question about upgrades (probably a dumb one, but what the heck!!)



Well does an anniversary technically have to be a marriage anniversary??? Feb 28th will be me and my bf's 6 th (yrs-btw =)) anniversary as a couple. I mean it feels like we're married ..believe me we've lived together for 5 of the 6 years and boy does it feel like we're ...we just dont have that piece of paper or the desire to have children. We leave on Feb 27th..heh my bday is the 24th also..utho maybe will be on the special list. lol

Cruise cutie

Call Princess yourself at 1-800-Princess and make sure it's noted on your booking about birthday and anniversary...The Princess people are always glad to take the info and usually it works...I got bumped 13 levels ...inside /outside first cruise back in 1994...We paid for bottom of the ship 18 months ahead and they kept selling the room again and again and we kept being pushed up...finally ended on Caribe with a window...paid for bunkbeds on Plaza:)...If as said they can upgrade you they will...They LOVE to make people happy with upgrades,Note that our sailing on the Coral this last Feb was sold out and what you booked was what you got,New ships tend to do that and you must be aware this will tend to lock in your room no matter when you book if the ship is fairly new..They also love to gift their Captain Circle Platinum people (Hooray)too...Hope the Upgrade fairy visits you...:)...Let us know...Joanne