Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 10/13/07 (or Give Me Both!)



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey all!!!! My cold is GONE!!!! I was off work Sunday(Mother's Day) We had 12 people here at our house! We had a nice lunch! I was off Monday as well! I am not off again until Sunday! All is good here! I am STILL jealous of you going on a cruise without us!!!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

PAGE TURNER!!!! I got it again!!!!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

I am here at the store getting ready to sit down for lunch and thought let me check on the boards. Cris is home baking lasagna. I thought...I have some catching up to do. NOT!!! Where are all the cats? Sheree...where are you?

First week at the new job is done....alot of work and information. Needless to say I am learning so much about how all this works. Doris is doing good, she says hi.

I'll check in tomorrow :wave


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi1 I am here! Just not a lot going on. I went over a friends house earlier and a bunch of us girls socialized and made stuffed cabbage. But I really didn't participate in the stuffed cabbage making - I can't stand it - but I was there while my 4 frends made that and I just talked and ate crackers and dip! This is the same group that got together and made sauce one day so that we had enough to bring home for about 4 meals a piece. We decided that next time we are not making a big amount of food - it's too hard in the summer - so we are having a fondue party. In September, after the cruise, we'll be making sauce again. It's a fun group to get together with.

Looking forward to a 4 day workweek, then a long Memorial Day weekend. Then the next weekend is our anniversary on Friday followed by Las Vegas that Sunday.

That's about it here.....Sheree


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good morning all,

Is it me or has traffic really died down on this site...any thoughts? As much as I hate to state this, the other site seems far more lively. Maybe we should consider two threads? Obviously this would increase traffic, enthusiasm, postings...thoughts?

Pool was finished on friday...or at least somewhat finished! Now that I had a chance to closely look at the work from inside the pool, there are many imperfections glaring that are in need of correction.

We will be packing for the cruise today. I don't anticipate having any time in the upcoming week. It's pretty sad we haven't had any time leading up to the cruise to research/enjoy the time leading up to it. Work and renovations have kept us swamped. Hopefully things will simmer down in the upcoming months leading up to the Liberty.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

What is the other site that George is talking about?


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys - is anyone (of us) posting at the other site? Or are we just too busy with other stuff right now?



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi Sheree...not posting anywhere but here. Did we tell you all that Yogini is getting married!!! Yes she has met a wonderful man at church and they are getting married in Sept. I just booked her honeymoon cruise. I am so excited for her. Cris, me and our friend Eve are planning her shower. Aren't weddings exciting :couple

Hope everyone has been good. Be back to chat soon...I must get to work. Today is my long day so I will check back tomorrow. :wave

George, Anne & Arrielle...have a wonderful time on your cruise!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys! Dee - I got an e-mail from Yogini with a picture of the proposal strawberries. :) It's great that she found someone wonderful.

George, Anne and Arrielle, Bon Voyage!

Hope everyone else is doing well. Tommy? Regina? Jim? Where are you guys?

Remember my threat about posting conversations with my cats if you guys don't give me something to read every few days!

Anyone have any interesting Memorial Day plans?



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Proposal strawberries??? How cool!!!! Is there a picture I can see? Did I ever say how I proposed to Courtney??


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi Cats!!!

I am here at the store, Dee is at her cruise job, I just finished making myself the most fabulous purse with hot pink and lime tye dye fabirc, she is just fabulous!!!!! I have been carrying around this giant polka dot bag we had on the floor becasue my sister stole the last bag I had right off my

Sheree, what other site is everyone talking about???? You know I am in the dark.

Dan, i do not believe you told us how you proposed. Yogini's fiance had strawberries decorated like a tuxedo and a bridal veil and had them write in chocolate Will you marry me....They were at a really nice park here in Orlando....It was very romantic and sweet. i do not have the photo saved to show you , maybe Sheree does.

I have been spending my monday's by my sister's pool, I am starting to get a wonderful tan. We are going to hang by the pool for memorial day,no cooking probably pick up subs and chill out.

Still no progress on the permit for the garage renovations just aggrivation I am sorry to say. Hopefully all will work out in the next 30 to 60 days.

Anne, George and Arrielle must be thrilled, their cruise is coming quick....

My sister is on the inspiration this week, i am cat sitting. She swam with the stingrays in grand Cayman yesterday and today she is in Cozumel at a beach break. Very jealous I

Nothing else going on. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hey all checking in busy here I was away last weekend in Daytona. This weekend we are going it is not a typo I said we. My jeepclub is having a campout in Georgia. Regina was considering a manacue and pedacure before we went but changed her mind.

I have posted on the other site they are way active if you miss a day you have three pages to ketch up on.

After this weekend things will be back to normal.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Have fun on the cruise!!!!!


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys!

I am on my first day off for the long weekend. It's "household duties that I've been trying to avoid" day. So far I've worked on the Utility Room, pulled a few things together for Goodwill, and I have my first set of curtains in the washer. I can't even think of when I last washed the curtains....

Tommy - I would've thought that Regina is about as likely to go camping as I am. I can't stay anywhere that doesn't have an electrical outlet for my blowdryer. Is it that kind of camping, where you have, say, a cabin, a private shower, electricity, perhaps some light spa services....? That I might be able to rough it and handle. Anything less, and Greg could go on his own!

I've looked on the other boards - in the old neighborhood - and I feel like they already have their own thing going. I've got to tell you, I might pop in there and say hi this weekend, but I really love it here. I wish that everyone was posting more, but I like having our little group here. I just think we need to be more active in our posts (hint, hint!)

Oh - I am sorry that I didn't keep the e-mail with the picture of the strawberries. They were really cool.

Cris, I could dangerous if I was there with all of your fabric - I'd be using up all the profits by making myself one of everything. Just this last weekend I was thinking "I don't have a red purse - maybe I need to get in touch with Cris or Dee...." It's a good thing I don't live in Orlando!

Jim - are you still out there? Check in and give us an update on the family!

And Vee, don't be afraid to get back into the conversations with the Big Cats. I am glad you are going with us this year!

I'll check in later....please give me something to read!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys! I am beat. I am done with the curtains, and then decided I should wash all the windows, so I did that too. Then I washed all the throw rugs and put then outside to dry - which is something that I never have time to do. Also scrubbed, and I mean scrubbed, the bathroom. Also I took Murphy's Oil Soap to all the kitchen cabinets, and they look great. So at about 2PM I went out on the aft deck and soacked up a little sunshine, and now I thought I'd check in to read all the posts that might've occurred during the day today, but NO! :(

Greg just ran up to the hardwaare store and I am going to make Sloppy Joe's for dinner, Tomorrow, I am going shopping. I think I've worked hard enough today to deserve a shopping day. After all, it's been a long 2 weeks since I've shopped. I deserve it!

Hope you are all having a great Friday, and you haven't posted because you can't think of anything to post about that is exciting as my tales of house cleaning. Sure :) that's it!

Ok - hope George and Anne are getting packed and getting excited about their little getaway. And I hope when you guys get back you'll be getting into the swing of things and start posting a little more.


baby love Jim

Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi All,
O Girls please tell Yogini we all say congrats I hope she is happy now :)
I have been way busy spring cleaning. my house insurance co ALLSTATE sent a letter cancling my house insurance :( I am still coverd till oct22..but noticed big cracks in my floor I have tarazzo(sp) so I put in a claim .I have never had a claim before but for a company to just drop you because they had to many clames in florida in the past few years is just wrong. The Insurance co came out and took pics and is sending a geotech on wednesday to check it out. I did get insurance from another co, with better coverage and it was $150 more than I was paying but that is not bad I had friends that had to pay 1000`s more for there ins.Ok enough about that.
Sara through out her boy friend she got a job at the mall card shop and made assistant manager alerady with all the benifits she seems alot happer now :) Calum is getting big and is getting into everything. Bub is working for a new construction co. and he loves it. Bobbie is living with her boy friend and so far so good.

George and Anne I hope you have a good trip I just wish it was me cruising :)

you asked for pics of the roses I had to wait fro them to bloom so here is the link to my gardening skills (it keeps me out of trouble LOL)
I hope this works
Everyone keep well and i will try to post more


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Jim, They look beautiful I lvoe th pineapple...I love to garden, it brings a smile to your face when you drive up and see a beautiful lawn and garden. I am glad to hear Sara is doing well and Calum is getting big, post some photos for us.

Sheree, spriong cleaning feels so refreshing....Not much happening down here, we have two parties scheduled for today a kids party at 4pm and an adult at 6:00 so we are excited about that. We plan on giving Molly and Max a bath after church tomorrow and spending some outdoor time cleaning and washing the cars. Monday Dee and Doris are coming to my sisters to hang by the pool. I am looking forward to a day of relaxation and sun and of course a few fun

My sister just got back today from the Inspiration, she went to Cozumel and had a beach break and She fell in love with the Stingrays in Grand Cayman. She is not a ship person as she is not fond of sea days, Dee and I think she is insane of course because we live for Sea days.....I am sure if she was with the big cats she would think diferently. We are excited to see her photos.

Thats it for now kids....Happy Shopping Sheree!!!

George and Anne have a fabulous cruise.



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Hi guys - I survived shopping. (It's a somewhat regular workout for me, so that shouldn't be much of a surprise!)

What is funny is that we are having a 4 week challenge at the hospital, where many of us are wearing pedometers. Well, Sometimes I think I am not as active on the weekends as I am during the week. I guess I am wrong! Today, by 4PM, I had logged over 8000 steps for the day. I am still wearing it as I continue to do my normal weekly cleaning around the house, so I bet I'll top 10,000 steps. It's pretty funny to watch how many steps you take in a regular day and chart it. I am looking forward to wearing the pedometer in Vegas to see how much I walk then.

Jim - the flowers look great. I haven't planted any yet. I wanted to do that this weekend, but I haven't gotten to it yet, so hopefully I can do it sometime tomorrow. Flowers are expensive here this year.

Cris - hope you guys have a great day by the pool. We are going to be at Greg's parents' for a party on Monday so we're hoping the weather is nice. It was rainy and gray today. I am hoping Monday will be nice for their party. And Cris, who doesn't like sea days? Are you sure she's your sister?? :) I've often said that I'd love a 7 day cruise with no port days - as long as there is a jewelry store on board! Oh - when I was shopping today I was looking for a small blender to take on the cruise. I had read reviews about one on-line and now I can't remember if it was a Rival or a Proctor Silex, but it's under $20 and gets better reviews than the Magic Bullet which is usually about $50. I am hoping to find a nice cheap small blender to make margaritas in the cabin.....but it's got to be small and also be decent at crushing ice. I guess I have a few months to get that off my shopping list!

Ok - back to cleaning. Greg's at the station. I didn't do anything before leaving today so I am doing my normal housekeeping here at 7PM Saturday night. Wow, I lead an exciting life!



Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

Good morning all,

It's 3:30 am and we are headed out the door. We will check in when we get back.


Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)

One last thing...