Tips For Planning The Perfect Family Cruise Vacation

Planning a cruise vacation for you and your honey is one thing, but planning a cruise ship excursion for the whole family is quite another.  There’s much more to consider when you’re planning for four or more people, especially if you have young children.  

Consider the challenge one for the taking, and do your research before booking your tickets.  Take some time now to read through this brief look at a few helpful tips for planning the perfect family cruise vacation, and start letting the excitement stir today.  

Cruising on a family budget 

If you’re traveling with the whole family, then you’re going to want to talk to a travel agent.  If you’re not on board with an agent, then you should do some extensive research before booking a trip.  

Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and MSC Cruises are known as the best choices for families with kids.  MSC Cruises allows kids younger than 11 to sail for free year-round. A little digging could find you a truly affordable adventure.  

Find out what’s on the menu

If you’re traveling with a baby, the game gets even more complicated.  You have to know what’s to come. You can’t bring enough food for the whole family along for the ride, so it’s wise to understand what your cruise has to offer.  

Some cruise lines provide services for children like baby food and high-quality formula, but it’s good to call ahead to make sure arrangements can be made for your little one’s dietary needs.

Check out activities for the kids

It’s good to make sure your chosen cruise line has a kids club.  The kids club usually offers babysitting services with excellent options for parents looking to get a little time alone.  

There are many cruise lines that don’t offer activities for children under three, so make sure your choice fits the family’s needs before booking your dates. 

Book a cabin with plenty of space

If you’re traveling with a family of four, you don’t want to compromise cabin space to save money.  Cruise ship cabins are small by design. It’s wise to get a full understanding of the space you will have before choosing your placement on the cruise.  

Plan for proper communication

There are some safety standards you and the family will have to observe while on a cruise ship, but general safety is up to you.  You’ll be in the middle of the ocean, so your cell phone is not likely a reliable source.  

However, walkie talkies are extremely useful.  You may also want to consider creating a note system for your older kids, so everyone knows where to be and when to be there.


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John Shallo
John Shallo
John Shallo is the founder and editor of Cruise Addicts. Since 1999 it has been a leading destination for cruise travelers and self professed Cruise Addicts looking for the latest news, ship reviews and travel tips.

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