my Sister's Surgery


Safety Officer
Prayers and good thoughts and wishes for today's surgery.


Staff Captain
Prayers and good thoughts are on the way for your sister and for your whole family. Sometimes the hardest part is for those that are waiting for the patient.


Forever Remembered
Judi called to tell me that Cis' surgery evidently went well and she's in recovery. Thank you again for your prayers.


Safety Officer
Fantastic news! Prayers continue for a speedy recovery.


Forever Remembered
I'm taking the liberty of posting an email Judi received from Cis' daughter last night:

"Op went great, diagnosis also great. Should be no further issue."

Again, thank you for your prayers and good thoughts.


Staff Captain
Nice to see the good news!



Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.

We were going to stop at the hospital on the way home from Baltimore, but Mal came down with the "ship crud" and we didn't want to infect her.

I spoke with her both last night and this morning. She sounds good. The only reason she didn't come home today was because the surgery put her into atrial fibrillation.

The good news is that she will be home tomorrow!

Thanks again...prayers and good wishes really do help. :doubleup:


Forever Remembered
Good news, indeed, Sis. Is Cis back in normal sinus rhythm, or have they given her medication again?

Hope Mal feels better quickly, too.


Environmental Compliance Officer
I suspect they wouldn't have let her out unless they got it back under control, Sis.

I spoke with her around 5:00pm and she was waiting for a wheelchair. The nurse had just been in to give her a pain killer, so I suspect by now she's sound asleep. :)