Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
I was thinking about this the other day after talking with Tommy....he's the one who brought this up though. Tommy said "isn't it funny that we're all government employees of some type?" We both agreed that it was pretty funny that all the guys are. Then when I got home, I was thinking about how we are all "planners." We all have to have our cruise booked a year in advance, our hotel booked months in advance, and our airfare booked months in advance (where applicable.) We all like a good bargain, but we like quality. Getting a good deal is part of the fun of vacationing for all of us. All of the women are shoppers (with one being a professional.) We do have a lot of things in common, when you think about it.
Ok, enough of being insightful this early in the morning. I just think it's funny that we do have common threads with all of us.
Now when do we start discussing what we want to do on this ship, and in the ports?
And Orlando girls, just because you are not booked to go with us, that's not an excuse not to post! Let us know what is going on with you all!
Ok, off to work. It's the first day of Spring. Yippee!! Sheree