation, so I've got to believe she will do everything possible to make it right (obviously can't change what happened to you at this time)


I've received an email from Carolyn, and she does a fine job explaining about the lack of rain, but doesn't touch on any of the other subjects, such choice on other options, extremely crowded bus, crappy lunch, wild driver, etc.

Oh and everyone on the tour had been quoted different prices for the tour. She explained this in her email:

"as far as the price confusion goes, the first people who sign up do so at the standard price of $80 per person, as we add more customers the price goes down for everyone so by the time we have a final number it is lower than the first price quoted. Everyone paid the same $70 on your tour."

Hmmm...yet my husband and I paid $80 each and $40 each for our 2 children. I've asked for a refund on what is owed to us. set things right...she's offered us a FREE tour the next time we're in Jamaica. No thanks, Mon!

Sorry, but after receiving her email bad review of this company still stands!

Nancy M.

I have read everyone's email regarding this and I am still going to use Barrett Adventures for our tour. I am sorry that a few people have had a bad experience but I thought it out and talked with my husband and we have decided to keep our reservation with them. I have been told that Errol will be our driver and all the reviews I have heard talked high of both him and Carolyn. When we return from our cruise I will be sure to update everyone on how our "adventure" turned out. I don't think we will have a problem since we are not doing YS falls and are doing the Rose Hall adventure. We won't need any water or rain for our tour. LOL.

Here is hoping for a safe fun tour of Jamaica's Montego Bay


Sorry to butt in, but had too say that we had a wonderful time in Jamaica.We didn't do a Barrett Tour in fact we docked in Ocho Rios and booked a private tour and driver with a guy called Chef Thompson. We had the bus to ourselves and he was a fraction of the cost you guys are paying, even with the seperate admission fee's and lunch!
If anyone is going to Jamaica and docking at Ocho Rios I'd give this guy a call, he also knows other good drivers, he was helping load up a bus of 25 family members when we came out .
The Dunns River waterfall is really something and you can do river tubing but we didn't opt for that. We loved Bob Marleys place and saved loads on t-shirts and towels at a store. Had a really good spicy lunch at a local place we decided to try, I had pepper steakwith peas and rice and my lady tried the curried goat, she liked it! the kids stuck to fried chicken and fries, all cost less than $20. We got to go where we wanted, we chose where to eat, he never pushed us anywhere at anytime and even better we could understand nearly everything he said. Although he is a Jamaican he had lived in England for many years this helped alot in the craft market, only place we didn't really like but Chef kept the over persistant sales people at bay.
You can contact Chef at or his website is He and his wife also collect donations for local schools like pencils, balls books, so pack an extra bag.
Happy sailing to all...this was my first and wont be my last, just loved it. But not taking the kids next time


If the driver had been better, and the river high enough to tube, would you think you would have enjoyed this excursion?


We will be there in May 11th, and want to go on the YS Falls - RIver tubing tour also, when in May will you be there?


I have been in touch with Carolyn for an excursion to Mayfield falls (closer than YS) July 13 off the Caribbean Princess. Has anyone been there or interested in joining us. I haven't booked yet but I think it would be fun without too much time in the van to get there (45min for Mayfield vs 1 1/2 hr for YS falls). She tells me it will be $60 for the half day trip (~6 hr) with lunch included (although the online brochure that she sent to me said no lunch, I have an email that says yes lunch) She starts to discount after 6 adults and we are a group of 5 already. She has pictures if anyone is interested.



I have corresponded with Carolyn Barrett and found out exactly what happened. She has been in the process of refunding her portion of the tour cost which unfortunately is only about $15 per person. She was not personally on the tour because she had to fill in for her husband when his vehicle broke down. Believe it or not, the whole problem begins with Carolyn being too emotional in regards to Jamaica and the bad rap it always gets that she tries to accomodate everyone rather than to just say no to people.
I share some blame in this because I have been promoting Barrett Adventures ever since August when I was afraid of allowing my family to even get off the boat in Mobay just because of all the horror stories I had heard and read. Carolyn convinced me to give Jamaica and Mobay a chance to prove everyone wrong. Well, she did more than just that! My family of six and another family of four and another couple (we all met on cruise-addicts) completely enjoyed Jamaica and felt it was the best part of the whole cruise! As for the trip tour from Hell, Carolyn contracted with a tour bus and driver that she had used before when the numbers swelled beyond her own capacity. Just before leaving to pick everyone up, she had to take over for Errol her husband which left the bus and Percy (the driver) to go it alone. Normally, Carolyn is on the bus as a talking tour guide during the drive where she talks about Jamaica, runs the show, makes sure the driver is not taking any chances etc... So, add to the scene where the water levels are down and trying to provide a more expensive tour for the same cost in order to please everyone and you end up not pleasing anyone. I know Carolyn is just sick about it and worried that people will now think she is not capable as a tour guide or business owner. Owning my own business, there have been times where no matter what I do, the job just does not go well and people are upset no matter how hard I try to make it right.

I ask those involved to forgive Carolyn and not to judge her too harshly. I believe she has learned a great lesson from this and I hope that someday you will allow her to provide another tour for you. I know that I will continue to talk her up because of what she is all about. She loves Jamaica and wishes to show it off to anyone willing to take the time to see the real Jamaica, her home, her love.

Thanks for reading and listening,



I also just heard from Carolyn and she said it is raining Torrents in the mountains, so we are all good to go on our tubing adventure next week! YEAH!


There have been so many negative comments about Barretts lately... it seems most problems occur when some one else other than Carolyn or her husband is the driver. Is that likely to happen often?


Well if you look on the boards under "carnival", you'll see a similar post about the Barretts. It seems that jwmcq has just been notified that neither Carolyn or Errol will be driving them either. So I guess it's becoming more common maybe?