Barb, sometimes one store is enough. Just look at my Dillards statement for today and you'll know what I'm talking about. New suit, pants,'d think I've got an important interview coming up or something! Then I came home and ordered shoes off of Zappos - so I know what damage a girl can do. Does your mother know how to internet shop? Of course, she'll be in our prayers. She's a shopper, I don't know her and I care about her! It's a sisterhood.
I know we can find some great drinks in St Martin, just to break up the shopping. I don't know where a Margaritaville is on this itinerary. I know that each year I've enjoyed my margarita at the little hut by the port in St Martin. I need to know more about St John. I am sure we can find something to do there, followed by a little drinkie or five before getting back on the ship.
We'll have to do some research to find a place for Regina to wear the skirt and the coconut bra.
What are you thinking for St Thomas? Are we definitely doing St John?