Big Cats Prowl the Mariner...the Sequel 9/14/08



Yep, Jim, anything is better than a pink speedo. Glad your friend is doing well. That's the same thing with Greg's dad - it's amazing how you get your color back when your blood is circulating properly!

Barb - I was going to say that maybe your mom had three other daughters that you didn't know about, me, Anne, and Regina! Tell your mom that there are a few other ladies waiting to shop with her. She shopped in St Martin this year, right?

Greg and I had a nice dinner tonight. This restaurant that we like is called M. Bistro, and it's one of the nicest restaurants on this side of Cleveland. We just love it. The service is wonderful and the presentation of the food is very nice. Greg had their clam bake and I had prime rib, which were the two specials tonight. I also had this great appetizer that was shrimp wrapped in bacon grilled with a little chipotle glaze. Yummy! Of course, we are now stuffed and home watching the Ohio State vs Penn State game.

George - I am glad Anne will have the opportunity to work from home more often. She deserves a shorter commute than you once in a while!

And it's a good thing we're not holding our breath for the organs on ice story!!!! (hint, hint)



Hey all!!! Tommy, we are not gonna find out what the sex of the kid is until he/she enters into the world!!! All we want and wish for is a HEALTHY kid!!!! We have not picked out any names yet, we are still trying to decide!!!


Good Morning Cats,

We are babysitting Joey (18 months) and Mattea all day. Should be a very busy and enjoyable day.

Mom did shop in St. Marten. She was in search of the journey pendant. The prices were not as great as we had hoped. Kohls actually had the best price. She did buy a lot of things from the flea market there. She will fit in with the best shoppers. We will probably have to push her in the wheelchair.

Glad to hear your friend is recovering well. Keep us posted. He remains on my prayer list.



okay I am back from my shopping trips and the organ story is not big deal really.

Barb we are doing chores today. Sorry I am so late getting back to you on that questions. Was not on boards much in the last week.

The organs story............ don't be dissapointed.

we went to St John on the little ferry and we did not have an excurision booked. We were just going to play it by ear.

We got there and there was not much to see in the area where the ferry docked. A few resturants a few shops and a lot of scarey people asking you if you needed a ride. I immeidatley got the creeps.

We ate some lunch at one of the little places and then started to walk around. This black man walked up to us and said do you need a ride to see the island? We said no thanks. He said I have another couple over there who want to go but I need some one else to take. I will give you a discount. (I can not rememeber how much he wanted)

Tom said let us see the other couple, where are they. He took us over to another couple (white) who looked perfectly normal and we spoke to them. We kind of stepped away from the guy a little and they said they did not want to go with him alone. We said okay and went wtih them.

He had a truck with one of those canapies over the back and bench seats built in on the sides so he could take a lot of people at one time. So as we are riding around the lady said the reason she was afraid to go with him was that she had heard alot about when people go out in these third world countries on what they though were to be a tour or in cabs they would go missing and what was happening to them is that the locals were harvesting there organs and selling them. I said what do you mean harvesting their organs? She said that they would drug the people and take them in to a hotel and cut out their kidneys and livers. She said they would wake up in bath tubs filled with ice missing part of their organs.

Okay I guess I am a little gulible. She was a pharmacist so I thought she should be intellegent and if she believed it then so should I.

I was looking at the driver through the back window of the truck and he was drinking from a large screw top liquor type bottle. That made me even more uncomfortable. He stopeed at this area that over looked the island and we got out to take pictures. There was a little building right by where we parked that appeared to be a little bar or resturant. It was not open. We said to bad it was not open as we would like a drink. The driver went over and knocked and a lady answered and he asked her if she would make us a pina colada.

I said no that is okay you are not open and she said it was no problem and she made us a very delicious drink. We took our drinks with us and continued our tour. The drink was very potent. I was getting very buzzed of the one little drink. So the other lady and I started thinking and was saying that maybe she was his accomplice and drugged us and that we were going to wind up in a hotel with missing body parts. I was tipsy and SCARED!!!!!!now. The whole way back I was freaking out about whether I was going to make it back alive or not.

As you all know I did and I was freaked out for nothing. But you know I was just one of the very lucky ones.......

Many people have lost their organs from going in to a strange third world country and trusting the locals. :) :) :) :)

A few weeks after we got home I saw something in a magazine about organ harvesting in third world countries. I was lucky this time so why ever take the change again.


Great story and thanks for sharing. St. John is a USVI. I can understand not trusting people you don't know. Would you go back again? After CnC, I don't think anyone would want my kidneys or organs. LoL


baby love Jim

Hi All,
My friend in the hospital is doing real good, I took his wife up to see him today again. He will be able to go home tomorrow..he won`t be going home he will go into a nursing home and his wife will go with him for a week or two. it is all for the best. His wife is disabled and in a wheel chair, so she can not take care of him and he can`t take care of her right now. they will share a room and be together like they want.
Thanks again for everyones prayers and thoughts. I know I said this before but they are like a mom and dad to me (real special people)
BTW the Bucs lost:(


Jim, that is sooooo cool that you are tking care of your friends like that!!! I am sure they are doing good! My prayers are with you & them as well!!!


Good morning all,

I'm under the weather today and staying in bed for the day.

Regina, interesting story. Unfortunately, your pharmacist friend spends a tad to much time on the internet. This story, along with many variations, has been making the rounds for years. I certainly hope this tale didn't ruin your day or make you reconsider St. John as a place to visit. How was the tour if I may ask? By the sounds of it, you know of a bar that makes a mean pina colada! It would stink if this ladies tale ruined your visit. You certainly did the right thing of traveling in a group and not alone. But then again, wouldn't you do that on any island? While I am know Dr., I'm pretty well versed on the process of organ transplantation. Anne's mom (no longer with us)had a heart transplant in 1993. Over a two year period, I got quiet the education on the procedures involved and I can state with no doubt a transplant like those referenced in the "urban legend" would not be successfully possible in such a "back woods" environment. Here's a link to check out...



Sheree, for a minute I thought the Brown's were going to cost us the 1st pick...