Well, I will say this much...having been through many itinerary changes and delays, the cruise lines could do a lot better at FULL DISCLOSURE and communication with passengers. Communicate, communicate...to avoid the anger. When I was on Celebrity's Infinity last year on a two week Hawiian Circle cruise, we had pod issues (used to be infamous on the M class ships - now solved)...anyway, since many crew members had known me for many years, I got a "psssst! - hey Connie, don't tell anyone, but we're arriving a day late in San Diego...change your flights now"....so I told a few buddies I'd made on board, we all quietly changed our flights, sent out e-mails, etc. TWO DAYS LATER, they chose to announce it to the passengers via a letter under the door. ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!!! X(.Everyone spent their last two days waiting in hours long lines for free phone and internet access, while I partied away. So, sh*t happens, and people need to understand that's life, HOWEVER, it does NOT help matters when the Captain (who really doesn't make the decisions anymore - corporate headquartes does) decides to not inform passengers when they first know there is a problem. Any business person will tell you lack of clear communication with your patrons only makes things worse.