My wife and I were on the Wind last week and had a great time. As with just about anything in life, if you look hard enough for something to complain about, you can find it. This was not the nicest and newest ship that we have been on, but still very clean and easy to have a good time on. The entertainment was the best that we have seen at sea. The Jean Ann Ryan company was excellent, and the guest entertainers were really good as well. Jose and Patti in the Explorer's lounge kept us up late at night. We finished every night with them, I think that's what I miss the most!
Back to the original question on tipping, you can go to the reception desk and ask to have the tip adjusted. You have to fill out a form explaining why. We went and had ours cut in half ($70) and went and distributed the other $70 to a couple of waiters that we used multiple times and some extra to our Cabin Steward, who went above and beyond doing things like keeping our carry-on Coke on ice for us. To me, a gratuity should be at the discretion of the customer and I want to have some say in who my tip goes to. We left half of it in the pool so that those who served us but not as much would still get some as well.
Hey, Mizzou98, I'm assuming that's when you graduated... I graduated from Mizzou in '96!
Have a great time!
Post Edited (03-04-04 11:04)