
Wow I noticed this itinerary change yesterday and must admit I was shocked with the decision to go to Newport, Rhode Island. But I didn't think people would be protesting on the ship! Might as well enjoy what's left of their vacation!


Guys, this has happend MANY times in the past just because people missed ONE port due to engine issues, weather, etc. Never fails to amaze me they think by acting like a "mob" the cruise line will throw money at them. And who did they punish? The poor tipless.


Almost forgot - the last time - about 6-7 months ago - some guy barged his way through security into the Bridge ::eek: and demanded the Captain look at his map, which showed a much better route for avoiding the storm. ROFL...on THAT cruise, over half of the passengers "rioted" on the ship. Some ended up detained, I'm sure. :lol


Pitiful!!! If I had been aboard this week, I would have told the protestors to jump overboard and swim home!!! :X I was on the Miracle the previous cruise, and ALL of the crew were GREAT!!! It breaks my heart that people are choosing to stiff them!! What did they do to deserve that!! :X :X :X When you book during hurricane season, (at lower rates of course), "you pays your money, and you takes your chances". If you don't know that SHAME ON YOU!! :X :X :X

Done venting, I just feel so bad for those GREAT guys and gals that made my cruise aboard the Miracle fantastic. :(


I agree with the prevailing point of view that people over-reacted here. An angry mob cannot be a good thing,
I just wonder sometimes if these corporations could somehow communicate with the people about the choices they have and the reasons for the decisions. Was Rhode Island the ONLY choice? Or was it the way for Carnival to save the most fuel? Let's face it...a cruise from NYC to Rhode Island? I'd be a little upset about that. I'd rather go to Coney Island. :)


Well if everyone is protesting at the Purser's desk it must mean shorter lines at the buffet!


I just went to Google and entered Carnival Miracle---there's an article about the goings on --people lined up at the pursers desk chanting " refund-refund-" etc. No disrespect to our brethern from the New England area , especially New York but this doesn't surprise me in the least.
If you book in hurricane season, you have got to know there's a risk and it's plainly laid out in writing re/ the right to change itin.'s , etc.
I have been on over 30 cruise and over half have been in hurricane season. Have had to change itins. a few times and missed a few ports but otherwise had no problem.
I couldn't be a Captain--I just might get on the P.A. system and tell the " mutineers " --Okay by golly--- you wanted it -- you got it--here it comes. Grab hold and hang on and then sail my normal itin. and watch the people crapping their in pants and pantyhose when the rock and roll show starts !! There's no where to go but north to get away from the storms, considering the fact that they started from and have to go back to N.Y.
I can see it now--people on their cells by the hundreds calling everyone who will halfway listen about the horrible injustice that has been done to them by Carnival. ------- Hello-- is this the Sharkey, Sharkey and Barracuda law firm ?? :help


Well, I will say this much...having been through many itinerary changes and delays, the cruise lines could do a lot better at FULL DISCLOSURE and communication with passengers. Communicate, avoid the anger. When I was on Celebrity's Infinity last year on a two week Hawiian Circle cruise, we had pod issues (used to be infamous on the M class ships - now solved)...anyway, since many crew members had known me for many years, I got a "psssst! - hey Connie, don't tell anyone, but we're arriving a day late in San Diego...change your flights now" I told a few buddies I'd made on board, we all quietly changed our flights, sent out e-mails, etc. TWO DAYS LATER, they chose to announce it to the passengers via a letter under the door. ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!!! X(.Everyone spent their last two days waiting in hours long lines for free phone and internet access, while I partied away. So, sh*t happens, and people need to understand that's life, HOWEVER, it does NOT help matters when the Captain (who really doesn't make the decisions anymore - corporate headquartes does) decides to not inform passengers when they first know there is a problem. Any business person will tell you lack of clear communication with your patrons only makes things worse.


Maybe those complainers haven't seen the pictures of Ecstasy running from a storm, I think Katrina. If you haven't seen them they're in the Cruise @ddicts photo section under most popular items.


You're right --I really believe a lot of people who haven't had the opportunity to travel much do believe that they are supposed to bitch and moan when something doesn't suit them.
Well traveled people know that things happens on vacation just like anywhere else. The difference in the well traveled and the barely traveled is that the well traveled know when and how to get something resolved when it needs to be without being an ass. :phone


People are never happy unless theyr'e complaining about something! If they would read their cruise contract, it says in plain English that the ports are NEVER guaranteed. Doesn't matter if it's hurricaine season, summer season, or mud season. Carnival doesn't owe them a damn thing! I'm very suprised that they didn't warn that lawyer once and then confine him. It was basically disorderly conduct because the captain has final say on what transpires on his ship. Next will be the whining class action lawsuit... stay tuned :D



I'm sure the passengers were disappointed but to remove the tips is uncalled for. How on earth does this lawyer think that removing the tips is going to send a message to Carnival? All that I can see is it sent a message to the hardworking crew that these people are spoiled jerks. Then to trash the ship?

I hope I never sail with any of them!


[size=medium]I've never been caught dead on a Carnival ship...and never will. Low class line all the way.[/size]


I to sailed the Mircle this past spring. Had the time of our lives. A littler smaller than usual, but the best food and crew ever on a carnival cruise. WOHO for Dean our bar waiter. The crew should not be punished blame the weather?



Sounds like a couple of morons got a few hundred people fired up. Very unfortunate for the remaining passengers and crew members. Besides, a cruise to ANYWHERE is better than no cruise at all!;)