R.I.P. Conniecat


Forever Remembered
It's with heavy heart that I announce that Connie passed away at 2:43pm local time this afternoon.

Last night she had a stroke and heart attack. This left her in a condition where they couldn't do dialysis because she won't survive it and without it she won't survive. She is non-responsive. Based on all the info the doctors have given her son, he has decided to remove life support this afternoon. They started the morphine at about 1:30 to prepare for this so it won't be so hard on her.

I'll post more as I learn it.

May she rest in peace.

Mary Ann


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Our dear Connie is now pain free and sitting with our Lord. I am just heart broken that it's come to this but I know for the big picture she is in a better place. Dear Connie, we will miss you so. You've been a very special @ddict who has contributed so much to our community and for that we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Be at peace my friend.


1st Officer - Navigation
Rest in peace sweet lady,we all loved U so! No more pain,or heartache,just wish U could of said goodbye to your babies,but I do believe someday U will see them again,God bless,John and Korina


Staff Captain
so sorry but she did put up a good fight. Thanks MaryAnn.



1st Officer - Navigation
So sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace. Hopefully her babies will go to new loving homes and they'll be reunited one day I'm sure.

thanks for keeping us updated.



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
It is indeed with a heavy heart that I read this. In the back of my mind, I knew this was coming, but continued to hold hope.

Perhaps the miracle is tht we all shared her life and she shared ours. Her life in this realm may be over, but I have every confidence that she continues to live.

God Bless you Connie. We love you ...


Staff Captain
This is very sad news. My condolences to Connie's son. I hope Connie's journey was a calm and pain free.


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
I'm so sorry to hear this. May God Bless her and ease the pain of her family.

She will be missed.


Staff Captain
I am stunned that the end is so near. I had hoped, as we all had, that she would pull through. Sometimes, a poor body just has to give up the fight.

I send my deepest condolences to her son, and her family.

Thank you, Shipmaven for letting us know. (((HUGS)))


First Original Member
JoAnn & I are very sorry to hear this. Our condolences to her family...


1st Officer - Navigation
Bless Connie.....she is no longer in pain. She left her mark on all of us here at C@s.....and like those who have gone before her, we will not forget her. They will be having a mini-meet and comparing notes. Cruise on to all of them, please save us a deck chair.

Tinalee also sends her heartfelt condolences. After reading Denise's post on Facebook, she tried to get into C@s, but cannot remember her password. I told her I would post for her, too.

Mary Ann......thank you for all that you have done to keep us informed! Hugs to you!


Environmental Compliance Officer
I am sorry to hear this but as others have said it really isn't a suprise. I hope she was able to go peacefully.


Trivia Specialist
No matter how well we think we have prepared for this news it still comes as a blow. It was just this morning I was looking at the links that Mary Ann had posted and was once again admiring conniecat's beautiful Maxie, Scooter, and (everyone's favourite) Simey. They brought a smile to my face. I was thinking too of all the the other beautiful photos she posted as well...the trees, the animals in the park, her flowers and even the insects. Connie was an expert photographer and many of her photos were extraordinary.

I did so enjoy her "Where in the World" puzzles....though they sometimes drove me batty .... and I am sure that is exactly what she intended :biggrin: ! Most people will think of "Carmen San Diego" when they hear the phrase "Where in the World" but to me it will always mean conniecat!

Connie....thank you for the time you shared with us...for your stories, for your photos and for your friendship. We will surely miss you here!

To your family and friends I extend my deepest sympathy. Your Mother and your friend brightened my life...and the lives of many others I am sure.

When my father passed away a dear friend sent me the following "poem". It brought me much comfort and I hope you find some comfort in it too.


I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side,
spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts
for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck
of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then, someone at my side says, "There, she is gone."

Gone where?

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast,
hull and spar as she was when she left my side.
And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.

Her diminished size is in me -- not in her.
And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone,"
there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices
ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!"

And that is dying...

Henry Van Dyke


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Such sad news. Connie's contributions were always looked forward too, and her absence will be greatly missed.

Farewell, Connie.


Safety Officer
:bawl: Bless her heart. My condolences to her family.

Hugs and big thanks to you Mary Ann for keeping us all informed.

I hope her furbabies are happy in their new homes too and that Scooter can find someone to love him like Connie did. I know she will be watching over them still.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
She left her mark on all of us here at C@s.....and like those who have gone before her, we will not forget her. They will be having a mini-meet and comparing notes.

So true Pat....a lot of Good @ddicts are getting together for mini-meet to welcome Connie, I don't have a doubt!

Thoughts and prayers continue for her son and family in these days ahead.


Staff Captain
I am very saddened to read this. Although we knew we were holding on to a glimmer of hope, it is still difficult when it happens. I pray that it was peaceful for her, and that her son knows he made the best decision under the circumstances. My condolences to all whose lives she touched... and there are many.

My greatest remembrance of Connie will be her beautiful photographs of her city that she loved so much. I looked forward to her visits to the park, the zoo, and other locations, and how she shared them with all of us. I am unable to think of St. Louis without thinking of our dear friend.


Staff Captain
Like others I was expecting this but am still stunned to read that Connie passed away today.

She was a very nice person who contributed so much to this forum. I loved her photos, especially since she was in my area. I recognized so many of the places she would post. She really had a talent with the camera. I encouraged her often to enter local photo contests. She was a big help to me in the early days, sending me PM's to help me learn to post photos. She cared so much for her kitties and delighted in sharing their photos and antics with us. I loved her stories of her crazy days too.

I hope her son finds peace in the days ahead, that his mother is free from the illnesses she has endured for the last few years and especially this hard road at the end. I hope someone can show him all these posts so he knows how many lives his mother touched and that somehow it can bring him comfort, to know how much she was loved.

Connie, may you rest in peace.