Trip Insurance needed?



Well.... I tried to buy the ins. thru Celebrity, but because I had already paid for the cruise, they said I had to go thru Berkley directly. Berkley told me I needed a supervisor's approval, once that was granted, they quoted me a price that made me want to look elsewhere. Also, they needed me to mail a check ASAP. I ended up looking at to compare rates, etc. I bought the ins. thru CSA, which seemed to be the best coverage and price. Thank you Frank and Barbara for the links, and everyone else for the great advice. I will now enjoy the cruise more since there are less "what ifs" to worry about! Can't wait to get out of this miserable winter weather and onto our veranda to watch the departure from San Juan!!!! Thanks again.

Jim Swedlund

Galaxy 02/04
Constellation 04/03
Century 04/02


That is the only problem with actually buying ins. If you buy from an ins. company for instance Travel Guard , to have them cover pre-existing conditions you usually have to purchase it no later than 14 days after you put down a deposit on your cruise. We get ours through our TA most of the time and you don't have to pay for ins. until final payment and it will cover pre-existing conditions. But that is not what most ins. do. So if you are going to get ins. it is usually (but not always) best to get it as soon as you pay your deposit on the cruise.


Regarding Bank Credit Cards Insurance in Canada.

There is a limit to what they will cover and it's not hard to go over it when flying out of here and including the Price of the cruise.
Health Insurance on the cards generally does not cover Pre-existing problems either
Read the fine print carefully.


Something to keep in mind...many insurances do not cover outside of the country. You might not use medical insurance very often in your personal life, but you still have it. Personally, I'd recommend the insurance. I'd especially recommend CSA as referenced previously.


Forgot to mention previously - since I had already paid in full online to Celebrity, Berkley would not cover trip cancellation. CSA seemed like a much better alternative. The only way I could have gotten the cancellation coverage was if I had purchased it online at the same time as I paid for the cruise ( I don't think anything is said about this on the web site). Getting it thru Berkley after the fact seemed like a much bigger hassle than just getting it later thru CSA. Thanks again!

Jim Swedlund

Galaxy 02/04
Constellation 04/03
Century 04/02


I've sailed on over a dozen cruises and have not purchased insurance on any of them. The chances of an unfortunate event is too slim to cause one to pay hundreds of dollars to prevent it.