AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



Hey Kerri- hope you guys are doing well-
Michelle- hope you are having a good training session and finding some neat things to do in spare time-
check in later


Can you help me? Looks like my Mum and Dad are going to try to cruise again - Dad's recovered extremely well which is great.

Their plan is fly to LA and cruise Mexican Riviera for 7 nights, then 4 nights Anaheim, then they will fly to Miami and cruise the Bahamas for 3 nights.

They will then have 2 nights accommodation in Miami - do any of you know the area and are you able to make a suggestion of which area of the beach, etc they should try to book accommodation in. It seems very big having a quick look on the net! Any suggestions of must sees in the 2 days they'll be there?



Hi guys!!! Kerri, wished I could help you out on the Miami deal but I have not been to Miami since I moved from there in 1970!!!! I am actually from Miami but couldn't tell you anything about it now. Kerri, what do you know about the French Polynesian Island? I want to either cruise there next or to Hawaii as I previously mentioned. Looks rather expensive, but it's only money and I am going to only live once. This destination looks like it blows the Caribbean away. The pic's I have seen are unbelievable. Hope all my Hopper friends are doing well. I got to run as my Carpal Tunnel is bothering me today.............check back in later with ya'll. Have a great evening.........Michelle :)


I would say they should check out South Beach- or coconut grove area of miami- have not been to either in a few yrs but they are both unique ( i thought) we stayed at the loew's hotel there after a cruise for 2 nights and it was real nice- upscale- is in south beach- you may want to get more opinions from someone who has been more often or more recently- south beach is a good place to people watch- you can walk around and to other restaurants and shops than what the loew hotel offers if staying a couple days- is kinda on the expensive side- was $10 for a drink 5 yrs ago- had a neat pool area- and is on the beach- can't remember much about coconut grove area other than it was nice? sorry not much help, Kerri- Glad to hear your parents are going cruising and that your dad is doing so well!!!!
hey french polynesia island sounds neat michelle- will have to go on a virtual trip there to see what you are talking about! hope the carpal tunnel gets better soon-


Check out these wonderful pic's of the French Polynesian Islands..............beautfitul and this is a great site this family has put Tahiti once there. Would love to know what you think Tamra...............check back in later. Heading to downtown Dallas today for some site. Yesterday I did Ft. Worth and the Stockyards. Pretty interesting. Michelle:)


WOW- what a nice website - the pic's were super and the islands were so beautiful-- this couple knows how to travel, don't they? i looked at the one you mentioned and now plan to go look at the rest of their trips- did you see that their site had over 24,000 hits? very nice of them to share with the rest of us-
more later


Yes I agree with you Tamra. They have a wonderful site and sure know how to give a very detailed description of their destinations. Doesn't Tahiti look like the place to go!!!! Now, I know it may be twice the price of the Caribbean cruises but I believe it would be worth the money. Flights are pricey too...but.....hey, it's only money!!! Of course Stan say's "Where ever you want to go baby"!!!!! I'm like Delta......ready when you are!!!!! He's soooooo good to me!!!!!! He ain't got a clue as to pricing nor how long we would have to take off from work to go....but with a little bit of talking I think I can do it. Might have to not eat out or anything like that for a year but it's doable. I just returned from my own tour of downtown Dallas. So, I've seen the Stockyards of Ft. Worth and now Dallas. Think I like Ft. Worth better. Well, eveyone have a great evening. Turning in early tonight as I am wore slap out. Check back in with you hopper later!!!!!!!! Michelle :)


Michelle, did you see the cattle drive thru downtown ft. worth? have only heard about it and bet that is a trip- tahiti did look pretty nice- can't ask brad about another vacation just yet - too much other going on for time being- our condo getting finished and on market for one- supposedly is on market but i could not find it in computer so will be emailing about that tomorrow-
school starts here tomorrow- always a sad thing around here to say goodbye to summer- but on other hand football season starts up which is fun too-
more later


Looks like this is getting to be the Michelle and Tamra chat room. Thought I'd break it up by finally posting. What got me was when Michelle said, "Check back in with you Hopper later". We need to chage that to Hopper"s".

We take David to college this coming weekend. Then we won't see him until Thanksgiving.

Nothing going on special here, just getting some projects done around the house. We finally finished the pond we started awhile ago and are very close to having our front yard finally landscaped after living here over 12 years. With 2 acres, I don't think we will ever be finished with landscaping. But that's fine since that is our hobby.



Was wondering when some other Hopper's were going to chime in around here- thought you'd forgotten us- glad to see your post, Rich! Landscaping is such a great hobby to have- getting 2 acres done will take time and planning and $$ but you will eventually get it where you want it and then wonder what the hurry was about- but when its done- then its time to weed it- having trouble keeping up with those here- that stupid bermuda grass is encroaching all the beds in the back and some in front- i am going to have to get on a better round-up and pulling schedule!
Know your sad about taking your son to college this weekend- hate to see them growing up so fast! Brittany turned 16 and is driving now - rode with her to school and brought car home- will go back at 3 ish to let her drive home - will do this until she doesn't make a life endangering mistake- yikes! its not really that bad but you can't be too careful- afterall both the kids in the car , you want them to be safe-
tell Ally hello from mississippi
more later


Tamra, I don't know if I told you about David's one car accident (thankfully he hit a pole which kept his car upright or it would have been a roll-over). Scariest phone call I've had since I got the call my father passed away, which was 18 years ago.

He was speeding and not paying attention (reaching for something in the back seat) when he gradually went into the center medium with his drivers side wheels. He over-corrected and went spinning across the road to the right bar ditch.

OK, now that I've scared you, I'm sure your daughter is going to thank me for her not being able to drive by herself for another 10 years.

We have bermuda grass and determined the best way to get rid of it is to get rid of all the grass on our property. We are going to have a natural, mulched yard with paths that wind around ponds and group plantings. I'll have to e-mail a photo of our front yard/pond area. We've been here 13 years now and are not even 1/2 way done with all our plans. And Ally gets more plans every day after watching HGtv.

I'll go over to e-mail and send a pic.



Rich- I hope your son is okay after his meeting with the pole!!! those teenage drivers do scare the bejeebers out of me- they don't quite understand how serious driving a car can be- i sound extreme but nevertheless- Brittany has been practice driving on and off for 6-8 months- once months ago, she was stopped at the end of our driveway ( we are 800 ft off the road) so i could get out to get the mail- i walked in front of the car and she accidently put on gas instead of breaks for a split second so car lurched in my direction- i about had a stroke right there- now i fear she may do that again and actually run over someone-- she is still making some mistakes that concern me as they are ones that could cause an accident- mostly not looking each way before pulling out of or into someplace etc....... she is hating me right now but i will not get out of the passenger side until i know she can handle morning traffic to school- enough of that scary stuff
your pond looks awesome!!!!! You must really love looking at the new water feature in the front yard- it looks professionally done! hgtv can give many ideas - my m-i-l watches it all the time also-
thanks for the pic- will try to get weeds out so i can send one- we just put in an outdoor fireplace- tore out the firepit so would have more patio room and put fireplace at end of patio- turned out neat- can't wait for cool nights to be able to use it!
more later


OK Rich....I meant the "Hoppers" ! Was just a typo as I have not forgotten anyone. Glad to see you posting. How come I did not get the picture? Or were you just sending it to one Hopper? Hope everyone is havin' a great week...........check back in later.


Michelle- just met a girl last night going to alaska next weekend on radiance of the seas-- she is really excited about it- is your sailing on aug 26th ? princess, right? you will have to let us know how you like princess- heard the food is good- the ships look pretty nice too from what little i have seen
have a great day
have you met anyone going with you on your cruise yet?


Tamra, believe it or not but with many months of trying (since Feb!!) not one bite on our roll call threads. No biggie. We are on the 8-27 sailing on Island Princess. Be rested assure that I will fill you in on everything once we get back. I'm so overwhelmed right now with being here in Dallas and then having to unpack and repack so quickly that I hope I can get everything done! Anyway, I am on my way to my room right now to pack up everything for my flight home tomorrow afternoon. I'll be checkin' back in with ya'll once I get home and settled back in. Buford GA here I come.................:) :) :)



Have a safe flight home-- know you are ready to get there-- your cruise is quickly approaching- lucky you!!!!!
we have 65 days to go!


Hello everyone!!

I am glad to see that our thread is still going. I like keeping in touch. Michelle...we never made it to Georgia!! We have been dealing with Megan and gall bladder attacks and broken ankles. She has had a rough summer. She had surgery Thursday. Hopefully, the attacks will stop. What a way for her to start her freshman year in high school. She has been busy with band. She is in the flag corp. Now she will need to take some time off and recoup from the surgery. Michelle..congrats on the new job. How is training going? Have a blast on your cruise!! I can't wait to hear all about it. How is everyone else doing? Tamra and Cheryl what kinda fun things are you going to do on your cruise? Fill us all in. Let us dream with you.



Jodi- sorry to hear Megan has had such a time this summer- hope she feels better soon. It is great to hear from you guys. How is your job going? Tell Alfio hello from us.
Michelle is probably getting ready to pack- your cruise is like 10-12 days away?
so far, we don't know what we are doing in nassau- get there at like 8 and leave by 2 so not much time -
St Thomas we are think of going to Sapphire Beach and St Maarten we are doing the Rhino Riders- 2 person boat/jet skii type things- group of 12 going on that so far- and then the beach that afternoon- we have all day in st thomas and st maarten- til 6 p.m. but probably have to get back on board by 5:30- getting super excited about the trip- wish you all were joining us-


HI everyone....

I want to go on vacation!!! I want to lay on the beach and drink Foo-foo drinks and do nothing!!! Just my two cents for now!!!!!

Michelle...have a great time!!!

Has anyone ever gone to any of the Sandals Resorts? I need some couple only time!!! My kids are driving me crazy!!!

Tamra...did school already start for you all? We start this Friday. My daughter gets her temps this Jan. She has to drive with those for a year. Then I told her once she gets her permanent license she has to put in 1500 city miles and 1000 highway miles before she can drive alone!! Talk about hating someone!!

How is everyone else doing??



jodi- you will feel safer having her do lots of driving with you in car first- makes it easier to wave as they drive off instead of cringing in fear................yikes.............
we have done sandals in jamaica- 21 yrs ago on our honeymoon- we loved it- vowed to go again every 10 yrs- but since we love to cruise, we have done that instead- everything is good at sandals (or was good then) the food- abundant and delicious and 24/7 - the beach- awesome- acitivities- plenty to do- lazing on the beach, fashion show, dive lessons, volleyball in pool, exercise facility, tennis court?, windsurfing, disco, island excursions are extra i think, and some other water sports that i can't remember- the rooms are nice- getting there was not a problem as we did sandals montego bay near airport but heard negril is very nice and you can go to any sandals on the island and enjoy their amenities for free- is what i heard- we were happy where we were so did not do that- met 3 other honeymoon couples from california that we hung out with entire time and had a blast- wonder how they are now......................lost touch along the way.......................... would be a tough toss up between a week there and a cruise- you never have to get really dressed up at sandals- just fun beachy type clothes are about all you will see- skirts or shorts at dinner formal nights- is a fun time