We are all God's children and we look to God for answers, but just as children do, we want things that we may never get because God, who is our father will ultimately decide what is best for us. Keep your faith very simple, you are the child He is the Father, let him lead you, follow him and you will find the peace you need. Hand over all your emotions, fears to Him, let Him do it all.I learned that after a long time of hunting for answers by going to doctors and specialists for my DD and guess what , it was God who led me to the answer. If nothing else, just imagine not having God to lean on and look up to for answers, how scared I would be not to have Him, I would feel totally lost and very afraid. Our faith is so tested when things are going badly in our lives. We become stronger during trying times, even though we may not realize it. Believe me when I tell you that those who have an incredible amount of faith, also at times are weak. This is very understandable and you too will have your ups and downs in faith, we all do! Don't put those highly faithful people on a pedalstall because they are human. God loves you just the way you are!You know as God is our father, He understands there will be times when we are angry with him, and lose our temper with him, but as the perfect Father that he is, he will always have his arms stretched out wide to give us that hug of love, just like a human father does.