My Father


Forever Remembered
Pat does not have internet access now, but she DID arrive in time. Her Dad continues to have good days and bad days, her Mom also continues to have good days and bad days. A tough decision needs to be made about living arrangements - her Dad probably in hospice. Not certain about her Mom, but definitely cannot live on her own.


Staff Captain
Pat, when you have a chance to read these notes, please know that I understand what you are going though. The decisions you will have to make are probably the hardest you will ever make. At the last minute, the decision was taken out of my hands when the patient care representative told my dad he couldn't live by himself under any circumstances as he was falling. Mom had died several years earlier, so all the decisions were falling on my shoulders. Do what you can and cherish the time you have with your parents. Hugs and prayers are headed your way.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update Mary Ann. So glad Pat made it in time to be with her dad. Those are difficult decisions which I had to face too. My dad had cancer and after he passed mom came down with Alzhiemers. Both situations literally change me forever.


1st Officer - Navigation
Thanks for the update, Mary Ann. I am glad that she made it in time. I didn't get that chance, very happy that she did.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Thanks for relaying that info to the board Mary Ann. I've been busy out here and, as you identified, Pat doesn't have Internet access out there.

A heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all who had us in their minds and/or prayers. I will strongly disagree with anyone who doesn't believe in the power of prayer. Just this week we have all witnessed just that.

Things in Arizona are progressing, and Pat may actually be heading home tomorrow, or Friday. That's good, as I need her and Cody out here. Otherwise I'll be the one picking out our next home. And those of you who have the misfortune of knowing me realize what a disaster that could turn into ....

Can see it now ... The "Man Cave" from Hell!



1st Officer - Navigation
John.......that's lovely! It's got everything.....a multitude of guest houses and a cement pond! I see no reason why Pat won't just be tickled pink over your choice!


Forever Remembered
I received this message from Pat tonight - does not sound good.

Dad on a roller coaster one day ok next day doesn't wake up. Mom is in very bad shape, dementia is worse with this stress. We need prayers.

Please keep those prayers coming.

Thank you.

Mary Ann


Staff Captain
Very sad situation. All I can offer are prayers for comfort for all.

Donna - dsw

Staff Captain
So sorry to hear this - will keep the whole family in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there and take care of yourself - so you can take care of them!


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Spoke w/Sunflower today. Dad is as stable as he's probably going to be.Three brothers are out there with them now, so they'll be taking care of the situation and she'll be coming home on Saturday.

Again asked me to pass on her deepest appreciation for the prayers. Thank you everyone ...