Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007



[quote PH8]

Back to decorating.........deck the halls and all that stuff....haha[/quote]

Need to make a start, but have not been out of the house. Maybe tomorrow.


Morning Guys,

Another cold one here. I hate this weather having become so used to the warmer weather. I must be crazy to be crossing the "pond" to something similar. I will be taking my big coat with me even though it's a pain to carry.

Have you all started your Christmas shopping? I know Kathy has. I am hoping we will be able to go out and get a tree today. Problem is that with Alan heading to India and me to the UK we will not be back till about December 12, and by then all the best trees are gone. So it's a case of do we get one now, or wait?

When do you all get your trees? Or maybe you already have!


Hi, Kate- we will probably get our tree the first week of December- we start shopping at the beginning of the year, so we already have quite a bit for the grandkids...we have talked about decorating, but that's all...just talk!

How long will you and Alan be gone? Is Alistair okay after his accident?


We have a fake tree so its already up,since I'll be incompassitated(?) for a couple of weeks,might as well do it now...........the rest of the house is done except for the outside.........not my department!! Dennis is cutting the grass now or else he would be working on that....

As far as shopping,we have it easy.......with no one at home,its gift cards........and we told them all,just give us RCCL ones......


Hi Martha, yes, Alistair is fine. Thank goodness no injuries. But his vehicle was going to cost more to repair than we paid for it, so we have had to get him another one. He has to be able to get to school especially while we are gone.

You are smart to have started your shopping early. Not that we have a lot to get as their Christmas present this year is the trip to Cancun. But I do need to do cards and a gift for under the tree.
I am gone till December 10 and Alan till December 11 so you can see time is not on our side as Al's girlfriend arrives from the UK on the 13 and we go to Mexico on the 18. :help

When am I going to have time to bake.???? Maybe I will forget it this year. ::eek: Just need to get my strength back and get into gear....


Sounds like he had a pretty bad accident,Kate.....what kind of car are you getting him???? BTW-hope you're feeling better......

Morning to the rest...........its a beautiful summer like day today..........going up to the mid 80s.........already have all the windows open........even had to turn on the a/c some last was so humid and the tile gets all clammy when it is.......


Morning Kathy,

He ran into a neighbors car parked up the street as he was bending down to pick something up. It was late at night and he didn't see it. We got him another Saturn, and we are hoping to get some money back on the wrecked one which was also a Saturn.

Wish we could also have a return to the better weather it has been horrible here. I had the heating on yesterday as well as the fire.

Will Dennis see the Jewel at all today. I guess he is too busy for sight seeing. =COOL


I just called Dennis to tell him........he said hes gonna tke his seapass and try to get back on......haha......unfortunately,he doesnt have time for sightseeing and he wont be near the pier......

So how bad was the neighbors car???


Kate- glad to hear Alistair is okay, but I know that it must be frustrating to add all that to this busy time of year! Your weather sure has been strange this year! You better take care of yourself; it sounds as if you will be travelling off and on thru the end of the year.

Kathy- when will you be incapacitated?

I wish we could all take our seapass cards and get back on the Jewel!

I am really upset, and I know I just have to get over it, but RCI has changed our Hawaii itinerary twice within the last 6 mos. and yesterday, removed our second day in Maui!(td) I know in my mind, they can change the itinerary any time they want, but in my heart I am extremely disappointed! I should have figured nothing is that perfect!


That sucks Martha.........2 days in maui would have been great,I bet.....what do you get instead??

I'm having surgery dec in till the 12th....then recouping for several weeks later.....having the big more kids for me........haha


Here's the kicker- we get 12 hrs in Hilo!!X(

Will Dennis be home to help you out after discharge?


He'll have to go to fact, he'll have to work on Tuesday(while Im still in the hospital).but thats ok cuz I would stress out more knowing we werent getting a inlaws live 5 miles from here.........they offered to come over....but i rather be alone....not that I dont like them,it would just feel like I was having company and have to entertain..........they will come over,if I need them too...

Im sure I'll be fine.........I live in a one story house.....not like I have to climb stairs or anything.......sometimes when one doesnt feel well,one rather be alone.......I know I would....


I know, but maybe the in-laws can bring over food for you???? I know you won't feel like cooking!


Oh heck..........I NEVER feel like cooking,so thats not new.....haha

Told dennis I need to get some pints of wonton soup and freeze them.....



I think the soup is a good idea. You will need something easy to heat and quick. Main thing will be to rest......

I just wonder what would happen if you did try to re board the Jewel with an old sea pass card. I know will think when we disembark it cancels, but I just wonder..................

Martha, sorry they changed the itinerary on your Hawaii cruise. Is there another you can switch to that would cover the places you want to see?

Latest saga on the DS is that he locked himself out of the new car last night and I had to get a locksmith out this morning to open it up. X(


Boy,you're really being tested as a Mom,arent you,kate?? Hope you all have AAA.........hehe.....

I set Dennis up with my email so he can write you all (in one email) how I am doing......he really doesnt understand why he has to do that...MEN!!! So hopefully,you'll all hear........if not,you can call me,if you want.....Im sure I'll have the cell phone on in the hospital.........

My concern is if I share I room, will my roomie like all my reality shows?? hahahah


Think Ginger did not have a good time?? I know Kate also read her comments..........and who did she tell on the JW how we all ignored her all week?? I may be guilty cuz I had a hard time remembering names and faces.............


Boy Kathy, you have been all over the boards today. Ginger told Cindy that she did not have a good time. I don't know why. I never saw her again after sailaway so we hardly ignored her.

There are lot of complaints about the Jewel today. I must say she was not the wow factor we experienced on the Baltic cruise, but we still had a good time. Apart from the Seaview cafe.........

I have been very tested with this child for quite a few years. He is 24 but still continues to make stupid decisions.

Feeling a little brighter today. I keep sitting down to read my book and fall asleep. I have so much to do but I am having to let it go, and just get some energy back for the journey.

Who's going to win tonight.......I think it will be Mel, but I wish it would be Helio.