Hi, I'm back!
Kathy- I think everyone should get the flu shot...I just told Scott to take the 8 month old and have her first half...if you are under 8 yrs old you have to take it in 2 shots spaced 1 mo apart...the way they make the shots now, it is very rare to get sick...if you do, chances are it wasn't from the shot...best time to get it is the beginning to mid Nov...takes 2 weeks for antibodies to build up...
Okay, it takes approx. 10-11 hrs. per mapquest, to drive to FLL- here's the plan:
I will work until 2 pm on Fri., 10/9, and Lee will pick me up with car packed-- we have to stop every 2 hrs. for Lee to get out and walk some so it will take us quite a bit longer..we are going to shoot for somewhere between Jacksonville and Daytona Beach to stop for the night...stay somewhere cheap..Sat. we will sleep til whenever then get back on the road..... should pull in around lunch time...hope our room will be ready early! The older I get, the more I hate long drives!
Yeah, a real day off!!!