Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU



Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Dear Judy, we had no idea Mike was ill. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you both and we wish Mike a speedy recovery.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Gentle hugs and lots of prayers are being sent to you all from Chilliwack British Columbia.

Alf & Liz


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

My prayers are on the way Judy!! Stay strong cause while Mike is recovering, he's going to need you there standing strong.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU


Please know that JoAnn & I are hoping for only the best for both you & Mike...


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Judy - one of your friends just telephoned to alert me to what's happening. Please know that Mike and you continue to be in my prayers.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Immediate prayers winging their way to you both as I type. (((((Judy & Mike)))) The fact that he is joking with everyone actually puts me at ease a bit. Thoughts and prayers will continue . . . .


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

How very lucky that you were there for him when this happened. Sounds like he is exactly where he should be & that he is getting excellent care. Positive wishes coming your way that the worst is behind you & that he is on his way to a speedy recovery. As for the valium, may I say that last fall at about this time when things looked really bad for my DH I too had moments where I "lost it" & I finally took a VERY MILD something or other that allowed me to function yet took the edge off of my nerves; it made such a difference. I only needed it for a couple of days until I could wrap my head around what was happening to us--once I got over the shock of it all, I was able to face what was coming at me without any further meds. You are in my thoughts. Good luck in the days ahead but it sounds like you have made it thru the worst.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

red's & my Prayers are with Tall Dude & U. :angel The man up can NOT need someone that Tall up there yet and besides he has to MANY more days of pleasure to look forward to here. :thumb Please keep us up to date on Mike's progress. :thumb



Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

You have it. Prayers on the way from NYC


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

=hug Judy & Mike. My heart and prayers are with you and I hope that Mike continues to get stronger every day. He is in the best place for him right now.

Judy - Please know that you are never truly alone! If I could I would come and sit with you, cook for you. I hope you take good care of you - take the valium if you need to and I hope that better days are just ahead.

All my heart and prayers



Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Lots more prayers are on the way for both of you! Don't feel bad for losing it entirely, because with all the issues you have dealt with lately, something must give sometime. The human body can only handle SO much sensory overload before it crashes, and you would be very abnormal if you hadn't reacted as you did. Just remember, we're all behind you and we're here for you anytime.

Donna - dsw

Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Girl - you know we are all here for you!

Hang in there and take care of yourself - - Mike is getting all the special help he needs right now.

Please keep us posted and call or email if you need someone to talk to!


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Oh Judy how I wish I could be there in Colorado for you for your support. Of course you have prayers from us but wish I could do more. Many Hugs and Prayers your way.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

OMG! Please know that continued prayers and positive thoughts are on the way! Take care!

red stripe

Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Judy, I will say a prayer for you and for Mike.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

uhhhh Mike....behave yourself or I too will come down and cook for Judy.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

Judy, I have said my prayer and will continue to do so until Mike is up and back to his old self once again! I know it's difficult for you (mild statement though that seems I know it isn't) but do try to take good care of you through all this too! =hug=hug=hug=hug

Jill B

Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

I am sending positive thoughts and prayers from Down here.



Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

How 'bout some more hugs Judy ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Judy))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Geez wish we could do more.


Re: Now I need all the prayers you can offer Mike in ICU

I just returned from the hospital. The weather is turning to crap so Mike sent me home and said don't come back until tomorrow. He looks terrible, but he actually is doing a little better. With the IV's they have been able to get his BP stabilized and up. It isn't in the normal range but it is maintaining at a marginal level. His heart rate has slowed down, still a bit high but not dangerously high. He is on high dose oxygen and that is helping him breathe much easier.

A team of pulmonary, heart and medical doctors have been working with him all day. He actually was helped into a lounger to sit because the bed is too small for him and he is all crimpted up. He said that felt wonderful to sit in the chair. He is cold, but the hospital is cold and his BP is still lower than it should be. So I brought him socks and PJ pants to warm him up. They have changed all of his drugs around to give him the best bang for the buck with blood thinners. At this point they are questioning did the blood clots cause the heart attack or vice versa. Mike will swear he got the blood clots which caused the heart attack.

He is in less danger than last night, not out of the woods yet, the next 24 hours will be key in whether the meds can get rid of the clots. He remains in ICU for constant monitoring. He had to have insulin again today. They say his heart and lungs are just sapping him and making everything go out of wack. They are trying to do the work of any organ that is out of kilter right now, to make his recovery easier on his body. They said trying to keep everything in check will help his healing process.

Thank you for everything. He is holding his own, still very winded, joking and scared, but the chances of an MI are reduced considerably at this point. It will take another 24 hours before the blood thinners can really reduce the blood clots and prevent him from having others.

I am OK again. I took a few hours this morning to get my legs back under me before visiting with him.

Hugs and Thanks to all. I think I'll lie down for a nap.