If you want to meet a bunch of @ddicts, plan on getting to FLL a day or two early. The CH@OS cruise that a bunch of @ddicts are going on sails on January 9th out of FLL. I know a lot of folks are coming down on January 8th and will probably have a party at the Amerisuites on 17th Street that evening. Unfortunately, we will still be cruising on the 19th when their cruise disembarks, because I know they are having a really big shin-dig at CruzNut's home that night.
Regardless, hope to meet you on board! Be sure to add your cruise to the Cruise Tracker. As you can see from looking at the Cruise Tracker, there are a couple of other folks signed up for this cruise also.
So far on this cruise in my group is myself and my hubby and his mother and grandmother.
If either of you have any questions about the Summit, let me know and I'll try to answer anything I can since I sailed on her last January.