Newbie with questions



Just remember, it is more likely to come out the other end, however, there is no little graphic for that. :)


And were very happy about that. HA HA
One real question what about the water in mexico, is it true that you are not suppose to drink it, and what about the ice?


No, you are not supposed to drink it. From what I hear, it's not 'bad' persay, just different than our bodies are used to. However, because of all the US and Canadian tourists in Mexico, many places now have purification systems that make both the water and ice completely safe for us to drink. I have had both water and ice in parts of Mexico and I've never gotten sick.

Just ask about the purification and if there is any doubt, drink bottled water and don't have any drinks with ice. :)


I've been to MX at least 30 times, and I have never had "Montezuma's Revenge"....thank goodness!

I always have bottled water with me. I do, however, order margaritas either frozen or on-the-rocks, and have had no ill effects. I make sure I can see a sign (or ask) about their water purification system. MOST of the places visited in MX are resort areas, and they depend on our tourist dollars to survive - so it's not likely they'd take the chance of using impure water for their cooking or in their drinks.


Does the "bad" water warning apply to Cozamel, Plaza Maya and Belize City?


kataryan Wrote:
> And were very happy about that. HA HA

Got to go along with you on that.

> One real question what about the water in mexico,
> is it true that you are not suppose to drink it,
> and what about the ice?

First of all, Lizardstew is correct. The water is not "bad," it is just something people from North America are not used to (I believe Mexico is part of Central America - if not, sorry, my mistake). At any rate ...

I was in Cozumel in 1993. Within the tourist area we were told we could drink the water without any problems. Turns out that was true.

However, we were on a Mexican Riviera cruise in 2004. At one place in Cabo we stopped for drinks. The canned soft drinks were warm. However, they have ice. Was the water purified - yes. The next day the youngest had Montezuma's Revenge. The only thing it could have been was the ice. The soft drinks were still in the can and everything else we ate / drank was from the ship and no one else got sick. Our conclusion, the water was not really purified.

I have heard stories of people being very careful and forgetting about the ice, or even forgetting about the water they use to brush their teeth, or even eating lettuce which had been washed in water. The next day they spent in the bathroom. So it can happen. Be careful.

I'll be on a Mexican Riviera cruise again in one week. I will only drink bottled water and canned soft drinks, and they both have to be cold - no ice (unless it is a ship's approved restaurant, in which case I know the water really is purified).