Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 10/13/07 (or Give Me Both!)



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey all! Just to tell Julie, don't feel bad about fainting or almost fainting. I am the same way! I have never fainted or I have never given blood, I HATE needles! I always need to lay down and/or drink water after a shot! I still am confused as to what kind of brain surgery Doris had, wires behind her ears? I really hope she gets better!!!!

Have a good weekend to ALL!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey where are all the Cats? Oh that's right...George and Anne are under a pile of rubble and well Jim has all to do to keep the woman in his life happy :lol That is a full time job :lol Where is Regina and Tommy. Looks like it is up to us Sheree to keep each other entertained :lol

Dan...Doris has DBS Surgery (Deep Brain Stimulation) You could probably look it up online. She is doing good.

Have to run :wave


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Just returning to the boards and a page turner!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

I was almost a page turner!!! I will look for DBS online. It sounds scary! I am GLAD she is doing good!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys - I think I posted a couple of days ago that George asked me to e-mail Lori to find out if we were going to have any problems with all sitting at one table for dinner. Lori assured me that they can accomodate all of us at one table and she'll request a large table for the entire group. She said that if they say that they can't get us all at one, the can usually get us at 2 adjoining smaller tables so that we can all be together. I personally hope the single table works for us so that we can all be in on the same conversation rather than wondering what's going on at the other table!

Has anyone thought about the specialty dining restaurants? I know that Greg and I will want to hit Chops one night, possibly two. I know we get one free through Lori, so that's great. We probably won't want to do Portofino - the menu has not appealed to us as much.

Not much is new here. I worked on cleaning up the house all day since my mom will be coming on Thursday evening. I've got her room all ready, and basically dusted and vacuumed every place else. Poor Greg will have a honey-do list for Thursday while I am at work and he is off. It's going to be a fun weekend with her. She's looking forward to getting away from my dad and my brother!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend...Sheree


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hello?????? Are you guys posting somewhere else???? This is sad......:(


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good evening from my make shift computer station,

Unfotunately it's only temporary, I have to tear it back down thursday night, carpet is going in on Friday. The tile went in over the 3 day weekend (yes, 3 day fav holiday...Ceasar Chavez day :) ). Lowes did an incredible job. I'll send photos when all is done. The one bad thing about new flooring, it brings out how old everything else is on top of it! We bought new living room furniture, kitchen appliances, and big screen tv this past Sunday. We found a pool contractor to redo the kool decking and surronding areas. With the savings on that one, Anne is looking at new bedroom furniture...she's out of control.

Well I have to start to move everything in the bedrooms to the kitchen and living, fun! I am in training classes the rest of the week, but I will try to check back in prior to Thursday.

Sheree, thanks for emailing Lori.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey all! I just had a 3 day weekend! I was off Sunday, Monday & today! I have 4 working days and then Easter! I am off of course and I get paid for it! I don't celebrate it! I hope you all have a good Easter though!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

George - how wonderful for you and Anne - I am sure it's going to look great. And don't blame it on Anne - I have a feeling that she wasn't the one insisting on the big screen TV! We can't wait to see the pictures, and of course, everyone is looking forward to the 2008 Big Cats cruise to Arizona and the all day passes to your big pool.

I'm looking forward to my 4 day weekend this weekend and hanging out with my mom. Just 2 more work days and it's here, Thank God.

What's going on in Florida? Internet connections must be down there? =huh




Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey guys, sorry we have not written much it has been a bit hectic around here preparing for the upcoming Fiesta in the Park and sending out our first newsletter and planning the Mother/Daughter Tea.

George, you will have a completely new house when all this is done, how fab, new furniture and pool decking, who will need a cruise you can vacation right at home!!!!lol

Sheree, it is nice your mom is coming alone for girl time...I am sure you are going to be shopping shopping shopping!! What we love most.

i have been cleaning out my closets and am getting rid of 38 pairs of shoes, can you believe this???lol Most of them are brand new maybe worn twice, Julie said I need to stop buying shoes based on how beautiful they are and start buying shoes I can actually wear...lmao It is so hard, I buy them and wear them once and realize how uncomfortable they are, so they become the cruise shoes I can wear only to dinner or the show!!

We are actually once again in the process of moving. I feel like I am a gyspy with all these moves. However, we are going to buildout my sister's garage to a studio apartment and downsize considerably. It is going to be a huge challenge but I think we can do it and if we want to keep going in our business we need to make some changes. Living at my sisters will afford us the opportunity to pay considerably less than we do owning a home and Julie won't have to work two jobs unless she chooses too. We are gaining a pool which for me is a huge plus, I will do most of my living now outdoors.

Most of you don't know that I cam a collector of lots and lots of stuff so parting with 2/3 of your stuff is a cleansing that I actually feel good about. i thought it would be much harder for me to part with things but actually i feel pounds lighter, now only if that would resonate with my body I would

We do have an offer for the house from our neighbor, so we ask for your prayers that everything go smoothly and we face no obstacles along the way.

We will keep updated on the progress, we are not sure when the move will take place since we are in the permitting process for putting up the wall to replce the garage door.

Nothing else exciting going on, did anyone read about the Carnival's plans to re-do the pools on the inspiration? Dee read an article to me that sounds fabulous, the only downside to a carnival ship is the pool so once this is updated I will be a happy camper, I love the decor on a carnival ship more because of course I love over the top!!!! But you all already know that!!

Have a fab day!!!!!!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Sheree, I saw your post about a free Chop Chop's through Lori, did you guys book through another group or is this part of your perks for the big cats only???


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey, it is getting closer to Easter!!!! Have you hid the Easter eggs yet??? J/K!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi gang!

Cris - we do have a free dinner at Chops courtesy of Lori, isn't that great? She has really taken care of us for this cruise. I know what you mean about the cleansing feeling when you get rid of a lot of that extra stuff. Every time I take big bags of clothes to the Salvation Army I think about that - it feels good to have cleaner closets and also to think that someone can use your stuff who might need it a heck of a lot more than you do. I don't think I mentioned on here that I did a bunch of shredding this weekend. I never knew how much I was holding on to, and next thing you know I have 5 huge bags of shredded paper out at the curb for garbage day! I hope things go well with the selling of the house and the move.

George - how's the house coming along?

I am looking forward to my last day of work before the long weekend. When I come home from work my mom will be here, which is going to be great. The only thing that stinks is that it's snowy and cold. On Tuesday we set a record high of 82 - then when my mom gets here, it's snowy and in the 30's for the next few days. Yuck!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

We're slipping down the page, Cats!

My mom is here visiting. Yesterday we went to a casino about 2 hours away in West Virginia. It kind of stunk - we should've gone up to Canada instead! One of my friends at work said that it was a good casino, but quite frankly I don't know what she was thinking by saying that! Not only did we lose all of our allowance, but it was dark inside, not a lot of people were there, and also they didn't even have a good buffet. What kind of casino doesn't have a buffet??? We ate at some cafeteria. But we had a good time talking in the car and losing our money together! Today we are going shopping. Tomorrow Greg works and we'll go out and find some trouble to get into depending on what stores are open for Easter.

Hope everyone has a great Easter - Sheree


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

I forgot one thing....did any of you see clips of the Indians home opener and think of me? We were laughing because we're less than 20 miles from the stadium and while they were getting snow squalls and they couldn't keep the field clear to play ball, we didn't have more than flurries. Well, the joke is on us this morning. I woke up to a snow plow going by around 5AM, and there is a whole bunch of snow in our yard right now. The storms must've shifted off of Lake Erie overnight. Hello, it's EASTER! It's supposed to be SPRING! I am getting tired of these weather swings, can you tell???

OK. I am done now. Sheree


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Sheree, sorry to hear that the casino STOLE your $$$$!!!! What do you play, tables or slots? I wish Courtney was a fan of casinos! I am! She thinks it is a waste of $$$! I agree EXCEPT when I WIN!!!!!

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!! =docdance :)o


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Well Dan, it was a waste of money on Friday! I usually play slots and blackjack, depending on where we are at. I love blackjack on the cruisehips and tend not to play slots as much. When we are in Las Vegas, I'll play more slots unless I can find a low limit table for blackjack.

Happy Easter everyone. Greg's working it at the Firestation. My mom and I are trying to figure out what stores are open so we can go out shopping and then we're going to go to Cracker Barrel for our Easter dinner since it's just us.

Tomorrow is my birthday and we're headed to Bahama Breeze for lunch after going to the Princess Diana exhibit. I don't know which one I am looking forward to more!


baby love Jim

Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Happy Easter everyone,
All is good here .I have been working on the VW van..all the lights work now. I am doing the breaks now so it should be good to go soon,
I hopw everyone has a nice easter


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Sheree, Happy Easter and Happy Birthday!!! Courtney and I can't decide if we want to go to Las Vegas or New York next year! We are probably going to either place in April,2008. For Today since we don't celebrate Easter, we can't decide what to do!!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
