Big Cats Prowl the Mariner...the Sequel 9/14/08



Good morning all...



Hi Cats! Not much going on here. It's going to be a cold weekend. We are supposed to have subzero windchills. BRRRRR!

So what cruise stuff can we chat about???



Ok - it's going to be 4 degrees tonight. Anyone want to fly in for a quick visit?

And again, I ask, what cruise stuff can we talk about? I need some warm thoughts to warm me up!



Margaritaville? We're there. Ready Regina? What attire should we bring for you? Grass skirt? Coconut bra? Let us know!

It has been warm and humid here. Mom is improving day by day, but not back to baseline. Not sure if she will ever be there again. She requested to go shopping yesterday. She can only manage one store. Girls, you know what "retail therapy" can do for your health. Guys, you know what it can do for your wallet. LoL

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Please continue to remember Mom in your prayers.



Barb, sometimes one store is enough. Just look at my Dillards statement for today and you'll know what I'm talking about. New suit, pants,'d think I've got an important interview coming up or something! Then I came home and ordered shoes off of Zappos - so I know what damage a girl can do. Does your mother know how to internet shop? Of course, she'll be in our prayers. She's a shopper, I don't know her and I care about her! It's a sisterhood.

I know we can find some great drinks in St Martin, just to break up the shopping. I don't know where a Margaritaville is on this itinerary. I know that each year I've enjoyed my margarita at the little hut by the port in St Martin. I need to know more about St John. I am sure we can find something to do there, followed by a little drinkie or five before getting back on the ship.

We'll have to do some research to find a place for Regina to wear the skirt and the coconut bra.

What are you thinking for St Thomas? Are we definitely doing St John?


Good morning all,

Barb, good to see your mom is somewhat improving, I'm certain things will only get better. And one store is more than enough...from a man's perspective that is ;D

Sheree, I seem to recall everyone suggesting St. John...maybe I'm wrong? Anne shares your drink philosophy ;D Does Regina really need a Margarittaville to break out the grass skirt and cocunut bra :D What's the word from the work front?

Great games yesterday; although I was quite surprised to see Eli play as well as he did in the cold weather. We are going to Laughlin for Super Bowl weekend. It'll be nice to get away.


George - you are going to Laughlin for Super Bowl Sunday? Isn't the game going to be practically walking distance from your house? Yes, I think St John is the plan, as long as no one steals our organs for drug money! Does anyone know iif there are any tropical bars on the beach in St John? With it being a park, I didn't know if that was likely or not. On the job front, my interview is on Friday. Wish me well, guys!

Jim, Tommy, Regina.....where are you all at?


You guys come on, I fall off the wagon one time and you will never let me live it down.
I am a changed woman. No grass skirt or coconut bra for me this round. Too much added pounds to do that any more. Plus the fact that I hit the big 50 last year and now it is time to act respectable in my old age.

Finally over the dog sitting and the getting abck in to the swing of things at work after my 2 weeks off at the holidays. I will never do that again. Spent the last 2 weeks just catching up.

Sheree good luck with the interview. Be careful what you ask for..................... A lot of headaches will go with that position you know.

Ok hey to everyone else, there is too much to catch up on.

I dig this new page though I can read it with out my glasses.

Hope you all have a great week ahead. Keep dry and keep warm.



WOW!!!! This page looks cool!!!! Hope everyone is doing good!!! Courtney and I are getting closer to parenthood!!!!



The Super Bowl my as well be a world away with the all the tickets not even available to the general public. All taken by the NFL and corporate sponsors. We will be going to the players party as well as the NFL experience. Both we went to during Super Bowl XXX...lots of fun! It's to bad the Super Bowl doesn't play in the cold weather cities...should be bigger pool to rotate from! In 2000 we went to Laughlin for the Super Bowl and had a great time...hoping for the same. Besides, I have a bet to collect on, made prior to the start of the season. Good luck on the interview. As Regina stated, be careful what you wish for. Not sure if I would have made the leap had I known then what I know now.

Regina, I wasn't aware you ever got on the wagon...just kidding ;D Besides, we wouldn't have you any other way!


What is this the pick on Regina board? remind me again why I agreed to go on another cruise with you all.


Aw Regina, you know we love you! :loveya

Yes,Jim, where are you hiding?

Not much new here - just waiting for my was postponed again from Friday to Monday. It gives me the weekend to freak out some more!

What does everyone want to do in St John? Scuba/Snorkel/Sunsoak/Drink?

As long as I get to shop in St Martin I am happy.



Hi cats!!!

Sheree, good thoughts coming your way....

Dan have you decorated the nursery?

Jim, what's up.

George, tell Anne and Arrielle we send a hello there way.

Regina, someones got to be the scratching post for these kitties, so it's you this week, lol

Barb, I am so glad to hear your mom is progressing....

Have a great day everone...

baby love Jim

Hi All,
I am still here I have just been busy working on VW busses.. kind of in over my head LOL My bus is ready to paint but I need to get it mechanicaly right so after I paint I can drive it...I found out the trans was bad and had to replace it I did that last weekend this weekend I have to replace the rear bearings and Cv jionts put the motor back in and I will be ready to paint.
I did hit the big 50 this past week and I haven`t shaved in about 4 weeks I do look like the old man in the group LOl
I hope all is well with everyone