Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007




There are many frames that go to 150 temple length. He obviously got one that didn't but is up to the Optician to check that they fit him properly in the first place. So they have some responsibility for it. I believe that Opticians have to be registered in the State of Florida, so you might ask them if they have licensed staff who know what they are doing.( In a nice way, no need to put their backs up unless they will not help you)

If they are not able to supply that frame in a 150 temple , tell them you want to be able to choose another and have them remake the lenses under the manufacturers warranty. It should be possible as we would do that.I am going to go back to the Jewel boards and take a closer look at Dennis's face and see what I think might be a good shape/style.

Of course you are right about going to Sears /Walmart/ Sams / Or any of the eyeglass places, but never mind you don't want to lose good cruising money.:p


We did tell them we prefer 150 but they dont have any....

As for me,I go to a REAL eye doctor.........he just didnt want to spend the money on himself........but doesnt mind for me...


Yeah , but its a false economy usually, because you get inferior frames and lenses.We would have told him they were not a good fit and that he would not be happy with them. That is part of their job! If we accidentally fit someone and it doesn't work out for some reason, even if they just change their minds we will automatically remake their glasses to keep the patient happy. That is the difference in an Independent office.
Sorry sounds like I am preaching. Anyway I will see what we can find out to help when he gets home. At least he has his priorities right as far as you are concerned. :D


Good morning..

Off for a haircut and highlights........Will feel so good when Im done......I hope..........first time getting highlights at a new place.....

Anyway, work for you today Kate???

Hi to Cindy:wave and Martha :waveif they stop by!


Hope the haircut and highlights worked out well. I did work today. Just got home and I need a cuppa.



Yup, I am very pleased with my hair.........who knew JC Penneys had good stylists??

Cuppa?? what?? soup,coffee,??

Never mind...had to look that one up......... Tea?


Guess you could say I like my cuppa too........I have tea every morning.......but I have special tea....cinammon tea from Harney and I think cinammon is good for you....

Just how does a Brit like their tea??? cream,sugar,lemon?? I just put Splenda in mine......dont think thats very British..=huh


Cinnamon is very good for you. it lowers blood sugar. Alan puts drops in just about everything he eats and drinks.

We drink a blend of English Breakfast tea that we bring back from the UK. We always have a half a suitcase full of tea. We like to drink it very strong with a very small amount of milk (not cream) sometimes we will drink it with lemon, but mainly the other.

The majority of Brits like to drink it with sugar and milk. Most of them put a lot more milk in than we do.

First thing we do in the morning is to put the kettle on. It has to be fresh boiling water.

It's time to put the kettle on.:)


Ok, well, Im doing that part right...........I also put a kettle on........never, ever microwave it,like I know some people do..

I used to be a coffee drinker,but had to have my French Vanilla Coffeemate in it.......when i decided I needed to lose a few pounds and cut back(I decide that several times a year,but never stick to it:p)<i knew I liked tea without anything in it but I switched over..

Its been almost a year since I made myself coffee at home.....I will occasionally drink it(after dinner on the ships) or I'll get something at Starbucks.....


Morning Kathy, Dennis get back yet?

You are right about not putting tea in the microwave. It makes me cringe when I see people do that. Freshly boiling water. Heat the teapot and after you put in required amount of tea let it infuse for several minutes. Ahhh, nothing like a nice cuppa.(tu)

We do not drink much coffee either. Maybe after dinner out we will have an espresso. At Starbucks I like the cappochino with an extra shot, but that is very occasionally. I also like the iced one, but I have forgotten what it's called.

It's a nice morning here, maybe we will be able to get in the pool today. We have had thunderstorms almost daily for the last few months. Very strange weather. I have never seen it like this in 30 years here.

Not long till you cruise now.:)


Hi, y'all!
forgot totally about this thread, sorry!!:S I will try to do better!!
Ok- just read thru everything....
in Key West, I think we will just walk around...did trolley last time...
in Belize, I think we are doing the Smuggler's Run plantation .... something different and I think, it will be fun! in Cozumel, we have the cooking first, I didn't want to go, but now I think we'll enjoy it...nothing planned in Costa Maya...we'll wing it..

Can't wait to see everyone, it's been so long...we will have to plan another get together sooner rather than later!!



Hi Martha, welcome back. You will love the Mexican cooking class. My former cruising buddy chefpeg did it with her DH and she was a prof chef. She said it was excellent and was very impressed with the quality of the chef and general layout. She said it was the most fun thing she had done.

Kathy, wondered where you had gone today. How was SeaWorld? We have one in Texas, but it's been a long time a since we went there.

We managed to actually get in the pool today without a thunderstorm to disturb us. I did some water aerobics so hopefully I will sleep well tonight.
How did the haircut and highlights go? Were you happy with them. I need to go, but am waiting for another two weeks to let my hair get a bit longer, so she will have more to work with, than I will get some highlights before we cruise.

I am off to bed as I promised to go in early tomorrow. Nite girls.:angel



HIYA Martha......glad you remembered we were still here..The cooking class will be alot of fun..just you wait and see.........

Kate----SeaWorld was a lot of fun....had been in AGES!!Even though it was pretty warm....we stayed from 9am till about 4......gonna go back the next time for the night time stuff.....

For the record,I seep my tea for 5 mins.....I learned that from working at Barnes and Noble, when I had to work in the Starbucks part of the store for a week....

I really like my hair.......she did a great job,IMHO>...


Hi, y'all:
Kathy- glad to hear you got such a good cut and highlights!! It's awful to come home and hate your hair and know you can't do anything to fix it! Wish I had a hairdresser live with me!!

Have never been to SeaWorld, but that's where the kids went on vacation.. Now Ashley talks about Shamu all the time...

Kate- you are doing an awful lot of working for being part time.... take care and how is Alan doing? Health okay now?

You both are going cruising soon...won't have anyone to talk to while you're gone!:eek:



Hi Kathy, got your pics.I have sent it to myself and will see if we cam at least identify the brand. The measurements read 50 eyesize 20 bridge size and 145 temple length. You mentioned that he might need a 150 temple, and if it does not come in that frame it looked to me that someone who knows how to adjust glasses correctly might be able to get another 5mm out of them to the bend. It's difficult to be certain though without actually seeing them, but it does look like the bend is quite long.

Failing all that you could always take them back and ask to speak to the manager and have them rectify it. As I say they should be able to remake the lenses under warranty, so maybe they can find another frame that fits him..

Got to go get supper before Hell's Kitchen Finale is on.




Martha.....dont you worry.....I'll only be gone Aug 23rd-27th......Kate leaves after that,so you wont be alone....I'll be here posting and I'll be looking for you...

Kate---its to the point Dennis will just keep these cause they dont know squat....I dont think there is a manager at the eye center...only the doctor and the two opticians....and we have dealt with all of lesson learned.....

So who do you think will win HKs?? I think it should be Rock......Bonnie is still a little wet behind the eyes,if you ask me....

Off to Tampa today to help my daughter move some stuff into a storage center.......after Thursday,she will be inbetween apartments(for 7 days) and has to store some stuff while she stays with her dad.......

Later all......


Morning everyone! I've officially started my one day off this week and it certainly feels good! Anyone got any suggestions on how to get my cat to be nice to my nieces's cat that will be staying here with us while Liz is in school???? I've come home every day for the past week expecting to find cats' tails, ears and eyeballs ripped out and scattered all over my blue carpet! Eeeeeek!

Kathy - would you please help my poor memory out and remind me (and perhaps the others on the CC board too) of when our final payment is due? I know we must be getting close and I'll need to transfer money into my checking account to make the payment...

Gotta go...darned cats are at it again!