That is what they thought John had,they were going to shock his heart,its very simple,dont be scared they told us all about it,John was supposed to be able to go home right after he had it done,but they mis diagonozed him,got a call from the doctor,they said aortic dissection is very hard to find,they were lucky and they really thought John would of made it,they just didnt know he had aneryrisms in his head as well and when they took him off the heart lung machine the blood flowed back into his brain in a rush,hit the aneryrisms and made him brain dead,hence there was nothing to tell his body to come off the machine,he was basically dead when they started to do that,the hour they tried to revive him,had they brought him back he would of been brain dead or severely mentally incapable and I would of had to care for him which he would never had wanted.Please have him read this post,be thankful Gary,dont overdo,you have tomorrows and years ahead of you,John would of loved years more with me and his friends and family,follow what your heart is telling you and dont tax it but let it love your wife,friends and family,in the end love is all that matters.